Civil War Reenacting


New Member
This message is to JP... I am asking you to PLEASE STOP HARASSING ME AND MY FAMILY!! You do not know me and clearly you are assuming things that are not true. She is NOT dressing as a soldier and if she did SO WHAT!!! You can not ignore the the past like it never happened. IFyou do not teach what has happened in the past and talk about the mistakes that took place and try to live and learn from your mistakes you can succeed. If not everyone WILL END UP LIKE YOU AND THAT IS SCARY!!! People that are so close minded like you make the world a sad place. I am raising my daughter to be completely open minded, love everyone no matter what their past may be. You do not know me or how I was raised. Like I said before I am a mlitary wife and family WHO LOVES OUR COUNTRY VERY MUCH AND I AM SO PROUD OF THOSE WHO SERVE AND HAVE SACRIFICED THEMSELVES FOR US! You should be too but I see you are not. I assume you are one of those people that do not honor our flag or soldiers when asked. That makes me sad and embarassed. Do you stand when you see our flag or hear our National Athem? When you hear that or see that flag if it was not for our fore fathers before us where would we be today? Ponder that! AGAIN- PLEASE DO NOT POST ON THIS THREAD AGAIN AND HARASS ME!


aka Mrs. Giant
JP is an arse and from this point forward I will ignore him, because he is not worth my time and energy to respond to.

You can't let this loser upset you. Unfortunately, all public forums have "trolls". :huggy: Ignoring him is the best thing for your personal happiness. He doesn't know you IRL, and trust me, you wouldn't want to know him IRL. Responding to him is feeding the troll, and is exactly what he wants. Don't give it to him. And don't let him ruin this forum for you.


New Member
Hello I'm a member of the 20th Maine co E and there will be a bunch of us down at FT. Lincoln at Pt. Lookout this saturday doing our annual black powder certification, you and your family are more than welcome to stop by for a visit, goes for all forum members to.


New Member
I wish I could but my daughter is making her 1st communion this weekend and we will have family down and our weekend is packed already but keep me posted on what you guys having on and we would love to visit!


Methodically disorganized
Kountza, please don't take JP's words seriously. He is delusional and a joke to everyone on the forums. You can receive some good advice from most folks.

Something helpful when posting is using the "Reply w/ Quote" feature (in the bottom right of each post), so it's clear to whom you are responding. Typical form is to type below the one you are quoting. You can also quote multiple posts by clicking the quote ( " ) symbol then "Reply w/ Quote" on the last one. For fun, you can edit someone's post, like so:
I make about as much sense as a bicycle with square wheels.

I enjoy watching reenactments, so I hope you and your daughter hook up with a good group and have fun. :cheers:


Lawful neutral
I've always wondered in a Civil war reenactment do you get typecast if you’re black?
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New Member
There are a couple of USCT groups in the Maryland and Virgina areas and the local Sons of Union Vetrens camp is named after Sgt. James H. Harris who was one of two of St.Marys counties colored troops who won the Medal of Honor.

Homer J

Power Chord
I would hope that you visit a suttler to get the right kind of fabric.

(pattern & weave)...if you want to be authentic,...make sure both elements fit the era. Reenactors spent countless hours around the fire telling tales of newbies who show up with polyester & velcro plus foil buckles...& safety pins.

machine stitch the hidden seams,....hand stitch the visible.
Its always best to borrow clothing, & spend a weekend with period reenactors who are almost always willing to help/share what they have.
(The smell of wood smoke, kitchen grease, and spark holes add the right patina!)

One of the funniest things I've seen recently was at the WaWa in King George, VA. I walked out of the store to go back to my car and there was a gentleman standing outside in full Civil War attire with a Bluetooth headset in his ear. Gave me quite a chuckle.

Oh, and ignore JPC. :dork: