CiVista Med. ctr. DO NOT GO!!!!!


New Member
Not saying much, but I would say going back their for the second time was a mistake. I've got CANCER and I wouldn't put up with that crap.

Also if you are worried about the money (which I would be) of lost days take them to small claims court or get a hold of a lawyer. Maybe contact a news station and inform them of what has happened and see if they can do a story on it. I mean they do news stories of stuff that is beyond stupid some times and this seems to be an on going problem at that hospital by what I've read above.

Just my thoughts, do with them as you want.

On another note, I hope and prey you don't ever get CANCER. I've had friends and family go thru it and it sucks.


I bowl overhand
USNavyMike said:
<-------------------- Free mamograms :drool:

Not to make light of this topic, it quite frankly scrare's the sh*t out of me. I praise the work which researchers are making in getting a leash on Cancers of all sorts while at the same time they have a long way to go. I have loss several family members from this awful disease.

The "system" will be at Wal-Mart on Saturday..


itsbob said:

The "system" will be at Wal-Mart on Saturday..

:lol: I got one done this past Thanksgiving day holiday - dont' need one now. They said they wouldn't read it without the one I got years ago at Civista... I was fine with that - dont' feel the need to have it read. I told them I was NOT contacting Civista for anything. I'll be taking one again in November... they can compare it to that one - I'm fine in that area (maybe the only thing I'm healthy in :lol:). I'm sure if something was that glaringly wrong, they would be able to see it without comparing it to one 6 years ago anyway. I'm good :yay: But I did want to take the opportunity to warn others about their lack of concern for breast health :yay:


New Member
I too was at Civista last night. I came from a soccer with what was thought to be a broken bone or a blood clot. I sat there for 6 hours only to be told it was a bad bruise, given some pain meds and crutches, and told to stay home from work for a week...FOR A BRUISE!! The service there was terrible. There were people that came right after me that were still waiting to be even called back when I left. Next time, even if it's just a damn splinter-CALL 911 and go by ambulance!!!


Well-Known Member
sccrmommy said:
Next time, even if it's just a damn splinter-CALL 911 and go by ambulance!!!

Yes tie up the ambulance for a :bs: call when someone else may have a life threatening emergency.

Doesn't always work that way, they'll have the EMS crew put you in a wheelchair and have us wheel you out front to triage.


I bowl overhand
sccrmommy said:
I too was at Civista last night. I came from a soccer with what was thought to be a broken bone or a blood clot. I sat there for 6 hours only to be told it was a bad bruise, given some pain meds and crutches, and told to stay home from work for a week...FOR A BRUISE!! The service there was terrible. There were people that came right after me that were still waiting to be even called back when I left. Next time, even if it's just a damn splinter-CALL 911 and go by ambulance!!!
You don't think part of the problem could be people clogging up the ER and taking up a beds for bruises??


New Member
OldHillcrestGuy said:
Yes tie up the ambulance for a :bs: call when someone else may have a life threatening emergency.

Doesn't always work that way, they'll have the EMS crew put you in a wheelchair and have us wheel you out front to triage.

Thank you so much for saying that... It is ridicules the way people call 911 because they think they are going to get in the hospital quicker. It doesn't work like that!!! The hospital takes patients in the order of the severity of their problem. I worked last night and brought 4 people into Civista... only 1 was placed in a room. Everyone else was taken out to triage. And yes... we do have our regulars that call ALL THE TIME, and they are good actors, so people that are in the waiting room think that the hospital is horrible because they are making them wait, but in all reality, 9 times out of 10, they are faking it!
And , PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE.... remember that the ambulance is NOOOTTTTTTT A TAXI SERVICE!!!!


New Member
OldHillcrestGuy said:
Yes tie up the ambulance for a :bs: call when someone else may have a life threatening emergency.

Doesn't always work that way, they'll have the EMS crew put you in a wheelchair and have us wheel you out front to triage.

Amen to that - that is exactly right! I have taken a many a patient out to be triaged - doesn't matter what has happened to you. If the ER beds are full, and as long as you're awake, breathing, and can remember everything that has happened to you, then that's where you're going. I speak from SMH experience, but I'm sure all hospitals are the same.


Well-Known Member
giggles79 said:
Amen to that - that is exactly right! I have taken a many a patient out to be triaged - doesn't matter what has happened to you. If the ER beds are full, and as long as you're awake, breathing, and can remember everything that has happened to you, then that's where you're going. I speak from SMH experience, but I'm sure all hospitals are the same.

Actually I havent ever had that happen at either St Mary's or Calvert, but all the time at Civista.

Southern Maryland different story, they'll just make you wait along with several other EMS crews with the patient on a strecther for a bed to open up, my experience they never send you to triage.


b*tch rocket
Old Dog said:
Has the St. Mary's ER improved?
It has improved since then, I've been there on a few occassions and they've been very good.

One thing people have to remember is that when you go to the ER, you are seen based upon the severity of the problem not first come first serve. I'd anticipated several hours wait when I took my daughter in for what turned out to be a sprain, they had us out of there within two hours. :yay:


New Member
OldHillcrestGuy said:
Actually I havent ever had that happen at either St Mary's or Calvert, but all the time at Civista.

Southern Maryland different story, they'll just make you wait along with several other EMS crews with the patient on a strecther for a bed to open up, my experience they never send you to triage.

That is VERY true!!! I have NEVER had a PT go to Triage at Southern MD. They would rather have you wait in front of the doors along with the other 4 crews.... I've waited there for 3 HOURS before... and they REFUSED to go on Re-Route! Crazy!


Well-Known Member
WVFD EMT23 said:
That is VERY true!!! I have NEVER had a PT go to Triage at Southern MD. They would rather have you wait in front of the doors along with the other 4 crews.... I've waited there for 3 HOURS before... and they REFUSED to go on Re-Route! Crazy!

Ive got you beat 3 and a half hours from about 1030pm till like about 2am.


3.5 hours to transfer pt care to the ER staff? Yikes, thats insane. Worst i have seen is 45 minutes at SMH, but they had 2 codes come in right after we got there, so they were a little "busy"

Sweet 16

itsbob said:
You don't think part of the problem could be people clogging up the ER and taking up a beds for bruises??
Unless you are bleeding to death, have difficulty breathing or a bone sticking out where it's not supposed to, CALL YOUR DOCTOR or have his answering service page him. He'll tell you what to do. If it is truly a life-threatening emergency, CALL 9-1-1 and let them sort it out. Otherwise, :quityerb!tchin'!:


I was really impressed with Calvert. Last June when I broke my wrist, I didn't even get seated in the waiting room, I went through triage, and then straight back for xrays, etc... I was in and out in about an hours time :clap: I was really impressed with Calvert :clap:


New Member
Sweet 16 said:
Unless you are bleeding to death, have difficulty breathing or a bone sticking out where it's not supposed to, CALL YOUR DOCTOR or have his answering service page him. He'll tell you what to do. If it is truly a life-threatening emergency, CALL 9-1-1 and let them sort it out. Otherwise, :quityerb!tchin'!:

The ER is that - an emergency room. It's not for a sprained ankle that you really can wait to see your Dr for and it shouldn't be for routine things that you put off until your Dr's office is closed. All of those are the reason the ER's are packed and you have to wait hours to be seen. If you go to Civista for a life-threatening problem, you WILL be seen and you WILL have excellent care.