Atir211 said:The ER is that - an emergency room. It's not for a sprained ankle that you really can wait to see your Dr for and it shouldn't be for routine things that you put off until your Dr's office is closed. All of those are the reason the ER's are packed and you have to wait hours to be seen. If you go to Civista for a life-threatening problem, you WILL be seen and you WILL have excellent care.
NO you will not!!!! Let me stress that my Mother In Law is 65 years old and was buckled over in pain. To me that is life threatening, at least to her it was, they didn't know what was wrong with her at all and did not see her until later that night, did every test still couldn't find out what is wrong and sent her on her way....she is still in pain, severe and is now at St. Marys....Civista Sucks!