ylexot said:
Please learn to present your ideas clearly. I have no idea what you are trying to say or what your point is. Your unclear writing (or ranting as the case may be) hurts any argument you might be able to make by destroying your credibility.
I think I can translate:
"Hey President Bush..my name is Joe Wilson...my wife (oops, the Vice President) sent me to Niger and I had tea with a few guys who said that wasn't Saddam they talked to the other day. Honest. We talked to him ALL DURING THE 80's and early 90's - but it wasn't him the other day. The ONLY THING we sell is uranium, and when he came with all that money, we thought, why should we take all that money? So we told him to go away".
"Anyway, I came home and said they really didn't meet with Iraqis. That French report? A forgery. Sorry, don't know ANYTHING about the British report. WHAT British report? Anyway, it just goes to show if your wife (oops, I mean Dick Cheney) sends you to Niger to have tea, you can learn a lot of things they don't want to tell you".
"Well my name is President Bush, and even though it's costing a fortune to engage in war in Afghanistan, we're going to go attack a completely helpless dictator who has never hurt anyone, just so he can overcharge us for oil"
"No Dick didn't send anyone to Niger. His wife? If you say so".
"Gas prices haven been at record highes for months.. Bush has done nothing."
Because as everyone KNOWS, all prices in the United States are SET by the President PERSONALLY. It has virtually nothing to do with supply, demand - and all of the oil companies are in collusion with each other - they do not actually compete, even if they're from different countries. Because if they DID compete, they might make more money, and that would be *bad*
"Oil is trading at $58.47 cents and when it was at that price months ago, the price at the station was around $1.95. "
Because, as we know, gasoline prices correlate EXACTLY to oil prices - it has nothing to do with refinery capacity - or seasonal demand.
"Oil CEO's have Bush in their pockets due to the fact that they have been in the Oil Business for many years.. "
Of course, Occidental DID NOT have Al Gore in their pocket either.
BTW - why didn't we just TAKE the oil?
"As the Presidents stated, "Saddam has WMD". He's been linked to 911..

Both have been proved wrong."
False. He DID have them - and that's the U.N. talking. Also MI-6. And French intelligence. And CIA. And KGB. And Mossad. And Chinese intelligence. And sarin gas and mustard gas was found. And a couple metric TONS of uranium.
"Proved" wrong?
The finger in ear icon is PERFECT.