Clinton Calls Impeachment Egregious Abuse


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Bruzilla said:
Had Bush Sr. and Clinton followed Reagan's example of using disproportinate force rather than measured responses, public support for Bin Ladin would have quickly wained and he would have been as terrified of American force as Quadaffi was. Had Clinton leveled a good chunk of Kabul, or blown up Bin Ladin when he had the chance, 9/11 doesn't happen.
I basically agree with you - but - Reagan had the good fortune to be the LAST President to live in an era before 24 hour media coverage. And for whatever reason, Washington was still not the bitter partisan environment it has become today (yes, I know it's been nasty in the past). Reagan himself used to comment that at the end of the day, he and his opponent Tip O'Neil could share a couple of frosty ones - they may be opponents, but they weren't *enemies*.

We now live in a time when lunatics like Cindy Sheehan *can* make it on the news EVERY SINGLE NIGHT for weeks. Where we still give an open mike to guys like Jesse Jackson, Pat Robertson and Al Sharpton. Where info is so widely available, that in the world of the Internet, a lie can make it around the world before the truth gets its sneakers on.


Routinely Derailed
I have Mr. Clinton to thank for my hard-over conservative outlook on politics, my membership in the Republican National Committee, and a few very bad memories that I try to forget. I'll probably go to my grave wondering how anyone would vote for him for any public office, let alone how a country could elect him president.

It's not surprising to hear him basically say that his behavior and character should have been acceptable because so many other politicians are like that. But how many of us are hearing the other part of his message, there? The message that many, many of our politicians are "dirty." And how many of us care? (And that's the part that worries me).


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
My whole stance is this. To both parties.

9/11 happened, get the #### over it and quit your #####ing. Nothing pisses me off more than watching both parties play a 5 year old blame game.
Wrong. How are you supposed to prevent it from happening again if you don't explore why it happened in the first place?

If we have intelligence failures, that needs to be addressed. If it's just a weak on terror President, that needs to be addressed as well.


New Member
Hey President Bush.. my study and research concluded that Saddom had no urunaim involvement at all. Well, as President I will say differently to beef up support to go to war. If you bring this up again, I will leaks your wife's name to the press... Have a nice day.. :howdy:

Gas prices haven been at record highes for months.. Bush has done nothing. Oil is trading at $58.47 cents and when it was at that price months ago, the price at the station was around $1.95. Oil CEO's have Bush in their pockets due to the fact that they have been in the Oil Business for many years..

As the Presidents stated, "Saddam has WMD". He's been linked to 911.. :lalala: :lalala: Both have been proved wrong.


New Member
I'm sorry.. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton appointed a horse trainer to be the head of FEMA?.. come again..?


Super Genius
Please learn to present your ideas clearly. I have no idea what you are trying to say or what your point is. Your unclear writing (or ranting as the case may be) hurts any argument you might be able to make by destroying your credibility.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
CK-1 said:
Hey President Bush.. my study and research concluded that Saddom had no urunaim involvement at all. Well, as President I will say differently to beef up support to go to war. If you bring this up again, I will leaks your wife's name to the press... Have a nice day..
What ARE you talking about? :confused:

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
vraiblonde said:
Wrong. How are you supposed to prevent it from happening again if you don't explore why it happened in the first place?

If we have intelligence failures, that needs to be addressed. If it's just a weak on terror President, that needs to be addressed as well.
Your right, it does need to be addressed, but, petty bickering between parties does not address it. Your precious Republican party is just as much to blame in that as the Democrats. Both sides are being childish.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
Your precious Republican party is just as much to blame in that as the Democrats.
Wrong again! :jet:

The Democrats are petitioning for all these weird commissions and reviews and whatever, designed to stall and buy time until the public gets tired of the subject, rather than get to the bottom of what happened.

The reason they're doing this is because they know damn good and well what happened - Clinton spent 8 years getting his winky wet instead of looking out for our national security.

Someone should have answered for the Khobar Towers. And the Cole. And the first WTC bombing. And and and. But what does Clinton do? He pardons the FALN terrorists.

I don't know how you get any clearer a picture than that about where Clinton stood on terrorism.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
vraiblonde said:
Someone should have answered for the Khobar Towers. And the Cole. And the first WTC bombing. And and and. But what does Clinton do? He pardons the FALN terrorists.
The first WTC bombing suspects were tried and sentenced. I remember reading the article in Newsweek. The people who bombed the Cole, when found were killed. The Republican party's number one flaw is their Holier than Thou attitude. They all sicken me, Democrat and Republican alike. The Dems just want to throw mud on the Republicans and the Republicans just want to throw it back in thier faces.

Oh and I wasn't the least bit offended by him getting his "winky wet". He's just one in a loooong line of plitical leaders who's done that. I could really care less if he was holding orgies in the oval office. A blowjob only takes about 5 min. if done right, not really enough time to let the world go to hell, it's just a cop out excuse. What happened the that Republican Congress we had?
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
The Republican party's number one flaw is their Holier than Thou attitude.
Don't hate us cuz you ain't us. :kiss:

Want to talk about the FALN terrorists?

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
vraiblonde said:
Don't hate us cuz you ain't us. :kiss:

Want to talk about the FALN terrorists?
:lol: To tell you the truth, I don't know who they are. DON'T BRING UP MY IGNORANCE!!

When's Bush going to do something about ELF?


vraiblonde said:
What ARE you talking about? :confused:
OK, let me see if I have to story for you.

Valerie Plame bought a horse from a guy named Michael Brown who was the president of some horse association. Brown did not breed the horses he got it from some Nigerian scam on an email. The horse was supposed to be registered Arabian so Joe Wilson went to Niger to get the papers on the horse named "Yellow Cake". Wilson found out the horse wasn't really named "Yellow cake" it was in fact named "Scooter". Wilson came back and told Plame and she was mad but Brown was already gone. So Plame and Wilson jumped on and rode old Scooter over to a guy named Hubble in Arkansas because the records showed that he had owned the horse before it went to Niger.

Hubble said he took the horse in trade for some worthless swampland by the Mississippi river from a couple named McDougal. The McDougal man was really freaking old and had done time in the joint. The chic was much younger and would not budge off the info where they got the horse from but finally she said the horse's name was not really Scooter after all it was in fact named "Foster's Travelgate Conspiracy Theory". Foster was the name of the stable that originally bred the horse and was owned by some guy named Vince who had mob connections. It seems that "Travelgate Conspiracy Theory " was the brother horse to Tony Soprano's Pie - O - My and was sired by "ALGORE's Lockbox" which was owned by Susan Sarandon and Bruce Springsteen.

Plame and Wilson upset they were duped and everyone knew jumped on Conspiracy Theory and tried to ride away but they got caught in traffic at the intersection of Truth Avenue and Logic Boulevard.

The moral of this story? If you are going to jump on a Conspiracy Theory and ride around shouting, stay away from Truth and Logic, you will get caught every time.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
:lol: To tell you the truth, I don't know who they are. DON'T BRING UP MY IGNORANCE!!
Ignorant. :razz:


FALN is a Puerto Rican terrorists group that was responsible for 130-some-odd bombings in the US. Clinton offered clemency to 16 of them on the condition that they renounce violence :)lol:). Like 11 or 12 of them took him up on it and are free men today, as far as I know.

The buzz is that they were pardoned to win the Hispanic vote in Hillary's NY Senate race.

When's Bush going to do something about ELF?
What do you want him to do? These are domestic terrorists and law enforcement, not to mention the FBI, has been on their tail for years. When they catch them, they toss them in the pokey.

I can say with some certainty that Bush won't be pardoning any of them when he leaves office.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Pete said:
The moral of this story? If you are going to jump on a Conspiracy Theory and ride around shouting, stay away from Truth and Logic, you will get caught every time.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
ylexot said:
Please learn to present your ideas clearly. I have no idea what you are trying to say or what your point is. Your unclear writing (or ranting as the case may be) hurts any argument you might be able to make by destroying your credibility.
I think I can translate:

"Hey President name is Joe wife (oops, the Vice President) sent me to Niger and I had tea with a few guys who said that wasn't Saddam they talked to the other day. Honest. We talked to him ALL DURING THE 80's and early 90's - but it wasn't him the other day. The ONLY THING we sell is uranium, and when he came with all that money, we thought, why should we take all that money? So we told him to go away".

"Anyway, I came home and said they really didn't meet with Iraqis. That French report? A forgery. Sorry, don't know ANYTHING about the British report. WHAT British report? Anyway, it just goes to show if your wife (oops, I mean Dick Cheney) sends you to Niger to have tea, you can learn a lot of things they don't want to tell you".

"Well my name is President Bush, and even though it's costing a fortune to engage in war in Afghanistan, we're going to go attack a completely helpless dictator who has never hurt anyone, just so he can overcharge us for oil"

"No Dick didn't send anyone to Niger. His wife? If you say so".


"Gas prices haven been at record highes for months.. Bush has done nothing."

Because as everyone KNOWS, all prices in the United States are SET by the President PERSONALLY. It has virtually nothing to do with supply, demand - and all of the oil companies are in collusion with each other - they do not actually compete, even if they're from different countries. Because if they DID compete, they might make more money, and that would be *bad*

"Oil is trading at $58.47 cents and when it was at that price months ago, the price at the station was around $1.95. "

Because, as we know, gasoline prices correlate EXACTLY to oil prices - it has nothing to do with refinery capacity - or seasonal demand.

"Oil CEO's have Bush in their pockets due to the fact that they have been in the Oil Business for many years.. "

Of course, Occidental DID NOT have Al Gore in their pocket either.

BTW - why didn't we just TAKE the oil?

"As the Presidents stated, "Saddam has WMD". He's been linked to 911.. :lalala: :lalala: Both have been proved wrong."

False. He DID have them - and that's the U.N. talking. Also MI-6. And French intelligence. And CIA. And KGB. And Mossad. And Chinese intelligence. And sarin gas and mustard gas was found. And a couple metric TONS of uranium.

"Proved" wrong?

The finger in ear icon is PERFECT.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
The people who bombed the Cole, when found were killed.
They were? :confused:

Six of the eight identified and caught (out of as many as 17) went on trial in July 2004 in Yemen. The other two died in the bombing. I think one, Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri (the ring-leader), is at Gitmo.

Here is what I have found -

USS Cole bombers listed as alive and in custody are;

Saudi Arabian
al-Nashiri, Abd al-Rahim

Al-Badawi, Jamal
al-Qusa, Fahd

Unknown Nationality
al-Sirouri, Mourad
Msouh, Maamoun
Saleh, Ali Mohamed