Clinton Portis done?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Is he done with the Skins? He is not playing this coming game, that's three misses for a concussion, only his second whereas missing one game is typical (two weeks healing) no missed games is common and 2 games is maybe once in awhile.

I mean, if he knows he's gonna be let go or traded, why play anymore this year?


A Salute to all on Watch
Is he done with the Skins? He is not playing this coming game, that's three misses for a concussion, only his second whereas missing one game is typical (two weeks healing) no missed games is common and 2 games is maybe once in awhile.

I mean, if he knows he's gonna be let go or traded, why play anymore this year?

It wouldn't hurt my feelings, he should move on as i don't think he gives it his all anymore.


Supper's Ready
Is he done with the Skins? He is not playing this coming game, that's three misses for a concussion, only his second whereas missing one game is typical (two weeks healing) no missed games is common and 2 games is maybe once in awhile.

I mean, if he knows he's gonna be let go or traded, why play anymore this year?

From what I've been reading, Goodell seems to be on the war path for concussions (guessing because of congressional review pressure on player head injuries). There sure seem to have been a number of them published this year. He's got Dungy as a "special advisor" looking for player input to come up with better solutions. Two medical advisors just stepped down within the past few days... etc.

Wondering if this is nothing more than a CYA for team owners and Goodell/NFL. Just a thought.

edit: interesting article >>> Leaders of NFL Head injury Study Resign
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Is he done with the Skins? He is not playing this coming game, that's three misses for a concussion, only his second whereas missing one game is typical (two weeks healing) no missed games is common and 2 games is maybe once in awhile.

I mean, if he knows he's gonna be let go or traded, why play anymore this year?

I think I mentioned it a long time ago that Portis is a pansy. He runs like he's afraid he's going to get hurt. I rarely see him hit the line hard. He has ended up injured in more seasons than not during his tenure with the Skins. And he skips out on preseason.

He was a complete waste of a trade.


From what I've been reading, Goodell seems to be on the war path for concussions (guessing because of congressional review pressure on player head injuries). There sure seem to have been a number of them published this year. He's got Dungy as a "special advisor" looking for player input to come up with better solutions. Two medical advisors just stepped down within the past few days... etc.

Wondering if this is nothing more than a CYA for team owners and Goodell/NFL. Just a thought.

edit: interesting article >>> Leaders of NFL Head injury Study Resign

Pretty soon it will be flag football.


He's only a great running back because we lack a great QB. That is why Portis stands out in my opinion.


They're out to get us
Are you serious? 2 weeks for a concussion is a speedy recovery -- if they every come back before that it's total crap, or they suffered some sort of baby concussion. Players used to come back way too early from concussions all the time and probably still do. There has been more recently developed technology where players get some sort of scan during training camp or at a point in time where brain activity is "normal" and they're not cleared to return by the medical staff until their brain activity is the same as prior to the injury. Some concussions are more severe than others -- some players miss more than a month, if not longer, from concussions. It just depends on the severity.

He's only a great running back because we lack a great QB. That is why Portis stands out in my opinion.
Right. That's why he was good before he came to the Skins and would probably be even better (as most RBs are) if he had a passing game to alleviate some pressure from the running game. RBs are *better* when they have a passing game because you can't stack the box if you need to be concerned about them going over the top.


Football addict
I think I mentioned it a long time ago that Portis is a pansy. He runs like he's afraid he's going to get hurt. I rarely see him hit the line hard. He has ended up injured in more seasons than not during his tenure with the Skins. And he skips out on preseason.

He was a complete waste of a trade.
Wow. Guess you haven't been watching D.C. football.

He's one of the few that I'd say brings 'it'.


Football addict
It would be a smart move to get rid of Portis next year.

He's getting older, 30+. Not much upside there. I liked what the Iggles did with Brian Dawkins. The guy still has it but he won't in the near future. They'll save money in the long run.


A Salute to all on Watch
Wow. Guess you haven't been watching D.C. football.

He's one of the few that I'd say brings 'it'.

He use to run hard but it seems to me as he goes down after first contact, doesn't have to be wrapped up or tatooed, he just goes down. May be because of injuries, I don't know.


Nothing to see here
I think I mentioned it a long time ago that Portis is a pansy.

:lol: Pansy? Gawd you are one sour fan. I will give you that is no longer a better than average running back but there is no back in the league better than him in picking up blitzes or getting downfield to throw a block for a teammate. He is barely a shadow of his former self as a running back, I don't like him in there, but he was playing because he was, by far, better at protecting the QB during passing downs than anyone else the skins have.

The skins trading for Portis was more about getting rid of Bailey than getting Portis. Champ had so many off-field issues going on that the skins felt they couldn't rely on him and wanted him gone. They got what they could for him and considering some of the lousy deals they have done, this wasn't one of them. From the looks of it, Bailey has straightened his act out in Denver, good for him, but thats all hindsight now.

Portis's running is just one very small part of what is wrong with the skins, as with most lousy organizations, the stink starts at the top.

We can only hope that this year has opened Snyder's eyes to all the failures in the management of this team, I doubt it, but I can always hope.


They're out to get us
It would be a smart move to get rid of Portis next year.

He's getting older, 30+. Not much upside there. I liked what the Iggles did with Brian Dawkins. The guy still has it but he won't in the near future. They'll save money in the long run.
It would be a great move! Release Portis and your starting running back can be...............

He use to run hard but it seems to me as he goes down after first contact, doesn't have to be wrapped up or tatooed, he just goes down. May be because of injuries, I don't know.
He's not a power back! He's a smaller guy built for speed. You need holes for him to run through and he doesn't get any. That many hits take their toll on a guy of his size.

i think they will release portis at the end of the season....
Yeah great plan. So who's gonna be the RB? Where is your offense going to come from? Right now they stack the box because they aren't worried about your passing game. Release Portis and maybe they can shut down your passing game, because your running game will be even worse. But I guess if you can assemble a super defense then you can win by getting a pick-6 every game and win the games 7-0. Too bad your defense isn't good enough to do that :ohwell:

The Skins need Portis til you guys come up with something else that makes the offense move.


low 5... hi 5......
It would be a great move! Release Portis and your starting running back can be...............

He's not a power back! He's a smaller guy built for speed. You need holes for him to run through and he doesn't get any. That many hits take their toll on a guy of his size.

Yeah great plan. So who's gonna be the RB? Where is your offense going to come from? Right now they stack the box because they aren't worried about your passing game. Release Portis and maybe they can shut down your passing game, because your running game will be even worse. But I guess if you can assemble a super defense then you can win by getting a pick-6 every game and win the games 7-0. Too bad your defense isn't good enough to do that :ohwell:

The Skins need Portis til you guys come up with something else that makes the offense move.

uhhh betts is more than capable of filling that void... I think he has never been given a chance... with portis age/ salary/ and how banged up he get its a no brainer duh...


They're out to get us
uhhh betts is more than capable of filling that void... I think he has never been given a chance... with portis age/ salary/ and how banged up he get its a no brainer duh...

betts has been given the chance plenty of times. either way, you can't rely on just 1 RB. Betts has been a solid #2, but you won't have one if you ditch Portis.

But Betts is out for the year with a torn ACL and MCL. No chance AT ALL that he comes back at the start of next season in good form. He's also in the last year of his contract and resigning a guy with that kind of injury is just dumb. Try again.


A Salute to all on Watch
It would be a great move! Release Portis and your starting running back can be...............

He's not a power back! He's a smaller guy built for speed. You need holes for him to run through and he doesn't get any. That many hits take their toll on a guy of his size.

Yeah great plan. So who's gonna be the RB? Where is your offense going to come from? Right now they stack the box because they aren't worried about your passing game. Release Portis and maybe they can shut down your passing game, because your running game will be even worse. But I guess if you can assemble a super defense then you can win by getting a pick-6 every game and win the games 7-0. Too bad your defense isn't good enough to do that :ohwell:

The Skins need Portis til you guys come up with something else that makes the offense move.

Seems as though his replacements run pretty well behind the same crap O-line.The other guys got yards after contact and Portis doesn't is what I am saying. You're remembering Portis from 5 yrs ago. when he can't do it anymore, get rid of him- there are better, more durable, harder running backs who WANT to play