Clinton Portis done?


It's quite obvious that not only are you sour, but you don't have a clue about football. "Not made a difference"?? :lol: One player does not make a difference on a TEAM...and you act like Portis shouldn't have taken the idiot owners money. He has been a better than average for MOST of his stay here, for you to say otherwise is just asinine. Frankly, it wouldn't have bothered me if Portis had been gone last year, but your harping on Portis is like you think he is the only problem this team has besides the owner.

What a typically inane reply to someone you don’t even know. “You don’t have a clue about :blahblah:” It gets a little old qualifying myself to people that think you’re God’s best breath to sports. You know, I may disagree with you but I don’t go throwing around rhetoric BS about what you know or don’t know in order to score lame debating points.

I’ve played football. I’ve been a Skins fan since the 60s. I know a good player when I see it and I know a good team when I see it. I also know bad ones when I see them. I’ve known what the problem with the Skins almost since day one that Snyder took the team over. There… do I qualify? :ohwell:

If you were to keep up with things just a little bit you’d realize this is a thread is about Clinton Portis. So, I’m talking about Portis. If it was about Campbell I’d be talking about Campbell. I happen to think Portis is an average player not worth near his paycheck. Yes, he’s been teamed up with sub-average players; but I’ve felt that it was a bad move bringing him to Washington. I’ve never said he is only problem with the team. If you had one clue about anything I’ve posted about the Skins I’ve had plenty to say about Snyder, Campbell, the defensive secondary, play calls, coaching staff, piss-poor redzone play, etc…

Please go back and read what the stinking title of the thread is.
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Football addict
In one breath you say he “brings it” and in another you say he needs to go. :rolleyes:
You need to read my comments in the context, not in yours.

I said Portis was like Brian Dawkins in that he can still bring 'it', however, he has more years behind him than ahead. Thus, it would be a smart and prudent move to do away with him as the Iggles did with Dawkins.
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All Up In Your Grill
Wow. And men say women are b!tchy and moody. :lol:

Clinton Portis was not only a welcome addition to the Redskins offense when he was traded with Champ Bailey, but he also became a franchise player. He was one of the faces of the Redskins that everyone could identify with, and very likeable with the media and the fans. I noticed that his attitude changed significantly when his Eastern Motors homeboy Lavar was let go - both on the field and off.

And with regards to concussions, they are a very serious injury. Studies and reports have shown that suffering a second concussion before recovering from the first can cause brain swelling that can trigger permanent damage, even death. And there's mounting concern from studies of retired professional athletes that those who suffered multiple concussions over the years may be at increased risk for depression, memory problems and other neurological problems later in life. Once you've had one concussion, they are easier to come by.

Look at Muhammad Ali. :ohwell:
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Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Is he done with the Skins? He is not playing this coming game, that's three misses for a concussion, only his second whereas missing one game is typical (two weeks healing) no missed games is common and 2 games is maybe once in awhile.

I mean, if he knows he's gonna be let go or traded, why play anymore this year?

I used to be a big Portis fan, but I think Clinton Portis has been slacking for the whole season. IMO he has not played with any kind of passion for the game at all, much less well enough for the salary he gets.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Are you serious? 2 weeks for a concussion is a speedy recovery -- if they every come back before that it's total crap, or they suffered some sort of baby concussion. Players used to come back way too early from concussions all the time and probably still do. There has been more recently developed technology where players get some sort of scan during training camp or at a point in time where brain activity is "normal" and they're not cleared to return by the medical staff until their brain activity is the same as prior to the injury. Some concussions are more severe than others -- some players miss more than a month, if not longer, from concussions. It just depends on the severity.

MRI's can detect & "age" head injuries, in addition to the information they used to be able to get with CAT scans. There are also PET scans now. They have come a long way with brain injuries in the past 10-20 years.

But IMO, Clinton Portis was not putting in his all before that concussion.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Wow. And men say women are b!tchy and moody. :lol:

Clinton Portis was not only a welcome addition to the Redskins offense when he was traded with Champ Bailey, but he also became a franchise player. He was one of the faces of the Redskins that everyone could identify with, and very likeable with the media and the fans. I noticed that his attitude changed significantly when his Eastern Motors homeboy Lavar was let go - both on the field and off.

And with regards to concussions, they are a very serious injury. Studies and reports have shown that suffering a second concussion before recovering from the first can cause brain swelling that can trigger permanent damage, even death. And there's mounting concern from studies of retired professional athletes that those who suffered multiple concussions over the years may be at increased risk for depression, memory problems and other neurological problems later in life. Once you've had one concussion, they are easier to come by.

Look at Muhammad Ali. :ohwell:
