CNN Vote on homosexual mariage


Ghetto Fabulous
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Here's something interesting:

In my People magazine last week there was a story about a guy who had a sex change. He was married with two little boys, but had serious gender identity issues so he had himself surgically altered to become a woman.

We'll leave all that aside for now because here's the interesting part:

Now I might have the story wrong, but it was my impression that, post-surgery, he and his wife didn't divorce - they stayed married. Yet this guy is legally a woman - says so on his "birth" certificate and his driver's license. So they, legally, have a same-sex marriage. They're raising their kids together and cohabitating the same as they always did. No word on whether they've become "lesbians" or not.

So I'm just curious, will the government make them divorce? :confused:

This is indeed a strange story, but if the wife and kids don't object, I don't see where there's a problem. If homosexual marriages are approved, wouldn't this fall into the same category....kinda?:confused:

Don't a few states already approve same-sex marriages?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by ememdee19
Don't a few states already approve same-sex marriages?
Yeah, but I'm not sure if they're in one of them. But what if something like that happened here in MD, where we don't recognize same-sex marriage or civil unions? Would the guy's place of employment take his wife off the family health plan? Would they have to file taxes separately? Is the wife still the guy's next-of-kin?

The whole thing is just weird but this is something legislators probably better start thinking about.


Ghetto Fabulous
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Yeah, but I'm not sure if they're in one of them. But what if something like that happened here in MD, where we don't recognize same-sex marriage or civil unions? Would the guy's place of employment take his wife off the family health plan? Would they have to file taxes separately? Is the wife still the guy's next-of-kin?

The whole thing is just weird but this is something legislators probably better start thinking about.

That brings a whole new light to the subject. How can the govt. legally make them divorce, though? They're already married, so I wouldn't think the govt. could have any say-so in what happens???? But, then again, who knows?

Is this the first time something like this has ever happened, or just the first time a story like this has been made public? I do feel sorry for the kids. How do you explain to your friends where your daddy went?


Enjoying life!
CNN Vote on homosexual mariage


Just kidding Christy. :howdy:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by ememdee19
How do you explain to your friends where your daddy went?
In the story the "guy" said he sat down with his oldest son (like, 10 or something) and told him he was getting a sex change. The kid said, "Most of my friends already think you are a girl." :lol: How'd you like to be having that conversation with your kid? Why not just start saving for the psychoanalysis right now? :duh:

Larry Gude

Strung Out


Because marriage is an already existing institution which is been in existence since the dawn of civilizatoin only feels like it. :biggrin:

Y'all nedd to tell Board Mommy a few jokes. I've run out and she's mad today. I only point this out as she may just start banning people left and right. THAT makes her happy.


Ghetto Fabulous
Joke for vrai....

Here's one for vrai, larry!:biggrin:

A Marine stationed in Afghanistan recently received a letter
from his
girlfriend back home. It read as follows:

Dear Ricky,

I can no longer continue our relationship. The distance
between us is just
too great. I must admit that I have
cheated on you twice, since you've been gone, and it's not
fair to either
of us. I'm sorry. Please return
the picture of me that I sent to you.

Love, Becky

The Marine, with hurt feelings, asked his fellow Marines for
any snapshots they could spare of their girlfriends,
sisters, ex-girlfriends, aunts, cousins etc. In addition to
the picture of Becky,
Ricky included all the other pictures of the pretty gals he
had collected from his buddies. There were 57 photos in that
envelope....along with this note:

Dear Becky,

I'm so sorry, but I can't quite remember who you are. Please
take your picture from the pile, and send the rest back to

Take Care, Ricky


Dancing Up A Storm
:yeahthat: It's my feeling the gay community is subverting the natural order of things.
Noone is saying you can't think outside the box, that exploring where your personal id takes you is wrong, but I just don't see the need to conjure up new laws to cover this kind of abnormal behavior.

This idea may be too shortsighted, I don't know, but it's a thought:
Yes, there are states that recognize same-sex marriages. If a couple want to migrate to that state, let them; then they can be afforded all the rights they want from that state.

However, I dont see them vying for federal benefits; if you've picked an aberrant behavioral situation, so be it. The state can and may elect to offer protection/benefits to these unions, but the federal government should not be bound to do so.

I do feel it's a scary thing - where all this legal wrangling could end up, if the gay community gets what it wants.

If people think the morals of society are blurred now - holy smoke - wait another five years and see where we end up then!!

Vrai, about the story of the sex change by the father of two kids -
sure, the kids can joke about it now, but what effect will this experience have on them in their future?

I'm not a psychcology expert, but isn't there a term for a person exhibiting a certain behavioral view for an abnormal situation, substituting a feeling with another mechanism?
Isn't that what it's called - a behavioral adjustment mechanism?

This is what the one child might be doing; substituting one feeling for another, because it's too painful to accept the other. (Gosh, my father is a homo!)
He has to be taking some ridicule from some of his friends, unless they are very open-minded, and I'm not buying that.

Kids at that age can be very mean to each other. It makes you wonder how a 10 year old is equipped to handle all that.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Kids today have so many crosses to bear and we traumatize them in so many different ways. What's a gay parent compared to putting your 13 year old on the pill or letting them watch these TV "reality" shows so they think that's how life's supposed to work? I'm convinced that Larry and I are the only parents in the US that preach apple pie and white picket fences.

If your schoolmates didn't pick on you for your transgendered parent, they'd get you because you're not wearing the right shoes with the right pants or you're good in math or your boobs are too big/small. JMHO.


Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Kids today have so many crosses to bear and we traumatize them in so many different ways.

If your schoolmates didn't pick on you for your transgendered parent, they'd get you because you're not wearing the right shoes with the right pants or you're good in math or your boobs are too big/small. JMHO.
:cool: Ok, this is where I get to insert my two-cents on what is/was "normal" or "abnormal".
Outside of the transgendered parent, the bulk of what you're offering - to my way of thinking - IS normal. We all dealt with those issues growing up.(Boobs were not an issue for me though, LOL!)
You can add a couple more foibles to the mix, such as not being considered "cool", read popular with the crowd.
Others include not being sexually active, or into drugs; I think basically it's like not giving into peer pressure just because "everybody does it".
But again, I think those are the kind of things we all went through in our "growing up" years.

Yeah, things have changed in the last 30-40 years of how we as society view homosexuality. It was considered taboo - something not discussed in certain circles. It was dismissed as a sickness, a terribly wrong disease that one caught.
So we've learned a few things since then; I've known gay people in the military of all places! I found out that some are as moral as anybody else. They didn't bother me, or try to "come on" to me personally, so I learned to be more tolerant of their feelings.

I guess overall, I still view them as a kind of cult, not one that I want to join, but it's a choice they make.

Sorry, I'm beginning to ramble here, I suppose there are so many questions that haven't been answered, but I'm uncomfortable about where we are going with this in the future.

2nd Ammendment raised some good points in another thread about what the Bible says about it, and I've read them in both the Old and New Testaments, and I have to agree with his logic.
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New Member
I thought the whole same sex marriage issue was all about health benefits. The insurance companies would not allow gay partners of policy holders in their plans. Their fallback was that only the spouse of the policy holder could be enrolled. The easiest avenue for a gay couple to take was to sue their state to let them become legally married so they can be entitled to the benefits.

To degrade the institution of marriage simply to allow a gay person access to health benefits of their partners is wrong. I guess its probably too late anyway as we all know how high the divorce rate in this country is. It obviously represents only a legal piece of paper for most people.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
It obviously represents only a legal piece of paper for most people.
And there you have it. First of all, we need to define what is considered "marriage" in this country. Is it a legal thing? A religious thing? Because if it's not a religious thing, then quoting scripture won't make a bit of difference because it has nothing to do with the issue. And if it IS a religious thing, then only ministers should be able to marry people.

The real problem seems to be with accepting gays into mainstream society. Right now they're a freak-show, compliments of the media. But there was a time when my grandmother would have been horrified if a black couple sat down next to her at a restaurant. Now we don't even notice blacks unless Sheila-Ugh-Lee brings it to our attention.

It takes time and we've already established that modern liberals have set race relations back 50 years. What I mean by that is the way blacks are depicted in our mainstream media - the glorification of black "artists" who have absolutely no talent other than creative cussing and other offensive behavior. Then they win a Grammy because whites are too racist to say "Your 'music' sucks - get outta here!"

Why do we think they'd fare any better with gays?


Football season!
Originally posted by vraiblonde
What I mean by that is the way blacks are depicted in our mainstream media - the glorification of black "artists" who have absolutely no talent other than creative cussing and other offensive behavior. Then they win a Grammy because whites are too racist to say "Your 'music' sucks - get outta here!"

Yea, that is exactly the way it works :killingme :killingme :killingme


New Member
Freak-show? It seems to me that gay people are only portrayed in a positive light by the media.

Anything that bucks the traditional definition of family is positive, anything that promotes traditional family values is considered intolerant.

I'm posting this excerpt from Dan Quayle's speech. A speech for which he was vilified by the media but I thought he was right on target. This is from 11 years ago.

"Right now the failure of our families is hurting America deeply. When families fall, society falls. The anarchy and lack of structure in our inner cities are testament to how quickly civilization falls apart when the family foundation cracks. Children need love and discipline. A welfare check is not a husband. The state is not a father. It is from parents that children come to understand values and themselves as men and women, mothers and fathers. "

"It doesn't help matters when prime time TV has Murphy Brown - a character who supposedly epitomizes today's intelligent, highly paid, professional woman - mocking the importance of a father, by bearing a child alone, and calling it just another "lifestyle choice."


Here's my dos centavos on the issue: I believe that homosexuality is a natural occurance and I believe that everyone is homesexual to one degree or another. Why do I believe this? Women are often attracted to men with feminine features and men are attracted to women who have masculine features. This is not to say that they are not attracted to members of the opposite sex who don't have these, but it does happen quite a bit, especially during adolesence.

I believe that homosexuality is becoming more and more common in our society because it's one way that old Mom Nature has of trying to control out-of-control populations. Many animals change sex when needed to grow or minimize populations as needed, and since we've overcome most diseases, accidents, and other forms of death, I think this is just nature's way of saying "There's too dang many of you."

There's no need to define "marriage." It's well defined as either a religious ceremony or a civil ceremony in every dictionary. Are gays trying to force this issue in an attempt to further legitimize their way of life? You bet! But I also see the need for laws that eliminate financial penalties for same-sex couples. Marriage is not a religious institution and hasn't been since the government and businesses became involved.

Again, my only concern in this whole debate is that the government should have no ability to dictate who can and can't be married by a church. Unfortunately I know full-well that there's some Gay guy who's chomping at the bit to take on the Catholic Church in court if gay "marriage" ever becomes legal.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by KevRock
Marriage between 2 gay people should not be permitted.
But why not? Certainly homosexuality is unnatural - the purpose of sex is to procreate, via nature's laws. Gays can get mad all they want, but homosexuality is unnatural.

But so what? Who are they hurting? I'm not a person who falls back on plain ol' morality - to me there must be a real reason. Otherwise we sound like the nutball gun banners.