Originally posted by KevRock
Feel free to show me any way in which I torment you or your people Smalltown.
Show me how gays torment you.
Originally posted by KevRock
Every bit of your arguement is condescending, because you have no real points, you just babble and babble to be heard
Hi Pot.
Originally posted by KevRock
Homosexuality is not normal, it should not be accepted, and thats just the way it is. I have given many points, you have given none..
So, "just the way it is" is an actual stance for your argument? Talk about no substance.
Originally posted by KevRock
Give me a reason why, without taking your arguement beyond the parameters of the case at hand...
The argument HAS to go beyond the parameters you set forth because your vision has been skewed as to what really bothers you.
Lets go step by step to find the root of your disconent...
Marriage... A legal or religous union of two people (or more people, depending on your faith). With either case, it has no bearing on your personal life in legal terms or your own personal religous faith. Gays will never be in a position to take away YOUR legal right to marry, nor interfere with your religous beliefs on marriage.
So the basis of marriage works well for yourself, or for gays, lets move on...
You say if they should keep it behind closed doors, you don't have a problem with it. For a society that has fought oppression on so many levels, and even go to war over such a thing, I find this reaction astonishing. But fine. Keep it behind closed doors. I feel the same about any kind of "affection". It should be shared by two people who care about each other, not for public display. However, the notion of marriage is NOT a public issue, it IS something private between individuals. So again, this argument against gay marriage holds no water, so lets dig deeper...
You say it should be behind closed doors, that you don't want to see it... I see women and men walking down the street all the time together, and think nothing of it. Some could be gay, some not. So the act of being together doesn't bother any of us, so it must be something deeper.
Sure, you say it isn't about sex because that would sound pretty shallow, but it is obvious when you break it down, your whole disgust is the subject boils down to just that. Sex and affection. You say as long as it is private, it is ok. But can you really tell when you see a group of women walking down the street if they are gay or not? if you have a butch or two in there, sure... But otherwise, you won't know the difference. Since you don't know if they are gay, and they may be legally married to a gay person, you are completely oblivious to the fact they are part of a gay marriage, and you will walk right past them without a second thought.
You say if it is private, it is ok. Marriage information is public domain, but it is only there if you go looking for it. You could easily go your whole life and not know a gay person was married, and by your own admission this would be acceptable since you wouldn't know. So I ask again, what is the problem?