Coggins clinic at SMTR Easter Ride!!


Rocky Mountain High!!
April 1st is the Easter Ride - check begins at 10:30

Thanks to local Vet Dr. Sherry Smith, SMTR is grateful to announce our first ever Spring COGGINS CLINIC!!

Price will be $25.00 per horse, and forms will be available for you to fill in your own coggins. Dr Smith will be there between 11:00-12:00.

Why not save yourself the farm call and get your coggins with us?? We're planning to make this an annual event. :biggrin:

PM me if interested, so we know how many folks are interested. You don't have to ride to come get a coggins either! Just bring your horse, tie him out to the trailer and enjoy the company!
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R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
happyappygirl said:
April 1st is the Easter Ride - check begins at 10:30

Thanks to local Vet Dr. Sherry Smith, SMTR is grateful to announce our first ever Spring COGGINS CLINIC!!

Price will be $25.00 per horse, and forms will be available for you to fill in your own coggins. Dr Smith will be there by 10:15 - 10:30 to begin.

Why not save yourself the farm call and get your coggins with us?? We're planning to make this an annual event. :biggrin:

Here is a link to the Easter Egg Ride Flier:

PM me if interested, so we know how many folks are interested. You don't have to ride to come get a coggins either! Just bring your horse, tie him out to the trailer and enjoy the company!

That's a great idea.. too bad I already had mine done this year. Cept for the baby's..hmmmm.

Winn Dixie

Song of the South
happyappygirl said:
April 1st is the Easter Ride - check begins at 10:30

Thanks to local Vet Dr. Sherry Smith, SMTR is grateful to announce our first ever Spring COGGINS CLINIC!!

Price will be $25.00 per horse, and forms will be available for you to fill in your own coggins. Dr Smith will be there by 10:15 - 10:30 to begin.

Why not save yourself the farm call and get your coggins with us?? We're planning to make this an annual event. :biggrin:

Okay, not to bring everyone down, but does anyone else see the inherent problem here? :whistle:


New Member
HorseLady said:
Yup, I can see folks bringing horses with expired or non-existing coggins to get them done!

I can see people trying to get away with that but wouldn't the vet ask to see the current coggins since they trailered to the location? The flyer does say current coggins required before unloading.


Does my butt look big?
Well I am bringing horses that have 2 yr old coggins to get them updated and they are not going on the ride but I will be tying them to the trailer for the day..


Rocky Mountain High!!
We want to make this an annual event. This first year using it may be low, since most folks are already prepared.

In the event a horse doesn't have a current or has an expired coggins, that will be obvious when the owner signs up for the ride, same as always, and it WON'T be allowed to participate in the event. The Rules are the same.

LOMH does a coggins clinic every year, and have never had an issue. They just pull coggins on who ever wants one and no they don't ask for the previous coggins before doing the current coggins, nor does the vet if you have them out to the farm.

If you are participating in the event, you need a current coggins. Period.

I will speak to the other members and the vet about pulling coggins on horses not participating or who have non existent or expired coggins on that day, i just don't think like that...and its too bad some folks do but those particular horses will NOT be participating at this ride no exceptions like all others.

I personally am far more concerned about unvaccinated or sick horses than coggins. But thats just me.


Rocky Mountain High!!
Pasofever said:
Well I am bringing horses that have 2 yr old coggins to get them updated and they are not going on the ride but I will be tying them to the trailer for the day..
You'll tie them to the trailer and just leave? :faint:


Horse Poor
Ok ? How are we going to protect our horses against some one bringing in a horse that hasn't had anything. Are the ones coming in just for coggins going to be away from the horses that do? Just curious...


Horse Poor
Pasofever said:
:lmao: I have 8 horses for coggins..I will NOT be joining the coggins clinic too much trouble..

Ok I can't count 8 Who am I missing....
2 babies
The bay mare (can't remeber her name)


Cowgirl Up
happyappygirl said:
We want to make this an annual event. This first year using it may be low, since most folks are already prepared.

In the event a horse doesn't have a current or has an expired coggins, that will be obvious when the owner signs up for the ride, same as always, and it WON'T be allowed to participate in the event. The Rules are the same.
If you are participating in the event, you need a current coggins. Period.

This coggins clinic is intended as a convinence for our trail horses that participate at the monthly rides/shows, etc. I would never of dreamt that anyone would conceivably throw all their horse on the trailer and bring them to an organizied trailride and think that they could leave them unattended at the trailer while they rode off. And since you must have a current coggins to ride it will only serve you if your current coggins expiration date has not lapsed.

happyappygirl said:
I will speak to the other members and the vet about pulling coggins on horses not participating or who have non existent or expired coggins on that day, i just don't think like that...and its too bad some folks do but those particular horses will NOT be participating at this ride no exceptions like all others..

Not that I expect trailers full of horses without coggins to show up but if they did the vet could pull the coggins for that person and then they would be leaving the park or at least the area that we have rented for the day.

happyappygirl said:
I personally am far more concerned about unvaccinated or sick horses than coggins. But thats just me.

A big AMEN! to that statement.

As far as coggins all ride fliers state.......You must have a negative coggins to unload your horse at SMTR's rides. This ride will be no different than any other.


Does my butt look big?
mingiz said:
Ok I can't count 8 Who am I missing....
2 babies
The bay mare (can't remeber her name)

Jr :lmao: :huggy:

Bay mare is Condessa and she is a liver chestnut.. :lmao:


Cowgirl Up
Pasofever said:
Jr :lmao: :huggy:

Bay mare is Condessa and she is a liver chestnut.. :lmao:

Believe it or not there are alot of people that have "a" horse, as in the one they take trail riding. That is what the coggins clinic's purpose is intended for. Silly Paso :huggy: not all horse owners are collectors, like us. I don't even have room on my trailer for all of our horses :lmao:.

And just to let everyone know........At registration we do look at the coggins and record the pertinent information as shown on the registration form. We do not call the lab to confirm that this information is correct though. And also many times the coggins that the owner has is a copy that they can in turn leave on file so that they do not have to show it at each ride. This is the standard for all rides/shows in Maryland, not just for SMTR. I myself keep my coggins in a file cabinet in my home unless I am going out of state in which I take the original one with me, just in case they have different regulations.

I thought this was interesting....Actually, a negative test result for EIA is only accurate the day the blood is taken. If our horse is test-negative and all its contacts have been, are, and will be test-negative (as are all their contacts), we can rest assured that our horse will remain test-negative. Therein lies the rub. Testing of 100% of our contacts is virtually impossible.
Each state has its own set of regulations to monitor EIA. In some areas, testing has been done on a regular basis over a long period of time, with very few positive cases found in recent years. This is the case in the northeast, for example, from Maine to Maryland, where an average of two horses out of nearly 200,000 tested each year has been positive.
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Hi all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just got my coggins on both brats, now Lou needs a tooth filled...sheesh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


remaxrealtor said:
Hi all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just got my coggins on both brats, now Lou needs a tooth filled...sheesh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Poor Lou Bou...


Cowgirl Up
remaxrealtor said:
Hi all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just got my coggins on both brats, now Lou needs a tooth filled...sheesh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:howdy: how are you feeling these days? I thought about you the other day as I was riding this lil horse that is green broke, on the road. There were about 14 horses and this was his 1st time in a large group like this. At 1st he was a little shaken up but thank God he settled right in. I didn't know we were going to do miles and miles and more miles on the road or I would of thought twice about bringing him. Sadly enough for you but your accident did make me more aware of what can happen.


mygoldnhorse said:
:howdy: how are you feeling these days? I thought about you the other day as I was riding this lil horse that is green broke, on the road. There were about 14 horses and this was his 1st time in a large group like this. At 1st he was a little shaken up but thank God he settled right in. I didn't know we were going to do miles and miles and more miles on the road or I would of thought twice about bringing him. Sadly enough for you but your accident did make me more aware of what can happen.

A lesson well learned, I'm glad it can be a reminder to others!

I'm much better (according to me) the Drs. seem to see things differently :lmao: .

I'll find out more in 2 weeks.....but if I can find where R hid my keys, on off to the farm right now!

Thanks for the warm thought, they really do mean so much. :huggy: