Colonoscopy fears/alternatives


Happy Camper
Don't be so quick to think I haven't considered it. I will tell you that I was once so eager to know if there was anything there,that I actually hovered over my camcorder and recorded my a**,and then watched the tape,pausing it to "examine". I took said tape to Dr.Nagula who refused to look at it. :cds:

:lol: Sorry but that made me chuckle!! Call Dr. F! She will take care of you!! :buddies:


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I'm going to be mean, but that's ok

Suck it up. Do it. You could have a cancer, or could be nothing. But being a chicken wont help you out any.


I am 50. I had my first colonoscopy when I was 45. Trust me - - If **I** can get one - you can get one! My father had colon cancer - I am divorced & my kids depend on me - I had to get one. IF he'd had a colonoscopy when he was at least 50 - his would have been detected. As it was, his colon cancer was detected in very advanced stages when he was 63. [he died at 65, from complications from a head injury. But he was in very bad shape when he fell, and the cancer was a contributing factor.]

They found 4 polyps in my first colonoscopy. In 10 years I could probably have had cancer - who knows. Maybe sooner, maybe later. I had to have another colonoscopy the next year - -everything was fine. They told me to get another in 3 years.

IF you don't get one - you won't know. But if you get one and you have cancer, at least you have the chance to get it early.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
As I have no one to drive me, I have to do it without the sedative. Uncomfortable, yes, a little painful, yes, but not impossible to get through without a sedative.

You're brave!!

I know how it is - it was hard for me to find someone I could ask and then had to arrange for someone to get the kids, blah blah blah.

Call me next time. I'll drive you and pick you up. :buddies:



I am 50. I had my first colonoscopy when I was 45. Trust me - - If **I** can get one - you can get one! My father had colon cancer - I am divorced & my kids depend on me - I had to get one. IF he'd had a colonoscopy when he was at least 50 - his would have been detected. As it was, his colon cancer was detected in very advanced stages when he was 63. [he died at 65, from complications from a head injury. But he was in very bad shape when he fell, and the cancer was a contributing factor.]

They found 4 polyps in my first colonoscopy. In 10 years I could probably have had cancer - who knows. Maybe sooner, maybe later. I had to have another colonoscopy the next year - -everything was fine. They told me to get another in 3 years.

IF you don't get one - you won't know. But if you get one and you have cancer, at least you have the chance to get it early.

I'm thinking I should probably have one done. Doctors say not until you're 50 (I'm 47). I hear the prep is worst part.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I'm thinking I should probably have one done. Doctors say not until you're 50 (I'm 47). I hear the prep is worst part.

The prep is totally yuk.

But if you have the risk factors - then you should do it.


I bowl overhand
Part 1: I need a colonoscopy.I have needed it for a long time-ten years,in fact,and have had it scheduled approx. 6 times,only to back out. I am not afraid of the procedure,I am afraid of the sedative..I have multiple drug allergies and I hate the idea of having something injected into me. I also have sleep apnea and am scared of not waking up. Reason tells me it is routine and no big deal,these procedures are done every day,but I still struggle with it,as I have major medical anxiety. I have seen three different doctors-Mills,Nagula,and Sewchand. The first two never agin,Sewchand was wonderful,but always they jump to colonoscopy as a first resort. I really would like to find someone who will at least examine me before going invasive-I hate to get graphic,but what is happening is very mild bleeding after most BM's. This was preceded by years of abdominal pain,and the bleeding has been recent-less than 6 months. It's mild,never more than a nickel sized area on the tp. Wouldn't an exam to rule out a fissure,or hemorroids make more sense?? But no one will do an exam - when I ask,they tell me why not just spare myself the discomfort and get a comprehensive view of what is happening. Can anyone suggest to me a doctor who will help me - I know I need the scope,but my fear is intense,and I need someone to work with me on this.

If there was a reason you needed one ten years ago, and you didn't get it done..

I wouldn't worry about it.

If there was an issue it's probably too far gone to do anything about it anyways


Lovin' being Texican
Dear seaturtle,

The reason all doctors you have consulted have recommended colonoscopy is because that is the proper procedure to recommend. If a hemorrhoid or fissure is found on a physical examination, that does not rule out a more sinister problem anywhere in your colon. Thus the reluctance to do a slick-finger exam or even a flexible sigmoidoscopy, you'll end up with the same 'next a colonoscopy' recommendation. The virtual colonoscopy will end up with the same 'next a colonoscopy' recommendation so don't bother.

If your main problem is anxiety, ask for something to take before you get to the doctor's office. That means all the legal permission and waiver documents have to be signed in advance (can't have you giving legal permission while 'high' on drugs). It also means someone should drive you to the appointment and back again. (that's a good idea anyway).

During the procedure most people don't want to watch or be aware. The choice of anxieolytic is based on the clinic's experience and what's available. If your other medical problems are significant (which is probably why everyone wants to do the definitive colonoscopy rather than six or eight other procedures) you can have an anesthetist available (but that runs up the cost). Or you can have a mild narcotic injection for pain and enjoy the show (not likely in your case, however)

Been on the long black snake twice (and I'm the biggest medical-procedure coward in the world) and have had three upper endoscopies as well. With a bad ticker and other medical problems all went well. It'll be the same for you.

Get up your gumption, pick a doctor, and git er done!

Dr. Lenny


New Member
Dear seaturtle,

The reason all doctors you have consulted have recommended colonoscopy is because that is the proper procedure to recommend. If a hemorrhoid or fissure is found on a physical examination, that does not rule out a more sinister problem anywhere in your colon. Thus the reluctance to do a slick-finger exam or even a flexible sigmoidoscopy, you'll end up with the same 'next a colonoscopy' recommendation. The virtual colonoscopy will end up with the same 'next a colonoscopy' recommendation so don't bother.

If your main problem is anxiety, ask for something to take before you get to the doctor's office. That means all the legal permission and waiver documents have to be signed in advance (can't have you giving legal permission while 'high' on drugs). It also means someone should drive you to the appointment and back again. (that's a good idea anyway).

During the procedure most people don't want to watch or be aware. The choice of anxieolytic is based on the clinic's experience and what's available. If your other medical problems are significant (which is probably why everyone wants to do the definitive colonoscopy rather than six or eight other procedures) you can have an anesthetist available (but that runs up the cost). Or you can have a mild narcotic injection for pain and enjoy the show (not likely in your case, however)

Been on the long black snake twice (and I'm the biggest medical-procedure coward in the world) and have had three upper endoscopies as well. With a bad ticker and other medical problems all went well. It'll be the same for you.

Get up your gumption, pick a doctor, and git er done!

Dr. Lenny

:yeahthat: :yay:

I posted my thoughts/story in your other thread (didn't realize there were two threads on the same thing...). Just suck it up and get it done - you are not the first person under 40, or that has severe anxiety... they can deal with it and treat you accordingly. I don't know if you have a Dr. already but I recommend the Dr. Shah who deals with stomach stuff in the Bean Building (don't know his first name). You will be fine.


:yeahthat: :yay:

I posted my thoughts/story in your other thread (didn't realize there were two threads on the same thing...). Just suck it up and get it done - you are not the first person under 40, or that has severe anxiety... they can deal with it and treat you accordingly. I don't know if you have a Dr. already but I recommend the Dr. Shah who deals with stomach stuff in the Bean Building (don't know his first name). You will be fine.

Are you referring to dr. u.k shah?