


I'm having sphincter stimulations, reading this thread.........:biggrin:

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
colonoscopy having one on june 3
how bad is it?

p.s. Make sure you eat afterward and the next day. Don't go to a going away party the next day and think you can drink with the others :lmao:

That's a whole nuthah story :faint:

You'll be fine :yay:
BUT, even tho I saw the doc take the scope out of a "sterile" bag. I HAD to wonder where it had been, who used it before me.... Too expensive to use once and toss.....


Happy Camper
Hubby is scheduled for one in July. He's a bit worried, but I'll pass all of your experiences along to him. Don't know if it will make him feel better, but I sure got a good laugh! Oh, and I've already told him he WILL be sleeping in a different room than me the night before!! I can picture him sleeping on the toilet now!! :lmao:

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
Hubby is scheduled for one in July. He's a bit worried, but I'll pass all of your experiences along to him. Don't know if it will make him feel better, but I sure got a good laugh! Oh, and I've already told him he WILL be sleeping in a different room than me the night before!! I can picture him sleeping on the toilet now!! :lmao:

We haven't told you the farting part :lmao:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
:yeahthat: It was sort of nasty, but not that bad. The actual cleansing part wasn't any worse than the after effects of a trip to Tijuana, and without the vomit.

The actual procedure was no problem. They don't actually put you all the way under, but they do give you something to make you forget. I remember watching it on the TV, and I remember when they turned a corner.

Next thing I knew, the Dr. was telling me what everyone has always suspected: I am perfect A-hole!

The nurse told me I asked how my a-hole was? She said it was fine. I asked if he was still waiting for me. :lol: They noted that in my charts.


New Member
I had a reaction to the stuff I drank. It came up fast and then I shook like crazy and could not get warm. I did not finish the cocktail. Doc said it was ok. Procedure was so simple, that I even have doubts they did it. I think they just collected the fee.


New Member
After reading these remarks there are two things I'm thankful for since I am scheduled to have a rotorotor in July. One is that I live alone and the other is that my bathroom is next to my bedroom. I'm tempted to spare myself the agony and cancel the appointment -------but pay now or pay later don't you all agree?


New Member
The worst part is the ick you have to drink the night before to clean yourself out first. I've never had one, but friends and family who have, this is what they always talk about.

not to butt in....

but you really should, colon cancer if caught early is manageable, if it isn't it found till you have symptoms its many times too late.

but its your :whistle: