Coming Red Wave 2022


American Beauty
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Why this former Democrat voted Republican for the first time this election

I remember as a child my mother would tell me, “You are the company you keep,” stressing the importance of associating with people who are on par with your values. For nearly a decade, I associated with the Democratic Party because I felt its values aligned with mine. Being a Democrat was part of my political identity; I even felt comfortable with the mantra “Vote blue no matter who.”

But the Democratic Party I once supported is unrecognizable, and my political association with it is no longer. On Sunday, for the first time in my life, I voted Republican and did it without hesitation.

We often talk about Americans having shared values and principles, sometimes to the point of not discussing them because they’re so blatantly obvious. Two of those principles were you do not harm children and you do not sexualize children. They were never politically debated because no one in his right mind would argue against them — yet my former party is, making them the hill to die on under the illusion of being progressive.


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Michigan Muslims Rock the Casbah Over Gay Porn in Schools, Jumping En Masse to the GOP

While the Democrats were attacking white Christians for believing women are women and men are not, they never thought the Muslim community might have a say in all this. They do.

We are less than a week before the midterms, and the Democrats are in panic mode. They didn’t learn from Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s victory last November — don’t mess with people’s kids — and they didn’t see themselves possibly losing Michigan.

Wayne County, Mich., which includes Detroit, has been a fortress for Democrats for decades. Part of that reason is Dearborn, which is home to the largest Muslim population in the U.S. Also, Hamtramck, Mich., a small town almost entirely enveloped by Detroit, is the only majority Muslim town in the U.S. Muslims have also moved into Detroit’s Warrendale neighborhood, which borders Dearborn. There are a lot of Muslim voters, and most of them have voted Democrat in the past.



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But the concerned parent actually exists. And Colbert has egg all over his face. Khalil Othman, 41, a former Dearborn City Council candidate, came forward as the man Dixon had referred to at the debate against Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, the Detroit Free Press reported.

“To claim that I’m not here, I don’t exist, I’m not human, that’s absolute ignorance,” Othman, 41, a father of five and former Dearborn city council candidate, told the Free Press. “If this person did his due diligence and start researching or has his team do a little bit of research of who’s this person who attended Dixon’s rally, they will be able to find my name right away easy on social media. Just Google it.”
Dixon also criticized Colbert for doubting Othman’s existence during a campaign stop Sunday in Dearborn that Othman attended.
“I told his story (during the debate),” Dixon said Sunday of Othman to hundreds in Dearborn. “And Stephen Colbert picks it up. … And they make this whole skit about how this has never happened. That’s what he said, this story never happened. That’s where the Democrats are right now. You don’t exist, your stories are not important.”



PREMO Member

Why suburban women are flocking to the GOP: As simple as A,B,C

Allowed to run things their way, Democrats have ruined many of America’s cities, from New York to Chicago to Baltimore to Los Angeles and San Francisco, among many others. And the crime has spilled out into the suburbs.

Nor is it like taxes went down when police were defunded; the money just got diverted into the pockets of various Democratic interest groups.

Schools didn’t do any better. Education policy (and even at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) during the COVID pandemic was essentially run by the teachers unions. This year, Senate Republicans outlined the improper and extensive influence teachers unions, particularly the American Federation of Teachers, wielded over the government’s COVID policies on schools. Union officials actually wrote key portions of Team Biden’s school-opening guidance.

Teachers liked working remotely, and teachers unions fought hard to keep them home as long as possible. Teachers had a nice time, but students suffered, to a degree that’s still sinking in.

Even in 2020, The Atlantic reported that parents in New York, worried about crime and bad schools, were taking over the education of their kids. Since then, as schools did a worse and worse job, more and more parents decided to educate their own kids.


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COVID reckoning? Lockdown lefties struggle in governor's races as reopen righties take big leads

And while elections tend to focus more on the future than the past, the starkly contrasting performances of lockdown lefties and reopen righties suggests that a reckoning on pandemic policies may be a stealth issue in major governor's races.

The repercussions of lockdown policies are also felt indirectly in the top issues for voters, from supply-chain problems and inflation driven by COVID relief spending to plummeting test scores and parental outrage over school curricula resulting from remote learning.

"Red wave is coming Tuesday," freespoken sports show host Colin Cowherd tweeted Thursday. "Don’t mess w people’s kids. It lands differently — and they will hold a grudge."


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‘Nobody Likes Them’

Historian Victor Davis Hanson told Fox News host Tucker Carlson a “revolt” against “bicoastal snarky elites” was building Friday while discussing the upcoming midterm elections.

“They’ve brought people together, Tucker. There’s a new ecumenical movement of African American males, Hispanics and the white working class that detest these bicoastal elites and are starting to look in class concerns rather than these racial differences,” Hanson said. “Just the antipathy towards these left-wing elites has created a consensus that I haven’t seen in my lifetime, and I think that we’ll be shocked next Tuesday when it roars. It’s gonna be a mouse and it’s gonna roar. They’re not ready for it, and that’s why they’re panicking. They don’t know what to do.”


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

I haven't watched it yet (I will), but while I like Rogan I don't put any stock in his predictions. His opinions on current events, sure, but not his predictions for the future. He is also in a bubble and often doesn't see the forrest for the trees.
Why not? Is there another person out there whom you would put stock into their predictions, aside from those that would profit from giving them in some way?

Take me for example. I've made predictions here which came to fruition. Such as warning all that the COVID relief funding BS fiasco free money program would wind up as inflation in the form of higher prices. And here we are, a couple of years later and whamo, high inflation and high price inflation. If I can do it, Joe surely can. But, since I am a nobody, no one listens. Maybe if I were famous and part of the main stream establishment, or had a PhD after my name?

I find it best to read from numinous resources and put my own thoughts and predictions together rather than rely on someone else to tell me what to think. Joe, would be one source, if I were inclined to watch him. But from the few times I have watched him, he just reinforces, more or less, my understanding and thinking of things.