Commisoner President Race

tipsy mcgee

Always thirsty
But I don't think the word would spread enough to get the votes to elect Rocky. While I like the idea and would love another option at this point, a write-in vote coming in this late may just be a waste. Then I still have to decide which one of the two people I like least I like best. Is that a Yogi Berra statement or what?

I could vote for Randall based on the fact that Tommy's history is unclear and he won't clear it up for us or vote for Tommy based on Randall's not-so-good four years and write-off Tommy's family history, neither of which I am at all comfortable with at this point.


New Member

I suppose the thing that bothers me about a write-in vote for Rocky, is the potential that this might split the vote. But then since I really don't care which of the two evil ones is elected I guess it shouldn't matter.


New Member
Originally posted by Ken King
There is still hope that Rocky Rowland will do the write in campaign, he has until October 30 to file.


Rocky won't do that...for better or for worse, he doesn't want to split the republican vote.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
What do you mean not get the word out in time? If a write in candidate started today it would cause such a huff with the local media (Emptyprize and Skank Mary's Today) that every person in the county would know. With such a low voter turnout in the primary the pool of available ballots hasn't even begun to be tapped.

Since there is no viable choice (lesser of two evils) why wouldn't he say "What the heck" and throw his hat back into the mix? That is if he still thinks that he can do a better job then these two selected candidates. The same goes for Pappy Wade. I would vote for him over either of the two choices we currently have.


How Sad

Originally posted by MDindef

Rocky won't do that...for better or for worse, he doesn't want to split the republican vote.

If only I could be this noble......

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by MDindef

Rocky won't do that...for better or for worse, he doesn't want to split the republican vote.

How ridiculous is that concept. The winner will represent us all, not just one party or the other. It is obvious that many want change as Julie Randall didn't walk away with a landslide in her primary and Rocky was only beat out by a few votes in the other primary. Now you have all the others that weren't eligible to vote and the choices are so pitiful that most will probably just stay home. What a boost for democracy.

The result will be either four more years of very little other then spending or the chance of getting an even less likable candidate in the office. A person with the ability of Rocky, that seems to be the best for the job, won’t run because it might split the vote. Totally unreal and what I would say is somewhat self-serving. Maybe I should rethink my support for Rocky as someone with the right attributes to help this county and succumb to the fact that no one really cares about what happens to the people or the county.

Terp Fan

New Member
Look at the numbers

In the past, for non-presidential elections, the number of voters in the primary is pretty much equal to the number of votes in the general.
In the primary, this is what the votes were for the Commissioner President race:

Julie - 4191
Wade - 3180
McKay - 3158
Rowland - 2675

More than likely, Julie will get her 4191 votes again and McKay will get his 3158 votes again.

Let's say that Rowland gets 2675 votes. I really don't think this is possible because there are many die hard Republicans that will be offended that Rowland is doing a write in and won't vote for him. But I'll go with 2675.

Now for the rest of the votes..

Let's say 2/3 of the Wade voters say "Julie sucks, I'm going republican" (and I think that is very generous to the republican party). That means the Republican party will get 2120 out of 3180.

Well, if we split that vote in half, half going to McKay and half to Rowland, we get....
Randal - 5251
McKay - 4218
Rowland - 3735

Even if we give all of Wade's vote to Rowland we get ...
Randal - 5251
McKay - 3158
Rowland - 4795

Of course I am pulling all of this out of my ***. But I believe it makes sense.

Terp Fan

New Member
Originally posted by Ken King

A person with the ability of Rocky, that seems to be the best for the job, won’t run because it might split the vote. Totally unreal and what I would say is somewhat self-serving. Maybe I should rethink my support for Rocky as someone with the right attributes to help this county and succumb to the fact that no one really cares about what happens to the people or the county.

There is no reason to get pissed off at Rocky. We have a system in place for elections (Primaries and then the General Election). That is not Rocky's fault. He followed the rules. If every candidate decided to do a write in campaign because they did not like the results of an election, the primaries would not serve any purpose at all!

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Re: Look at the numbers

Originally posted by Terp Fan
Of course I am pulling all of this out of my ***. But I believe it makes sense.

I'll agree you are pulling it. :lmao: What doesn't make sense is that there are quite a few undeclared and independents that could vote for Rocky that aren't considered in your summation. In the 1998 Gubernatorial Election St. Mary’s County had 22.094 votes cast. In this primary election there were only 13,204 votes cast based on your numbers. This leaves a difference of 8,890 votes that are available plus any new voters that have moved into the area. The potential exists for a write-in candidate to win and win big. All they need to do is get out there and make their case. The wirte-in candidate would have another advantage in my mind, that being the stir it would cause in the local news and the short term memory of most folk. They could be popular overnight and could "steal" the election. A person has 19 days to make this decision and declare.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Terp Fan

There is no reason to get pissed off at Rocky. We have a system in place for elections (Primaries and then the General Election). That is not Rocky's fault. He followed the rules. If every candidate decided to do a write in campaign because they did not like the results of an election, the primaries would not serve any purpose at all!

So, rethinking support equates to pissed off for you? Interesting. Wrong but definately interesting. I would think that a person that knows they are the right one for the job wouldn't let the process stop them from achieving it or that what they said during their campaign was nothing but hogwash.

The write-in candidate is within the rules also for instances just like this where there is support for a candidate that didn't get his message out to everyone or something new comes to light to make people rethink their position.

Will you be happy if McKay wins? I know I won't. I also know that I have had enough of the Randall regime and want positive changes in this county not just more of the same old crap. I thought Rocky could do it and still do. That is why I would like to see him declare and get back into it.


New Member

Originally posted by Ken King

A person with the ability of Rocky, that seems to be the best for the job, won’t run because it might split the vote. Totally unreal and what I would say is somewhat self-serving. Maybe I should rethink my support for Rocky as someone with the right attributes to help this county and succumb to the fact that no one really cares about what happens to the people or the county

Ken, you have tried and convicted Rocky and you don't have any idea what he is thinking. I agree with everyone on here, I doubt that he would ever do a write-in. He gave it his best shot and lost. I admire him for running, he did his best. I guess it is our loss that his parents aren't Mr. & Mrs. McKay. I just hope he stays active in the community (and I believe he will) and gives it another shot in 4 years. I just hope we survive the next 4 years...scary thought huh :ohwell:


New Member

Originally posted by Ken King

So, rethinking support equates to pissed off for you? Interesting. Wrong but definately interesting. I would think that a person that knows they are the right one for the job wouldn't let the process stop them from achieving it or that what they said during their campaign was nothing but hogwash.

Will you be happy if McKay wins? I know I won't. I also know that I have had enough of the Randall regime and want positive changes in this county not just more of the same old crap. I thought Rocky could do it and still do. That is why I would like to see him declare and get back into it.

I wasn't going to jump into this but, oh well....The one thing that I will guarantee you Ken King is that there was noone in this Primary who believed in what he was doing more than Rocky Rowland. To imply that there was even a remote chance that what he was saying was hogwash is ludicrous.

The Republican Party in St. Mary's county has a long memory. If Rocky made the attempt at a write-in campaign and lost and because of that (splitting the vote) the Democrats and Julie won what do you think Rocky's chances at another run in four years.

Self Serving?? Possibly!!

Self Preservation?? Much More Likely!!

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Darlene
Ken, you have tried and convicted Rocky and you don't have any idea what he is thinking. I agree with everyone on here, I doubt that he would ever do a write-in. He gave it his best shot and lost. I admire him for running, he did his best. I guess it is our loss that his parents aren't Mr. & Mrs. McKay. I just hope he stays active in the community (and I believe he will) and gives it another shot in 4 years. I just hope we survive the next 4 years...scary thought huh :ohwell:

Have I now, well if he thought that he was the better of the candidates (which I certainly do), was what this county needed, and another person won (on the family name only, in my opinion) for his party, why would he concede if there was another avenue?

I haven't heard that Rocky is now endorsing McKay (maybe he has, I just haven't heard it). With the paultry turnout at the primary I think he still has a good chance at winning. How is that being tried and convicted?

You're right I don't know what he is thinking, but his action says since you didn't pick me you deserve McKay or Randall.


New Member
I wasn't going to jump into this but, oh well....The one thing that I will guarantee you Ken King is that there was noone in this Primary who believed in what he was doing more than Rocky Rowland. To imply that there was even a remote chance that what he was saying was hogwash is ludicrous. [/QUOTE

Delilah.... you go girl, couldnt have said it better myself!!:clap: :dance: :dude: :getdown: :notworthy

Terp Fan

New Member
Re: Re: Look at the numbers

Originally posted by Ken King

I'll agree you are pulling it. :lmao: What doesn't make sense is that there are quite a few undeclared and independents that could vote for Rocky that aren't considered in your summation. In the 1998 Gubernatorial Election St. Mary’s County had 22.094 votes cast. In this primary election there were only 13,204 votes cast based on your numbers. This leaves a difference of 8,890 votes that are available plus any new voters that have moved into the area. The potential exists for a write-in candidate to win and win big. All they need to do is get out there and make their case. The wirte-in candidate would have another advantage in my mind, that being the stir it would cause in the local news and the short term memory of most folk. They could be popular overnight and could "steal" the election. A person has 19 days to make this decision and declare.

Okay, obviously my original source of information was not correct. After researching more, I'll give you that I did not include undeclared and independents in my numbers.

But, I would totally disagree with your statement that "The wirte-in candidate would have another advantage in my mind, that being the stir it would cause in the local news and the short term memory of most folk. " There is a write in candidate in one of the Commissioner races, but the Enterprise made no mention of it yesterday. And another thing, I believe a candidate needs the support of a political party in order to run. The republican party has a candidate already, like it or not. And trust me, I don't like it either.

No I will not be happy if McKay wins. But I will be even more unhappy if Julie does. That is why I don't think Rocky should do a write in.. it will guarantee a win for Julie.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Re: Re: Re: Look at the numbers

Originally posted by Terp Fan

Okay, obviously my original source of information was not correct. After researching more, I'll give you that I did not include undeclared and independents in my numbers.

But, I would totally disagree with your statement that "The wirte-in candidate would have another advantage in my mind, that being the stir it would cause in the local news and the short term memory of most folk. " There is a write in candidate in one of the Commissioner races, but the Enterprise made no mention of it yesterday. And another thing, I believe a candidate needs the support of a political party in order to run. The republican party has a candidate already, like it or not. And trust me, I don't like it either.

No I will not be happy if McKay wins. But I will be even more unhappy if Julie does. That is why I don't think Rocky should do a write in.. it will guarantee a win for Julie.

Reading Maryland election guidelines, located at there is nothing required for party affiliation for a person to file as a write-in candidate.

As to whether or not a candidate attempting this would be successful or cause another candidate to lose because of splitting the vote I am unsure if that would happen or not. I feel that Rocky would have been the best to go up against Ms. Randall. Especially when this area has almost as many undeclared as it does declared voters. It could certainly be interesting.

As to my assertion about an advantage of a write-in candidate, I still feel that way, especially in a local race such as this. It would all be a matter of timing and how well received the candidate is (which I think Rocky would be well received). The fact that the Emptyprize didn’t recognize a write-in candidate that you are aware of in their latest edition is of no surprise to me (BTW who is it and what district does it impact?). They have their agenda and will support their candidates without giving any print space to opponents. They have done this for years and probably sway many voters that don’t seek information on the candidates.

I really think it sucks that such a small portion of the county has been able to determine our choices for the commissioners. But such is life and I too will vote McKay if there is no other choice. All I have been trying to do is show that there is another avenue to get a decent person into office. If Rocky chooses to use it I will certainly give him my support and try to convince every voter I come upon to do the same. It isn’t about McKay or Randall winning or losing, it is about getting the best person into the position.

Terp Fan

New Member
Hubscher (sp?) said last week he was going to do a write in campaign.

As I have said before, I don't think Rocky could win a write in race, especially this late in the game. One thing that I have not mentioned before is he would be asking THOUSANDS of citizens to actually write "Rocky Rowland" on the ballot. That's alot of people.

Another thing that I am concerned about (and I think Delilah hit on this earlier) is if Rocky runs a write in campaign he will be labeled a "sore loser". If he wants to run again in 4 years, I would hate to see that label attached. "Oh, that's Rocky - the one that would not take NO for an answer and caused Julie to be our current County Commissioner President."


I have had my doubts as to who I was going to vote for, for County Comm. President, until tonight. I listened to both Julie Randall and Tommy Mckay talk at the political forum in Ridge, and to tell you the truth... I thought Julie Randall made a better showing. Tommy Mckay came in late after his lovely $50 a ticket party his dad was having for him and starts talking about buildings in this county need more square feet rather than cubic feet, that the tec center is basically ridiculously too big, and here's the kicker, starts talking about we need to bring back the farmers, and that St mary's county should be known for something like Idaho for the potato and Georgia for their peaches. Ok, I have grown up with farming in my family, and to tell you the truth, there is not very many doing it anymore. If Mckay wants to run on that platform, he should have ran for office like 10 yrs ago... because we are too busy building up all that we can. Basically there are two main farming families in this county anymore, so I don't know how he expects to do this.
Overall, Mckay did not come across as someone that I would want running this county. Its just a scary thought.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
St. Mary's IS known for something - stuffed ham. Where ya been, Tommy?

McKay's out of touch, Randall is a spendthrift - ya'll have fun on election day.


New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
St. Mary's IS known for something - stuffed ham. Where ya been, Tommy?

:lmao: @ vrail. You are right vrai, just about anyone who has heard of St. Mary's Co. has heard of stuffed ham. When I travel and someone asks where I am from; I usually say Pax River, because people usually recognize that. Many have replied "ohhhhhhh stuffed ham right?" or something to that effect. I always get a kick out of that. Another thing, McKay's Grocery Stores makes a killing off selling stuffed ham at holiday time. I guess Tommyboy just doesn't get it, maybe he would rather St. Mary's to be known for something like....embezzlement.