Commisoner President Race



I do, and a lot of people do down this way. Hopefully that will show on the 5th


New Member
Hey Giggles! It was a lovely dinner, but I'm sure that it wasn't near as posh as Miss Julie's little $250.00 a plate bash! :shocked:
I personally think that it is about time that someone talked about economic development in this County that didn't have anything to do with the Navy Base! Why not start with the farmers? Isn't that what everyone seems to want? To save the "rural integrity"of the County. To save the farm lands? There is only one way to do that, and that is to save the farmers, and I know of at least 10 farming families that would be highly insulted by your assessment that there are only 2 farmers left in the county.

If I have to hear the incumbent commissioners say "BRAC" one more time I'll puke! Yes, supporting the base is important, as they are our main source of employment; but don't you think it is time to develop other alternatives for people who are either not capable, or have no desire to work in DOD industires?

And by the way SMCDEM it doesn't matter who will decide the won't be you...because you can't vote!:bawl:


Hi Blue Crab!

Originally posted by bluecrab
Hey Giggles! I know of at least 10 farming families that would be highly insulted by your assessment that there are only 2 farmers left in the county.

don't you think it is time to develop other alternatives for people who are either not capable, or have no desire to work in DOD industires?

And by the way SMCDEM it doesn't matter who will decide the won't be you...because you can't vote!:bawl:

I've seen ya crawling around the forums and I'm glad that you finally posted! Take it from a newbie with a big mouth... Coming out of the chute slamming forum members may not be the wisest move!

FYI there are many more than 10 farmers in the community! You slammed giggles for stating only 2(what were you thinking?)

For all of those incapable citizen's what exactly do you suggest? (Back it up!)

While I'm on the subject, only a degenerate would attack a 15 year old girl!

If your gonna BRING IT.... Take on the BIG KIDS on the block!



New Member
"While I'm on the subject, only a degenerate would attack a 15 year old girl!"
Damn... im a GUY!!!!
Anyway Tommy is too much of an ol boy to relize how the base has made this county the way it is. When ever I see him talk I just think he gets dumber by the moment...O well maybe the county will wake up and relize that we have gone a longgggg way since 98...Am i the only one who relizes this??


Originally posted by bluecrab
Hey Giggles! It was a lovely dinner, but I'm sure that it wasn't near as posh as Miss Julie's little $250.00 a plate bash! :shocked:
I personally think that it is about time that someone talked about economic development in this County that didn't have anything to do with the Navy Base! Why not start with the farmers? Isn't that what everyone seems to want? To save the "rural integrity"of the County. To save the farm lands? There is only one way to do that, and that is to save the farmers, and I know of at least 10 farming families that would be highly insulted by your assessment that there are only 2 farmers left in the county.
If I have to hear the incumbent commissioners say "BRAC" one more time I'll puke! Yes, supporting the base is important, as they are our main source of employment; but don't you think it is time to develop other alternatives for people who are either not capable, or have no desire to work in DOD industires?

Alright... I'll admit... there's more than two ok. I'm just talking about down this way... south of Lexington Park... there are just mainly two people that have taken over the industry of farming... and preserving what they can. Economic development besides the base... well if he wants to do something for development he needs to come up with a better angle then trying to have a crop for southern maryland. In this state we've been paying people not to farm... now why would they go back to it? I have no problem with saving the farm lands and not developing them. But I do not see his little plan of us haivng something like in Idaho with the potato happening. Keep Dreaming!

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by smcdem
"While I'm on the subject, only a degenerate would attack a 15 year old girl!"
Damn... im a GUY!!!!
Anyway Tommy is too much of an ol boy to relize how the base has made this county the way it is. When ever I see him talk I just think he gets dumber by the moment...O well maybe the county will wake up and relize that we have gone a longgggg way since 98...Am i the only one who relizes this??

Well Patrick, it seems only those defending you refer to you as a girl. BTW shouldn't you be doing your homework instead of surfing?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Apparently he'd get a better education in here than at Ryken.
Am i the only one who relizes this??
Yes. Was it McKay who said that we need to find alternative ways for people to make a living rather than just from the base and DoD? If so, then I agree with him. If it was Julie who said that, I agree with her.


New Member
Boy I missed this one!

I would just like to know that of all of those who are for Rocky running on a write in, have talked to him about it....and are WILLING to help get the word out if he is convinced to do a write in. Without the support he won't have a chance.

Terp Fan: I know you stand on this issue but there are a lot of Democrates out there that were going to vote for Rocky in the primary but couldn't so they either voted for Ms J. or Wade.

The threat where they talked about Tommy's "vision for education" Hey folks it sure sounded good but it was empty. All it was was his views but nothing on how it was going to get done.


Originally posted by smcdem
Damn... im a GUY!!!!

Well, that changes everything....! :biggrin:
Just Kidding! I'll forgive your shortcomings if you forgive mine.


New Member
haha allright i forgive you, and don't worry guys I did my homework and hey don't bash my school i get enough of that already!!


Attire Monitor
Originally posted by smcdem
haha allright i forgive you, and don't worry guys I did my homework and hey don't bash my school i get enough of that already!!

Now, will you shift over to the other thread (whatup Turkeys) and help us figure out what the homeboy is talking about?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Re: Boy I missed this one!

Originally posted by STMLADY
I would just like to know that of all of those who are for Rocky running on a write in, have talked to him about it....and are WILLING to help get the word out if he is convinced to do a write in. Without the support he won't have a chance.

I'll help, what do I need to do other then telling every voter I come across about the write-in campaign?


New Member
Hey Kain

"and I know of at least 10 farming families that would be highly insulted by your assessment that there are only 2 farmers left in the county."

Not slamming anybody, and if you will note I said that I know of 10 farming families. Those would be the ones that I personally, know.........not all of the farmers in the county.

As for smcdem I believe that 15 year old boys should be better supervised!! Do his parents know where he is? Would they approve? Or is he in fact just just doing what all little children do and repeating what he hears at home?


Hey Blue Crab... Glad to see you back! I still can't help but wonder why, of all the members on these forums you insist on picking on the smallest in the bunch.

You forgot to tell me all about your business devlopment ideas! Your obviously sick of hearing about BRAC... If I remember correctly you were concerned about all of those "incapable" citizens in the county who aren't intelligent enough to work at PAX so what do we do? Build another Burger King?


New Member
I am not running for office, therefore it isn't necessary for me to share my ideas about business development.; however, your idea of "build another Burger King" is certainly an intelligent one, hope you are not running for office either.
Yes, I did say that there were some people who were not capable or who do not want to work in the DOD industry. This ain't Oz Dorothy, and if you believe that al people are created equal when it comes to capabilities, then you had better pinch yourself and wake up. Some of the people who are less capable are that way because God chose them to be that way from conception, others have been rendered less capable because of trauma, accidents or illness. Should these less capable people be forced to work at fast food restaurants? Certainly not! There are very few opportunities in St. Mary's for these idividuals to earn a decent living or to feel satisfied and fulfilled at their jobs. Yes, I have ideas about business development, and I will discuss them at length with any commmissioner or candidate who wishes to talk about them,... but I would like to hear their ideas...after all they are the ones running for office.


Originally posted by bluecrab
I am not running for office./ I would like to hear their ideas...after all they are the ones running for office.

What a knuckle head! I don't remember hinting that you might be a candidate running for office but now that you mention it, are you sure your not on the ticket???? I'd hate to think one of our upstanding candidates would come into one of these forums "undercover"

On second thought, my psychic powers are telling me that you have joined our happy family with a definite agenda. * what could that be?*

Your post is basically so lame that if I were you I wouldn't try aproaching the "real" candidates with your "ideas" You could quite possibly be laughed right into next week.