Completely Disgusted


New Member
On my way home today driving down route 4 I see a Trooper running radar, nothing out of the ordinary. He catches somebody in a blue car speeding, he proceeds to step out into the road and flag them over to the side. But what happens next just completely sent me over the edge. The car that he was going to pull over was an undercover cop car, all this cop does is flash his red and blues and the trooper steps back behind his car to begin running radar again.

HOW IN THE HELL IS THIS LEGAL? Why are they allowed to get away with that. Had it been me he was signalling to the side of the road, I surely would have gotten a ticket.

This is complete abuse of authority. After seeing that I have lost all respect I had for our justice system.


New Member
johnycarcinogen said:
On my way home today driving down route 4 I see a Trooper running radar, nothing out of the ordinary. He catches somebody in a blue car speeding, he proceeds to step out into the road and flag them over to the side. But what happens next just completely sent me over the edge. The car that he was going to pull over was an undercover cop car, all this cop does is flash his red and blues and the trooper steps back behind his car to begin running radar again.

HOW IN THE HELL IS THIS LEGAL? Why are they allowed to get away with that. Had it been me he was signalling to the side of the road, I surely would have gotten a ticket.

This is complete abuse of authority. After seeing that I have lost all respect I had for our justice system.

another case of cops covering cops. It makes my stomach ill! I hope SMCOP will comment on this.


New Member
Get a life. It's one of the few breaks Police get these days. They have a tough job dealing with idiots in today's world. Don't they give you a free lunch at McD's where you work?

I have a life. Unlike you, I can leave when ever I want and I still get paid for 40 hours. Yes they have a tough job, THIS IS BESIDE THAT POINT, I don't care that he was radaring, they need to do that to help control speed, but letting that cop go like that was just wrong. If anything pull over and just let him go then, don't blatantly show your disregard for the law.

Sounds like you are the one in need of a life, or at least some balls to sign the karma.


Highlander's MPD
johnycarcinogen said:
On my way home today driving down route 4 I see a Trooper running radar, nothing out of the ordinary. He catches somebody in a blue car speeding, he proceeds to step out into the road and flag them over to the side. But what happens next just completely sent me over the edge. The car that he was going to pull over was an undercover cop car, all this cop does is flash his red and blues and the trooper steps back behind his car to begin running radar again.

HOW IN THE HELL IS THIS LEGAL? Why are they allowed to get away with that. Had it been me he was signalling to the side of the road, I surely would have gotten a ticket.

This is complete abuse of authority. After seeing that I have lost all respect I had for our justice system.

This was not the best way for the speeding officer to handle this, that's for sure. We all know that cops display professional courtesy to each other and very rarely write each other tickets but I think that the speeding officer should have pulled over had a conversation with the radar cop and then he could have slid right back out on the road without a ticket and no one would have gotten upset. That would have been the way to handle this.

I would suggest you not assume the speeding officer was up to no good. There is a possibility he was on the way to a call. Although not technically legal to speed without emergency equipment on, it can sometimes be a better way by not causing so much havoc with the lights and sirens. If he took his time getting to that call, there would be someone on the other end complaining that it took too long. They can't win.


New Member
dmh said:
another case of cops covering cops. It makes my stomach ill! I hope SMCOP will comment on this.

I don't know what you guys are fussing about. If he is driving an unmark patrol car, not his private car, then most likely he is on official duty. If not, then he should be cited for misuse of government assets, a more severe charge than a speeding ticket.


Well-Known Member
PJumper said:
I don't know what you guys are fussing about. If he is driving an unmark patrol car, not his private car, then most likely he is on official duty. If not, then he should be cited for misuse of government assets, a more severe charge than a speeding ticket.

The police are allowed to drive their cars when they are off duty.


Frankly, I'm surprised that the COPs that are walking out into the middle of the road to flag someone down are not getting hit/killed. I saw this for the first time last weekend up in the Columbia area on 100. COP walked right out into traffic to wave someone over and nearly caused a pretty big accident. Pretty stupid if you ask me...which of course nobody did. :razz:


Lem Putt
Crow Bait said:
He could have been responding to a call.

Sometimes there's a no lights/siren, but urgent, response needed.

If it isn't urgent enough to run lights and sirens, it is not legal to speed. That's the law. It isn't enforced, but it is still the law.

So why do people care if cops speed and get away with it? What does it hurt? It just sounds like jealousy to me: "Why should the cops be able to speed, but I can't?"

J.C., Did this instance stop you from getting where you were going? Did it even slow you down? Did it cost you anything? Why is it worth being "completely disgusted?" The only thing it did was make you wish that you could get away with it. You're being selfish.


Well-Known Member
MMDad said:
So why do people care if cops speed and get away with it? What does it hurt? It just sounds like jealousy to me: "Why should the cops be able to speed, but I can't?"

People get mad because the cops are giving them tickets for the same thing the police do all the time. It is just very hypicitical.


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
pingrr said:
People get mad because the cops are giving them tickets for the same thing the police do all the time. It is just very hypicitical.

For the record, please define.


Well-Known Member
johnycarcinogen said:
On my way home today driving down route 4 I see a Trooper running radar, nothing out of the ordinary. He catches somebody in a blue car speeding, he proceeds to step out into the road and flag them over to the side. But what happens next just completely sent me over the edge. The car that he was going to pull over was an undercover cop car, all this cop does is flash his red and blues and the trooper steps back behind his car to begin running radar again.

HOW IN THE HELL IS THIS LEGAL? Why are they allowed to get away with that. Had it been me he was signalling to the side of the road, I surely would have gotten a ticket.

This is complete abuse of authority. After seeing that I have lost all respect I had for our justice system.

You should become a cop and fight this tyranny! Give all of your fellow cops tickets! That will teach them.


New Member
I'm glad the cops speed. Last thing I want is to get stuck behind some cop doing the speed limit. Speed on, boys in blue! Get the hell out of my way!


Lem Putt
ITS ME said:
and you say it sounds like jealousy to you. Well da*n right, why cant i do it, if the cops can, arent they supposed to uphold the law? not break it.
So you want the benefits that come with the job without actually doing the job? Pilots fly free on their off time. Do you deserve that also?

You entitlement types who think they should get benefits without earning them are a trip.


New Member
jetmonkey said:
I'm glad the cops speed. Last thing I want is to get stuck behind some cop doing the speed limit. Speed on, boys in blue! Get the hell out of my way!

THAT'S what really annoys me! When one cop is holding up 3 or 4 lanes of traffic cuz no one wants to pass his slo azz. :yay: Speed on!


Well-Known Member
MMDad said:
So you want the benefits that come with the job without actually doing the job? Pilots fly free on their off time. Do you deserve that also?

Being alowed to speed is not a benifit of the job. A take home vehicle that they can use whenever they want is a benifit. I would like to see were it says in the police benifits package that they are allowed to speed while off duty.