Completely Disgusted


New Member
Wow, you should be worried that something that little "completely disgusts" you. Who cares if they speed and dont get tickets. It wasnt hurting you any. I am sure many of us have gone through a radar a little to fast and not been pulled over...I know I have. You should focus your anger on something different. Ever walked up to a law enforcement officer and thanked them for everything they do every day? Its not all about shooting radar...


Lem Putt
johnycarcinogen said:
Sounds like you are the one in need of a life, or at least some balls to sign the karma.
Hey dummy, if you are going to snivel about people not signing their karma, you should sign yours. Those of us with KarmaTracker XP can tell who leaves karma, and you didn't sign it. You're a bit of a hypocrit, aren't you?


Life is good!
MMDad said:
If it isn't urgent enough to run lights and sirens, it is not legal to speed. That's the law. It isn't enforced, but it is still the law.

I don't believe you are correct. Their are set procedures for responding "without lights and siren" up to so many miles above the speed limit. There is no way of knowing if a Officer is responding to a call.


Lem Putt
microcomputer said:
I don't believe you are correct. Their are set procedures for responding "without lights and siren" up to so many miles above the speed limit. There is no way of knowing if a Officer is responding to a call.
Read the law. What is practiced is different from what the law states.

u gotta love me

New Member
MMDad said:
So you want the benefits that come with the job without actually doing the job? Pilots fly free on their off time. Do you deserve that also?

You entitlement types who think they should get benefits without earning them are a trip.

Pilots fly for free as do their family. A perk that I have reaped through my family, thank you very much.

BUT pilots are not paid to up hold the law and set examples.


Ponytail said:
THAT'S what really annoys me! When one cop is holding up 3 or 4 lanes of traffic cuz no one wants to pass his slo azz. :yay: Speed on!

Or even worse when there's a left-laner who won't get out of the cops way..

When the boys in blue are rolling, let them roll.. They'll clear the path for others to get on with it..


Darwin was right
johnycarcinogen said:
On my way home today driving down route 4 I see a Trooper running radar, nothing out of the ordinary. He catches somebody in a blue car speeding, he proceeds to step out into the road and flag them over to the side. But what happens next just completely sent me over the edge. The car that he was going to pull over was an undercover cop car, all this cop does is flash his red and blues and the trooper steps back behind his car to begin running radar again.

HOW IN THE HELL IS THIS LEGAL? Why are they allowed to get away with that. Had it been me he was signalling to the side of the road, I surely would have gotten a ticket.

This is complete abuse of authority. After seeing that I have lost all respect I had for our justice system.

:whistle: You are soooooo wrong. That was not an undercover officer. It was the donut delivery man...special order on the way.


New Member
johnycarcinogen said:
On my way home today driving down route 4 I see a Trooper running radar, nothing out of the ordinary. He catches somebody in a blue car speeding, he proceeds to step out into the road and flag them over to the side. But what happens next just completely sent me over the edge. The car that he was going to pull over was an undercover cop car, all this cop does is flash his red and blues and the trooper steps back behind his car to begin running radar again.

HOW IN THE HELL IS THIS LEGAL? Why are they allowed to get away with that. Had it been me he was signalling to the side of the road, I surely would have gotten a ticket.

This is complete abuse of authority. After seeing that I have lost all respect I had for our justice system.
Ok look, I had to flash my red & blues and keep going. If I stopped, he would have discovered I'm not a cop and not entitled to have those lights in my car. :duh:


Highlander's MPD
Lexib_ said:
thats just it... You don't know what was going on. Depending on the call they will not use sirens.

Things are not always as they appear. Give the cop the benefit of the doubt. Maybe someday, his speeding to get to your accident or call for service will save your life. The cops really are not the bad guys. We may not like it when they pull us over give us tickets or yell at us to leave a place where you wanna be but you have to understand it's done for a reason. Not too long ago, I saw a woman screaming at an officer because he told her she couldn't drive past him to get to her house. It didn't matter to her that a crazy dude with a gun was threatening to kill someone in her neighborhood. She just didn't want to be inconvenienced. People in this country have become spoiled and are out of touch with reality (liberals).

Complain about let 'em go judges or the screwed up media. That would make more sense. Walk up to a cop, get to know him. Some have crazy egos but most are just normal people trying to do the right thing, with very little thanks and a whole lot of criticism.


MMDad said:
Hey dummy, if you are going to snivel about people not signing their karma, you should sign yours. Those of us with KarmaTracker XP can tell who leaves karma, and you didn't sign it. You're a bit of a hypocrit, aren't you?

:killingme :smack:


New Member
My issue with this is something called Leadership by Example. When you hear stories like this it does make you just shake your head. Complete lack of leadership.

Don't make the excuse that he was going on a call with his lights off either. I guess every cop that rips down 235 at 65 mph are on a call too....


New Member
dmh said:
another case of cops covering cops. It makes my stomach ill! I hope SMCOP will comment on this.
Ok, I don't know why you want me to respond but I will. First let me say that I don't write speeding tickets. But when I did, I was more inclined to give a warning to a person who was polite and honest. I never had a quota as many people presume, so it was my "discretion" as to who I wrote a ticket to or not. And that is the authority given to us by the State legislature when it comes to traffic laws and some other misdemeanors.

Now, as far as writing a ticket to another police officer, I would never say never, but knowing that if I am on the side of the road, fighting with one or more suspects, (as I have seen in numerous training vidieos of real situations) the cop I might write a ticket to is the same cop who is going to risk life and limb getting to me to help, I probably would not be so inclined to give him the $65.00 speeding ticket.

Is this wrong? I don't really know. Probably it is wrong. But there are a lot of things in life we do that are wrong. We tell little white lies to make people feel better about their appearance, that is wrong but we do it. So morally we do things wrong, but a cop who chooses not to write any person a ticket has committed no crime, nor have they violated any policy or procedures.

Now before everybody gets up on their high horse and says cops are crooked, This is what I am saying. Speaking only for myself, and nobody else, I would not give a cop a break that I havn't given the ordinary citizen. By the way, when I wrote speeding tickets, I also didn't write tickets to Nurses, Doctors, Emt's, Firemen, and people who are serving in the armed forces.


New Member
smcop said:
Ok, I don't know why you want me to respond but I will. First let me say that I don't write speeding tickets. But when I did, I was more inclined to give a warning to a person who was polite and honest. I never had a quota as many people presume, so it was my "discretion" as to who I wrote a ticket to or not. And that is the authority given to us by the State legislature when it comes to traffic laws and some other misdemeanors.

Now, as far as writing a ticket to another police officer, I would never say never, but knowing that if I am on the side of the road, fighting with one or more suspects, (as I have seen in numerous training vidieos of real situations) the cop I might write a ticket to is the same cop who is going to risk life and limb getting to me to help, I probably would not be so inclined to give him the $65.00 speeding ticket.

Is this wrong? I don't really know. Probably it is wrong. But there are a lot of things in life we do that are wrong. We tell little white lies to make people feel better about their appearance, that is wrong but we do it. So morally we do things wrong, but a cop who chooses not to write any person a ticket has committed no crime, nor have they violated any policy or procedures.

Now before everybody gets up on their high horse and says cops are crooked, This is what I am saying. Speaking only for myself, and nobody else, I would not give a cop a break that I havn't given the ordinary citizen. By the way, when I wrote speeding tickets, I also didn't write tickets to Nurses, Doctors, Emt's, Firemen, and people who are serving in the armed forces.

That is all fine, I don't really care that cops dont write other cops tickets, im not saying that should. But he should have still pulled this guy over and said something to him rather than just letting him fly on by just because he was a cop, with other people all around the officer, im sure they weren't too happy either.


New Member
johnycarcinogen said:
That is all fine, I don't really care that cops dont write other cops tickets, im not saying that should. But he should have still pulled this guy over and said something to him rather than just letting him fly on by just because he was a cop, with other people all around the officer, im sure they weren't too happy either.
I agree with that. Sometimes we are our own worst enemy.


New Member
johnycarcinogen said:
That is all fine, I don't really care that cops dont write other cops tickets, im not saying that should. But he should have still pulled this guy over and said something to him rather than just letting him fly on by just because he was a cop, with other people all around the officer, im sure they weren't too happy either.
So you're suggesting that he should have jumped in his car and chased down another police officer driving a police car?? :duh:


New Member
Skimming through all the complaining about cops and getting back to the original topic. Jumping out in the travel portion of the roadway to stop a speeding vehicle has always been a practice I am not a fan of. You will also find that many supervisors that catch their officers doing this will dish out one fine ass chewing.

It is a dangerous method of running radar. When I have seen them jump out in traffic, I swear my heart is about to fall out my butt.

But, they will not stop doing it until an officer gets ran over and the public goes ballistic and says see......