Concussions Caused Benoit's Rage!!!


I know nothing
itsbob said:
It was niether a kid nor a spouse.. and he wasn't beaten to death, or strangled, or suffocated.. The victim fell after being kicked (ONCE)hit his head and died weeks later.

go back and continue reading bob


Lem Putt
What I find interesting is that the story doesn't support the headline. According to the doctor, he found evidence of brain damage, and "Bailes theroizes that repeated concussions can lead to dementia."

The doctor doesn't say the damage caused the murders, Dad does:

Benoit's father suggests that brain damage could have lead his son to murder his family.

Sounds like he's grasping at straws to me.


I bowl overhand
MMDad said:
What I find interesting is that the story doesn't support the headline. According to the doctor, he found evidence of brain damage, and "Bailes theroizes that repeated concussions can lead to dementia."

The doctor doesn't say the damage caused the murders, Dad does:

Sounds like he's grasping at straws to me.
Kind of strange that dad is trying to find a reason OTHER than steroids for his son killing his family..

Is dad trying to support his sons use of steroids?

Why is so important to dad to take the heat off of steroid use??


Lem Putt
itsbob said:
Kind of strange that dad is trying to find a reason OTHER than steroids for his son killing his family..

Is dad trying to support his sons use of steroids?

Why is so important to dad to take the heat off of steroid use??

As I see it, the problem was caused by his son's choice of profession. Why does it matter if it's because he needed 'roids to be succesful or because he got hit too many times?

If he didn't do the 'roids, he wouldn't have had the career, so he wouldn't have gotten the concussions.

The only thing to argue here is whether the 'roids were the cause or a contributing factor.


Well-Known Member
itsbob said:
Kind of strange that dad is trying to find a reason OTHER than steroids for his son killing his family..

Is dad trying to support his sons use of steroids?

Why is so important to dad to take the heat off of steroid use??

If "you" blame the steroids, then it can be logically deduced that Benoit damaged himself voluntarily. If "you" blame the concussions, then you can posit that Vince McMahon was at fault for "allowing" Benoit to engage in acts like his "flying headbutt from the top rope". And McMahon is richer than God.
So you know what comes next.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Not strange to me...

itsbob said:
Kind of strange that dad is trying to find a reason OTHER than steroids for his son killing his family..

Is dad trying to support his sons use of steroids?

Why is so important to dad to take the heat off of steroid use?? is obviously sick over this and wants to do whatever needs to be done to bring all of this more into the open so that, maybe, it won't happen to someone else.

Maybe some other breaking down wrestler will get better medical care and maybe time off without fear of losing his income. I mean, they're athletes; you can't perform, you don't get paid.

So, Benoit, Hogan, all of them get out the scales and say "Knee surgery or $100,000? Concussions) rest or $200,000? Bad back heal or $300,000? Steroids heal injury faster, maybe not walk so good later or pass on $400,000?"

Vicious cycle when you reach a point where you have a million dollar home (and mortgage) cars, travel, cloths, sense of self worth and what you really need to do is give it all up so you can get healthy.