Condi for President!!!



I was sitting in my car yesterday, listening to Sean Hannity and some guest talk about Republican candidates for Prez in 2008. They went with the usual suspect, Hillary, for the Democrats, and the usual suspects, Rudi and McCane, for the Republicans. They listed all kinds of reasons why Rudi and McCane wouldn't fare well, especially against Hillary, yet they couldn't see past those two losers. I was sitting there thinking "What about Condi Rice?" She's got the credentials, she's got Margaret Thatcher's fangs and claws, and she's a black woman. She's anti-gun control, anti-abortion, pro-religion... all the things that a good Republican should be.

Hannity's guest was saying that Hillary could win because having a woman running was a "new" thing that many women could vote for. That didn't help Shirley Chisolm or Geraldine Ferrero's tickets, so I don't see the historical precedence. And if Rice runs, in my view, that will take a big bite out of the black and women votes that would usually go to the Dems.

I arrived home all dejected, but today comes this piece from Dick Morris, and hopefully more people will start taking a look at the US's "Iron Lady."


I Need a Beer
Before the election on another political thread in this forum I said Condoleeza should run...

citysherry said:
Bush should dump Dick Cheney, he can make him Attorney General and use John Ashcroft as his “scape-goat,” and tap Condoleeza Rice as his new VP running mate, thereby setting Condoleeza Rice up to run against Hillary for President in 2008.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
I don't think it would work. I think that a woman president is still a ways off. I see a black male pres elected first.


Assuming Hillary survives re-election in 2006 (which is not a sure thing), I think she'll have all of the Democratic women's votes, which was one of the key reasons Bush won.

Nobody thought Margaret Thatcher had a chance at winning either, but people were able to see past the fact that she's a woman and judge her on her character. I remember a line from an old election parody show that HBO ran years ago, when during a fictional debate, the lead character told Jessie Jackson "I think that America is ready for a Black president, they're just not ready for you." I think Americans would vote for Rice based on her character, especially since she's been the driving force behind US policy since 2001. If you would vote for Bush, you'ld vote for Rice.

Plus it'll be a hoot to watch Democrats try to attack her for not understanding Black and Women's issues. :lmao:

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
The only problem with that argument, is that England is not a very good example. They've had Queens in power for hundreds of years and are used to women governing. I don't think that this country has matured enough to accept it. I personally don't care, woman is as good as a man, sometimes better, and I would base my vote on character vice gender. I just think there are still too many americans who would vote gender. In this issue I think Europe especially the UK is way ahead of us.


The hamster litter reject
Bustem' Down said:
The only problem with that argument, is that England is not a very good example. They've had Queens in power for hundreds of years and are used to women governing. I don't think that this country has matured enough to accept it. I personally don't care, woman is as good as a man, sometimes better, and I would base my vote on character vice gender. I just think there are still too many americans who would vote gender. In this issue I think Europe especially the UK is way ahead of us.

Plus, she's black. The first big thing for her would be combating racism- then the sexism. There are so many people in this country who couldn't tolerate someone of another race-as they see it- "ruling" over them. It's very silly to make such a big deal out of someone's skin pigment :rolleyes:


Routinely Derailed
She's a very bright lady and would have my vote in a New York second if I thought for a moment that certain elements of our society wouldn't be using race as an issue - one way or the other - after she won the office. I can imagine (and don't want to see) riots on the scale of the late '60s over this.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
I think the biggest problem that most Americans have with a woman being president is that they doubt that they can be tough on National Defense.

I think Condi has more than blown that problem away, and I don't think there's any reasonable person in the US who would doubt her on that issue.

I'd vote for her in a second, maybe even over Rudi and Powell.


sleuth said:
I think the biggest problem that most Americans have with a woman being president is that they doubt that they can be tough on National Defense.

I think you're 100% right on that one! As for England, they have had a Queen for quite a few years now, but everyone in England also fully recognizes what their Queen is: a figure head with no real powers. They know that it's the Prime Minister who is the real leader, and there were quite a few shocked people in England when Thatcher won, but they were all glad she was there later on. Her and Reagan were the Dynamic Duo of the 80s.


I'm just trying to imagine the reaction of the left, particularly the civil rights leftover groups like the NAACP, et al. at the election of a black person to office.

Not only a black person - but a black woman.

And she's a Republican.

Somehow, I get the feeling that while she should be their champion, and the ensuing celebration should rock the body that rocks the party, what would really happen is that the collective left would put on their rhetorical white hoods and figuratively lynch Rice with unbelievable spite and glee.

And this includes "black leaders" like The Rev. Jackson and Kweizi "Wabbit" Mfume and John "Honorary Brother" Kerry.

Witness that debacle that was just spearheaded by Sen. Grand Wizard Byrd a couple weeks ago.

The only question that interests me in such a scenario (although I'm not sure I really buy into it) is if the rank and file black people will be shocked to their senses and realize that the left has been feeding them contrived feel-good horseshit since the 1950's, and that things like Affirmative Action are a steaming bucket of puke - or if they'll join in with their left-wing leadership in trying to destroy Rice.

And if they do - will they look back in 50 years and say, 'What in the blue hell was I THINKING???"


Twenty Something
sleuth said:
I think the biggest problem that most Americans have with a woman being president is that they doubt that they can be tough on National Defense.

I think Condi has more than blown that problem away, and I don't think there's any reasonable person in the US who would doubt her on that issue.

I'd vote for her in a second, maybe even over Rudi and Powell.

first off, I highly DOUBT Powell would ever run for office, I just don't think he's really interested...

also, Rice would be more than experienced for national defense, heck, she was Pres. George H. Bush's advisor on Soviet Affairs during his term, and NOW she's secretary of state -- replacing Powell. if she were to run in the next election, or the one following, she'd be more than qualified from all she's doing now......she's a smart cookie.


Football season!
Americans don't realize condi is black. Don't believe me?
When people talk about Powell, they always say what a great black leader he is. What a great black role model he is. He would be the perfect first black president.
When people talk about condi, they talk about how tough she is, how smart she is, how she would make a great president.
Heck, they don't even include "for a woman..."

Her only drawback is her "closeness" with Bush, which was pretty much the root of the "hatred" during her recent confirmation hearings. heck, I think bush and condi even share pantyhose. But seeing that Bush won, I don't see this being too big of an issue down the road.


Twenty Something
SmallTown said:
Americans don't realize condi is black.

well, there's this [black] girl who's in a bunch of my classes....she HATES Bush....and she was saying last week "yeah, girl, I respect Condoleezza and all and what she's done for herself, but I don't agree with how she does stuff...." basically meaning Condi shouldn't have gone republican....then again, this girl is a hardcore democrat, but I'm with you ST -- it doesn't make a difference to me that Rice is a woman or that she's black, she's got her head on straight and doing a good job at the White House :yay:

:confused: did I mention she went to college at 15?


Football season!
janey83 said:
:confused: did I mention she went to college at 15?
and Bill Gates was a college dropout. Funny how things work out sometimes :biggrin:

If condi were to run, I couldn't think of a single person the democrats could offer up that would make me even consider not voting for her.


New Member
The problem with Rice is that she has not been a politician who has run for office in the past, and has no governing experience, which I think are two key qualifications for anyone to have a serious shot at president. Moreover, I don't believe she has a lot of domestic policy experience; she's a foreign relations specialist. I agree that she appears to be a very bright, capable person with lots of foreign policy experience, but I don't believe she truly has all of the qualifications to be president.


Twenty Something
SmallTown said:
and Bill Gates was a college dropout. Funny how things work out sometimes :biggrin:

:lol: But Gates was like a freak accident -- how often does someone do that well on those kinds of odds?

Condi got her doctorate and all, and taught at Stanford even :yay:


BoredatWork said:
The problem with Rice is that she has not been a politician who has run for office in the past, and has no governing experience, which I think are two key qualifications for anyone to have a serious shot at president.

I agree! That's the same resume that made Eisenhower such a "crappy" President! Better to have lengthy experience as an elected official and governing like, ah, maybe Jimmy Carter? :lmao: