rraley said:
I love how some Republicans think of John McCain as some "liberal."
It's no different than how democrats paint Fox News as conservative.
Story time:
I remember one time I was at an amusement park - I'm thinking it was King's Dominion, because for some reason I'm associating this particular attraction with Yogi Bear.
This attraction at this amusement park was a gussied up bear cave and the marks are wondering about looking at cave drawings, and hiding in various cave-nooks, and exploring their way through.
Kind of like a fun-house at any carnival, but with a bear-cave theme.
So you get close to the end of the tour, and to get back outside you go through this 40-50 foot long hallway with a wooden floor that is rolled along its Y axis at about a 40 degree angle toward the port side. (Visual: Put your right arm straight out with the palm of your right hand facing the floor - rotate your wrist 40 degrees counterclockwise... that's the floor).
So you walk along this hallway, and you exit onto flat level earth.
And the entire world feels like it just banked to the starboard side - BIG time.
I hope that analogy makes sense. The moral of the story is
Liberals consider moderates and independants to be conservative.
Conservatives consider moderates and independants to be liberal.
That's why you get conservatives calling McCain a 'liberal'.
That's why you liberals calling Fox News a bunch of 'neocons'
For another interesting comparison:
Witness how liberals consider Bill Clinton to be a "moderate".