Bruzilla said:
Do the math. I'll admit there's a slight edge for the Republicans, but I would challenge you to find another network that's anywhere near that balanced.
You mean, *add up* the number of persons on one side versus the other? You can't be serious.
Try to remember - this is my *favorite* network. I can't turn on Chris Matthews for more than a minute without reaching for the remote. To me, he typefies MSNBC.
But two of those you listed as Democrat - Rivera and Susteren - are bona fide liberals, it's true - but you wouldn't know it generally, because their news coverage isn't commentary on politics. And if you'd watched Geraldo covering the war, you'd swear he was a bona fide conservative, even though he declares otherwise.
Mainly, I look at the hosts of shows. I dismiss Alan Colmes, because to be fair, he's a wuss. And that's being nice. The guy's a pushover. It's Hannity's show. You didn't mention John Gibson, host of The Big Story. Conservative. Even Linda Vester, whose credentials should make her liberal almost constantly defends stories of interest to conservatives - "News Hounds" hates her for this. Liberal or not, she reports a conservative viewpoint.
Let's see. Williams. I'm guessing, *Juan* Williams? Yeah, liberal. Although he doesn't get to say much. On the Sunday talk shows, you can tell he's biting his tongue, much as George Will is on "This Week" for the same reason - he's outnumbered.
Most people I know who have turned to FOX do it for one reason - they see it as conservative. My parents now watch it almost exclusively. I don't see why this appears to bother people. Every outlet by Murdoch is conservative. The head of FOX News is Roger Ailes, a campaign strategist for the Bushes, consultant to Reagan and Nixon. A bona fide conservative.
Look, I *like* FOX for being conservative. I'm just not in denial over it. What it DOES do, is attempt to be *fair*. I once heard Sam Donaldson discuss this - can you make your bias known, but STILL be fair about how you handle the news? I think so. To this day, I don't know what side politically John Chancellor ever was - or Tim Russert still is. I know Chris Wallace is liberal, but he doesn't pull punches on *anyone*. He is fair.
And I don't see anyway possible for anyone to call O'Reilly anything.
Supposedly, the Republican 'tent' is a bigger one than the Democrat one - you can be pro-choice and still be a successful Republican - it doesn't work the other way for Democrats. I like O'Reilly for at least a couple things - he doesn't just follow the party line if he disagrees with it. Nobody should.
But he has *been* Republican in the past, and voted for them. He's definitely right of center if anything. He hates the ACLU and berates organizations with a "liberal agenda". You won't find him sneering at neo-cons or right-wing "nutjobs" but you will hear "lunatic left" from time to time. He doesn't skewer without bias.