Confederate Flag bikini sparks argument, gun pulle



What are some of examples of the national government ordering the the states around?


Secession Crisis

Protective Tariffs "Benefits For The North"

From the time of the first Congress in 1789 to the outbreak of the Civil War there was dissension between the northern and the southern states over the matter of protective tariffs, or import duties on manufactured goods. Northern industries wanted high tariffs in order to protect their factories and laborers from cheaper European products. Demanding that "American laborers shall be protected against the pauper labor of Europe," tariff proponents argued that the taxes gave "employment to thousands of [American] mechanics, artisans, [and] laborers."

The vast majority of American industry was located in the northern states, whereas the economies of the agricultural southern states were based on the export of raw materials and the importation of manufactured goods. The South held few manufacturing concerns, and southerners had to pay higher prices for goods in order to subsidize northern profits.

The collected tariffs were used to fund public projects in the North such as improvements to roads, harbors and rivers. From 1789 to 1845, the North received five times the amount of money that was spent on southern projects. More than twice as many lighthouses were built in the North as in the South, and northern states received twice the southern appropriations for coastal defense.

The sectional friction caused by the tariffs bills eventually led the country to the nullification controversy of 1832, during which South Carolina declared the tariff laws null and void. John C. Calhoun, the father of nullification, developed the theory of secession and detailed the steps by which a state could sever its relationship with the Union and remove itself from the unfair power of the central government. Federal authority prevailed in the nullification crisis of 1832, but the theories developed by Calhoun would be invoked again when the country split apart in 1861.

Fascinating Fact: Ironically, the protective tariffs of the late 1850s were lower than they had been in the previous 50 years.


And I say to those who think the Rebel Flag is racist just go jump in the water and start swiming EAST do us all a favor!!!I think they need you over in Africa and I bet you will not see one over there:1bdz:


Active Member

I had a feeling that the tariffs would be the example you would cite of the national government boss the states around.

But I don't see it. The Constitution clearly gives Congress the power to regulate foreign commerce. This is not an example of Congress encroaching on the powers of the state as those powers were reserved in the 10th amendment. Congress was well within their constitutional right to pass tariffs. The South simply did not like the tariffs. The tariffs were not the national government bossing around the states in my opinion, but simply Congress passing a law that was very unpopular in the South. For example, Thomas Jefferson embargo very much hurt the merchants in the north. Was the embargo to keep us out of war with England and France an example of the national government bossing the states, or was it simply the the national government passing a law that negatively affected the northern states and was unpopular in the north?

As for where the tariff money went, I think the issue is whether the money went ot the states in a way that reflected how the tariff economically affected that region. My guess is that the money raised from the tariffs was no so used--so its a legitimate gripe that the South was not getting back its fair share of tax dollars.
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nothing unreal exists
I believe that no states had succeeded when Lincoln was elected, they succeeded in response to his election. I think what you meant is that by the time of Lincoln's inauguration those states had succeeded.

Yes, did some online research and you are 100% correct, his election is what caused the secessition! :buddies:

The announcement of Lincoln's victory signaled the secession of the Southern states, which since the beginning of the year had been publicly threatening secession if the Republicans gained the White House.

By the time of Lincoln's inauguration on March 4, 1861, seven states had seceded, and the Confederate States of America had been formally established, with Jefferson Davis as its elected president. One month later, the American Civil War began when Confederate forces under General P.G.T. Beauregard opened fire on Union-held Fort Sumter in South Carolina.

Abraham Lincoln elected president — This Day in History — 11/6/1860


Obama destroyed America


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J.P. Cusick
rebel trash

people need to get over themselves

Confederate Flag bikini sparks argument, gun pulled out, police say

ROCK HILL - A Rock Hill man says someone threatened him with a gun over the weekend after a dispute broke out involving a woman wearing a confederate flag bikini, police say.

According to a report filed with the Rock Hill Police Department, 20-year-old Christopher Gainey reported the incident to police on Sunday around 7 p.m.

Gainey told police he was with friends at a pool party at 1807 Paces Rivera Avenue when a group of black teenage males approached.

Gainey told officers the men began calling the group in the pool "racists because a female in his group had a bikini depicting a 'stars and bars rebel flag.'"

From me reading the report then I say the white-boy just claimed their was a gun because he did not want to tell that he was simply afraid of their color.

The report claims he was sitting there while the scary black guys surrounded him and yet where was everyone else at the party?

White-boys like to talk tough and feel big behind their racist rebel flag, but when confronted their whiteness will often turn straight into cowardice and calling the police in utter fear.

And did all of his white group including Miss racist bikini girl all run away when the African Americans came around - yep they probably did indeed.

Perhaps if the white-boys put on some of their white-sheets then they will feel very brave.



Methodically disorganized
White-boys like to talk tough and feel big behind their racist rebel flag, but when confronted their whiteness will often turn straight into cowardice...
Since you don't hide behind that flag, what is your excuse for being a tough-talking coward?


Active Member
From me reading the report then I say the white-boy just claimed their was a gun because he did not want to tell that he was simply afraid of their color.

The report claims he was sitting there while the scary black guys surrounded him and yet where was everyone else at the party?

White-boys like to talk tough and feel big behind their racist rebel flag, but when confronted their whiteness will often turn straight into cowardice and calling the police in utter fear.

And did all of his white group including Miss racist bikini girl all run away when the African Americans came around - yep they probably did indeed.

Perhaps if the white-boys put on some of their white-sheets then they will feel very brave.


And if humans were the size of ants, we'd live very different lives. Why do I say that? Because you imposed a lot of facts not in the story into the story. Anybody can impose facts into a situation that change the situation. But there is no reason not to take the story's facts at face value. If we were a police officer called to the scene and the African American denied even having a gun, then sure that is something to look into. But if you are going to start making up facts, you can do anything, for example you can say the heat beat the mavericks in game one of the NBA finals...until the referrees added an extra 8 minutes to the game and the mavericks came back and won. The last part of course didn't happen but its a game changer.


Anybody can impose facts into a situation that change the situation. But there is no reason not to take the story's facts at face value.

JCP is a White Guilt Liberal the believes in gobbling black Peni ... to make up for all past injustices Real or Imagined .... Welcome to SOMD @ election time


JP's Favorite Heckler
Where oh where is THUNDERCLAP when we need him most?? This quote would be a classic addition to his webpage!!!

I'm right here. It's a comin'. He's just been repeating the S O S in new forums so I haven't had much to add that hasn't already been posted. He's started his own forum on his web site and I've got plans for that one too. Maybe it will be my new blog. I can't let it get stay so one sided.

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"Fluffy world destroyer"
From me reading the report then I say the white-boy just claimed their was a gun because he did not want to tell that he was simply afraid of their color.

The report claims he was sitting there while the scary black guys surrounded him and yet where was everyone else at the party?

White-boys like to talk tough and feel big behind their racist rebel flag, but when confronted their whiteness will often turn straight into cowardice and calling the police in utter fear.

And did all of his white group including Miss racist bikini girl all run away when the African Americans came around - yep they probably did indeed.

Perhaps if the white-boys put on some of their white-sheets then they will feel very brave.

Racist pig!


I'm right here. It's a comin'. He's just been repeating the S O S in new forums so I haven't had much to add that hasn't already been posted. He's started his own forum on his web site and I've got plans for that one too. Maybe it will be my new blog. I can't let it get stay so one sided.


I read through some of his forum garbage yesterday...also thought it was hilarious how and why he got banned from the Police Officer forum!!!! I wonder how many forums he has been banned from...Baltimore Sun, Police Officer Forums...


nothing unreal exists
I read through some of his forum garbage yesterday...also thought it was hilarious how and why he got banned from the Police Officer forum!!!! I wonder how many forums he has been banned from...Baltimore Sun, Police Officer Forums...

Hopefully won't be long before this forum is added to the list.


Well-Known Member
From me reading the report then I say the white-boy just claimed their was a gun because he did not want to tell that he was simply afraid of their color.

The report claims he was sitting there while the scary black guys surrounded him and yet where was everyone else at the party?

White-boys like to talk tough and feel big behind their racist rebel flag, but when confronted their whiteness will often turn straight into cowardice and calling the police in utter fear.

And did all of his white group including Miss racist bikini girl all run away when the African Americans came around - yep they probably did indeed.

Perhaps if the white-boys put on some of their white-sheets then they will feel very brave.


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Well-Known Member
I'm right here. It's a comin'. He's just been repeating the S O S in new forums so I haven't had much to add that hasn't already been posted. He's started his own forum on his web site and I've got plans for that one too. Maybe it will be my new blog. I can't let it get stay so one sided.


Here is a senatorial candidate advocating violence against people he disagrees with:
I just want you to know that your two (2) words mean absolutely nothing, because no one can read your mind and you do not tell whatever it is that you are agreeing with - duh.

Back to the subject:

The criminal rebel traitor known as the so-called "Stonewall Jackson" was really so stone-stupid that his own Men shot him down.

It is reported about Jackson that he treated his rebel army as if they were not much different then he treated the African slaves.

Stone-stupid Jackson would whip, beat, hang, dismember or any assorted atrocity against his own rebel soldiers until finally some of the Men ambushed their so-called "General" and shot him down.

Unfortunately the stone-stupid Jackson was only wounded in his arm which had to be cut off and he slowly died eight (8) days after the assassination shots.

The brave (or desperate) rebel soldiers who did shoot him down were never reported as punished and obviously they had to claim it was an accidental shooting, and so they rarely receive their rightful praise in killing that dog.

The worse aspect of all about Jackson in his cruel brutalities was that he claimed to be some sort of saintly Christian who would misuse the name of God and of Christ as he promoted his crimes and his atrocities against his fellow human beings.

The racist and threatening rebel flag does indeed stand for the same barbarism as stood that stone-stupid Jackson, and thank God we whooped them down.

Read more: Universal Public Forum - That ugly rebel flag.