Confederate History Month Possible


kwillia said:
The Confederates were enemys of my country. Terrorist of our Unites States. History classes already rehash their attack on America. Why do they need a specific month...:shrug:

Unites States:shrug:
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But wait, there's more...
kwillia said:
I typed it fast and didn't poof...:banghead:


To your earlier comment ... I believe the Japanese were probably considered terrorists when they bombed Pearl Harbor, yet we have Asian Pacific Heritage Month. :shrug:

In fact, I bet it's not long before Middle Easterners are bargaining with politicians for their own warm-fuzzy month of observance. Everyone wearing a towel on their head when frequenting a 7-11 during the month of September will get 50 cents off slushies. :yay:

I wonder if they'll have their own little Jesse Jackson or Rev. Al Sharpton. :tap:


New Member
I don't find it fair that they will have a confederate history month, yet won't apologize for slavery. I don't feel they should have to apologize if they weren't throwing the confederate month on the table, but what is the African American community to think of this? they will celebrate and acknowledge the past, but will not apologize for it? I see where they say they had no part in slavery, but at the same time, they had no part in the confederacy. JMO


Well-Known Member
Redskinsmama said:
I don't find it fair that they will have a confederate history month, yet won't apologize for slavery. I don't feel they should have to apologize if they weren't throwing the confederate month on the table, but what is the African American community to think of this? they will celebrate and acknowledge the past, but will not apologize for it? I see where they say they had no part in slavery, but at the same time, they had no part in the confederacy. JMO

apolagize for what? Who should apolagize? I don't think there is anyone alive now that ever owned a slave. Why would you want somone to apolagize for somthing they didn't do?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Redskinsmama said:
I don't find it fair that they will have a confederate history month, yet won't apologize for slavery. I don't feel they should have to apologize if they weren't throwing the confederate month on the table, but what is the African American community to think of this? they will celebrate and acknowledge the past, but will not apologize for it? I see where they say they had no part in slavery, but at the same time, they had no part in the confederacy. JMO
What is an African American? Where is Africa America? I have carefully searched the map of the earth and can find no country called Africa America.
"Citizens by birth or choice of a common country, that country has a right to concentrate your affections. The name of American, which belongs to you, in your national capacity, must always exalt the just pride of Patriotism, more than any appellation derived from local discriminations." -- George Washington (Farewell Address, 19 September 1796) Reference: George Washington: A Collection, W.B. Allen, ed. (515)
"We are either a United people, or we are not. If the former, let us, in all maters of general concern act as a nation, which have national objects to promote, and a national character to support. If we are not, let us no longer act a farce by pretending to it." -- George Washington (letter to James Madison, 30 November 1785) Reference: George Washington: A Collection, W.B. Allen, ed. (315)
Seems we have not learned the lessons of history very well.
2ndAmendment said:
What is an African American? Where is Africa America? I have carefully searched the map of the earth and can find no country called Africa America.

Seems we have not learned the lessons of history very well.

You get green for that one. :yay:


Well-Known Member
2ndAmendment said:
What is an African American? Where is Africa America? I have carefully searched the map of the earth and can find no country called Africa America.

Seems we have not learned the lessons of history very well.
But didn't the man making those comments own and endorse the ownership of people?

I dont really care, people can call themselves whatever they want. When you look at the make up of our armed forces, you have all kinds of ****-Americans. seems they are acting with the common interests of our nation


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
And good for the Confederate History month. It should be national. The War Betweens the States is as much our history as is Martin Luther King and the history of blacks in the United States. Have them both or do away with both. I think I prefer doing away with both.

We should, as George Washington said, concentrate on what unites us rather than "any appellation derived from local discriminations.". I am an American. I am not a White American or European American.


2ndAmendment said:
What is an African American? Where is Africa America? I have carefully searched the map of the earth and can find no country called Africa America.

Seems we have not learned the lessons of history very well.

If a white person born in South Africa moves here and becomes an American citizen, does that make him an African-American?


Methodically disorganized
2ndAmendment said:
And good for the Confederate History month.
This is grossly contradictory to the G. Washington quotes. But if you're saying that towards the point of this: "Have them both or do away with both," then I understand your point - although I still dislike the idea of a Confederate HM.

The point of having a "specialty month" is to honor and celebrate a certain group of people and their major accomplishments. From one angle this makes sense. Blacks were oppressed for quite a long time, so they are honored. But the Confederates were never oppressed; Southerners chose to become Confederates and secede. Confederates wished to divide America, so I don't see how America can 'honor' that.

I must say that I actually oppose racially/ethnically-oriented specialty months - for most of the same reasons I oppose reparations.
1) They are divisive; we are celebrating an individual's or a group's contributions to America by partitioning Americans.
2) We can not tell the difference between those whose lineage extends back 10 generations and those whose lineage in America was initiated last week.
3) Many people today are so "mixed" that one person might fall under several categories and be eligible to celebrate many different specialty months.
4) Lastly, I think there is an implication that once February is over, for example, that kids don't need to study black history any further. Learning history ought to be a constant process.

But I digress.

I wonder where the honorary months are for those who have truly delivered something great to this country - eg., teachers, paramedics, etc.


Methodically disorganized
bdh802 said:
If a white person born in South Africa moves here and becomes an American citizen, does that make him an African-American?
I work with a guy who was born in Zimbabwe. He considers himself an American.

I have heard that many recently immigrated Africans are somewhat ashamed at what crybabies our "African-Americans" are. The guy I work with is a fine gentleman and is proud of his heritage - a direct connection to Africa - but, as I said, he is here now and has an established life... and considers himself simply an American.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
hvp05 said:
I work with a guy who was born in Zimbabwe. He considers himself an American.

I have heard that many recently immigrated Africans are somewhat ashamed at what crybabies our "African-Americans" are. The guy I work with is a fine gentleman and is proud of his heritage - a direct connection to Africa - but, as I said, he is here now and has an established life... and considers himself simply an American.
Good for him.

I think that the "specialty" months divide more than honor. Why not Welsh-American month, French-American month, German-American month, Italian-American month, Swiss-American month, Russian-American month. Stupid. Just a PC way of saying you are different and set apart. If you are set apart because you are different because of ethnicity, skin color, gender, hair color, or the size of your little finger, it is discrimination.

Want to be equal? Then be equal. Don't look to be different and then complain that you are not equal.


Well-Known Member
Um we already have...

German-American Month: its called Octoberfest!

anyway:...If they honor Confederates, let's not forget to honor the 20,000+ Blacks who served in the Confederate army during the war....yeah, really did happen.

Way too many people have a myth-filled foggy collection of thoughts they think is "Real History."...and for the last 22 years I have been trying to fix that with...very limited success.

I quit.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Hessian said:
German-American Month: its called Octoberfest!

anyway:...If they honor Confederates, let's not forget to honor the 20,000+ Blacks who served in the Confederate army during the war....yeah, really did happen.

Way too many people have a myth-filled foggy collection of thoughts they think is "Real History."...and for the last 22 years I have been trying to fix that with...very limited success.

I quit.
When history doesn't fit with the paradigm, people change it to fit. We have lots of politically correct and anti-Christian history in our schools these days that has nothing to do with the facts as recorded in documents of the era. But hey, why confuse the students with the truth when it is so easy to mold their minds into what the teachers want with lies?