BuddyLee said:How about a War of Northern Aggression History month? That would make much more sense to me.
You seem to forget who fired the first shot, Slick. Who aggressed whom?Richard Cranium said::fixed:
Perhaps you should read up on your history. Start with Fort Sumter, here's a bad summarization but one nonetheless. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_SumterRichard Cranium said:South Carolina seceded, along with several other states, peacefully. The yankees taught history as they thought it should be taught, regardless of what the truth was. Tell me, what do you think the basis of the War of Northern Aggression was?
BuddyLee said:The war was fought mostly over state's rights than slavery itself. Read up.
Richard Cranium said:Thanks for the invite, but being raised in the South and in a very traditional home, I have my own opinions of it. You have yours.
The only people you hear that old slavery whine from are 2nd graders...or those begging for reparations.
2ndAmendment said:What is an African American? Where is Africa America? ...
Kyle said:... It starts as you cross Southern Avenue, headed North, and is bordered by Eastern Avenue, Western Avenue and the Potomac River.
Apparently.. It's terribly misspelled.
crabcake said:
To your earlier comment ... I believe the Japanese were probably considered terrorists when they bombed Pearl Harbor, yet we have Asian Pacific Heritage Month. :shrug:
In fact, I bet it's not long before Middle Easterners are bargaining with politicians for their own warm-fuzzy month of observance. Everyone wearing a towel on their head when frequenting a 7-11 during the month of September will get 50 cents off slushies.
I wonder if they'll have their own little Jesse Jackson or Rev. Al Sharpton.
pingrr said:apolagize for what? Who should apolagize? I don't think there is anyone alive now that ever owned a slave. Why would you want somone to apolagize for somthing they didn't do?
2ndAmendment said:And good for the Confederate History month. It should be national. The War Betweens the States is as much our history as is Martin Luther King and the history of blacks in the United States. Have them both or do away with both. I think I prefer doing away with both.
We should, as George Washington said, concentrate on what unites us rather than "any appellation derived from local discriminations.". I am an American. I am not a White American or European American.
2ndAmendment said:Good for him.
I think that the "specialty" months divide more than honor. Why not Welsh-American month, French-American month, German-American month, Italian-American month, Swiss-American month, Russian-American month. Stupid. Just a PC way of saying you are different and set apart. If you are set apart because you are different because of ethnicity, skin color, gender, hair color, or the size of your little finger, it is discrimination.
Want to be equal? Then be equal. Don't look to be different and then complain that you are not equal.
2ndAmendment said:When history doesn't fit with the paradigm, people change it to fit. We have lots of politically correct and anti-Christian history in our schools these days that has nothing to do with the facts as recorded in documents of the era. But hey, why confuse the students with the truth when it is so easy to mold their minds into what the teachers want with lies?
BuddyLee said:You seem to forget who fired the first shot, Slick. Who aggressed whom?
Care to add a little more detail, a book, even a link?<TABLE class=tborder cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY id=collapseobj_usercp_reputation><TR><TD class=alt2></TD><TD class=alt1Active id=p2006274 width="50%">Confederate History Mon...</TD><TD class=alt2 noWrap>03-20-2007 11:48 AM</TD><TD class=alt1 width="50%">YOU need to read up a bit...the 'first shot' was fired at 'occupiers'</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
I got red from here today also. At least you received an actual comment; mine was simply "blah blah blah".BuddyLee said:Care to add a little more detail, a book, even a link?
This made me .Wikipedia said:An African American (also Afro-American) is a member of an ethnic group in the United States whose ancestors, usually in predominant part, were indigenous to Sub-Saharan Africa. Many African Americans possess European, Native American and, to a lesser degree, Asian ancestry as well, however African Americans as a group still possess around 80% African DNA. In the United States the term is generally used for those of Sub-Saharan African ancestry, and not, for example, to European colonial or Arab/Berber African ancestry, such as Moroccans or White South African-European ancestry.
2ndAmendment said:What is an African American? Where is Africa America? I have carefully searched the map of the earth and can find no country called Africa America.
Seems we have not learned the lessons of history very well.
BuddyLee said:Care to add a little more detail, a book, even a link?
Bud said:BL, I think what that person was getting at was that after South Carolina seceded, it wanted the US troops withdrawn from Charleston. The bombardment began after the deadline for the US troops withdrawal from Fort Sumter passed.
Attempts by the Confederate government to settle its differences with the Union were spurned by Lincoln, and the Confederacy felt it could no longer tolerate the presense of a foreign force in its territory.