Congressional Actions and Hubris


Well-Known Member
The latest joke is if you don't test for Covid you don't have it.
It's just a cold.

I sure hope this new bill for almost a trillion dollars get turned down. It will do the opposite of what Democrats claim it will do and only make the greenies richer.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The good news is that Joe Biden doesn't have the power to eliminate Governors, even though the Democrats desperately want to. As such, states still have autonomy even as the "Republicans" in Congress sell us out, and I'm feeling good about my Governor.


PREMO Member

Amy Klobuchar Pulls a Vote on Bipartisan Tech Legislation, Then Blames Ted Cruz

Klobuchar has previously stated that she wants to work across the aisle, and that is needed, especially now. However, it is odd how any time politicians work on bipartisan legislation; the Democrats claim that the GOP ruined the progress.

The Hill described the bill this way:

The underlying bill would grant newsrooms that employ fewer than 1,500 full-time employees — a cap essentially aimed at excluding the country’s three largest newspapers and national broadcasters — the ability to collectively negotiate with dominant tech platforms, like Google and Facebook, to be compensated for distributing their content.
The bill would also create a limited safe harbor from federal and state antitrust laws for eligible digital journalism providers that would allow them to participate in joint negotiations. The antitrust exemption would allow news outlets to collectively negotiate in a way supporters say would help the outlets craft deals with the tech giants.

Cruz’s amendment would eliminate the antitrust exemption, if either side mentions content moderation in negotiations.

Cruz said:

“It simply says the topic of discussion when the two sides get together can’t be censorship. It should be ad revenue, which is what all of this discussion of this markup has focused on.”

Klobuchar attempted to plea to Senator John Kennedy (R-LA), as Kennedy is a bill sponsor. She stated:

“Sen. Kennedy, we worked on this for months and we won’t be able to support the Cruz amendment here, so I’m hoping we can talk about this in the future. But if this is in it we can’t support the bill.”

Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) said he couldn’t support the bill because he believes it is “pro-trust” by minimizing antitrust rules. Hawley has supported other antitrust bills targeting big tech.



Well-Known Member
Klobuchar has previously stated that she wants to work across the aisle, and that is needed, especially now. However, it is odd how any time politicians work on bipartisan legislation; the Democrats claim that the GOP ruined the progress.
I keep wondering why they bother doing this - pretending to want to pass "bipartisan" legislation when they have zero intention of making any sort of compromise to pass it. Nancy years ago kept making it clear what THEY thought was "bipartisan" - give her a 60 vote Senate and they'll pass all sorts of "bipartisan" legislation (meaning, we won't need even ONE Republican vote, thus showing she has no idea what the word means).

The whole concept of compromise is that both sides get some of what they want, but not all of it, and some of it is something you don't want. That's the basic tenet of diplomacy - find common ground and find agreement. It's why the Russian "compromise" this year didn't work, because it amounted to "we keep all the territory we occupy, and you get to not be blown to piece every day".

For years now, the Democrats have been able to get away with walking away from the table - getting NOTHING passed - and still get away with "the Republicans stopped us". "Those Republican OBSTRUCTIONISTS". And it has worked - for a while. More and more rank and file Democrat voters are seeing this for what it is - it means the issue really isn't important enough to the Dem leaders to actually make a deal that will pass. This is why - while they aren't going to the GOP - Dem voters have been going Independent or joining other parties with similar agendas.


PREMO Member

'You thought Supreme Court justices should be accosted?': Moment Republican Nancy Mace confronts trans activist about tweet threatening SCOTUS - and says such violent language has forced her to carry a gun

  • Mace confronted Alejandra Caraballo at a session on extremist threats at a hearing of the House Oversight and Reform Committee
  • Caraballo, a trans woman and clinical instructor at Harvard Law School's Cyberlaw Clinic, was speaking on what she called the rise of white supremacy
  • Rep. Mace asked five of the witnesses asked to speak at the hearing if they considered rhetoric that could be deemed violent as a 'threat to democracy'
  • Caraballo agreed, which led to Mace bringing out a tweet she had made after the Dobbs decision that reversed Roe v. Wade
  • In the tweet, she writes: 'The 6 justices who overturned Roe should never know peace again. It is our civic duty to accost them every time they are in public'

Caraballo, a trans woman and clinical instructor at Harvard Law School's Cyberlaw Clinic, was speaking at the meeting, titled 'Confronting White Supremacy: The Evolution of Anti-Democratic Extremist Groups and the Ongoing Threat to Democracy.'

Rep. Mace asked Caraballo and four of the other witnesses to speak at the hearing if they considered rhetoric that could be deemed violent as a 'threat to democracy.'

Caraballo agreed, which led to Mace bringing out a tweet she had made after the Dobbs decision that reversed Roe v. Wade.

In the tweet, which since appears to have been deleted, she writes: 'The 6 justices who overturned Roe should never know peace again. It is our civic duty to accost them every time they are in public.

'They are pariahs. Since women don't have their rights, these justices should never have a peaceful moment in public again.'

Mace showed one more tweet from Caraballo from earlier in November in which the activists calls the Supreme Court illegitimate and an organ of the far right and asked 'yes or no' if she felt Supreme Court Justices should be accosted.

Caraballo calls it 'not an accurate representation' of her statements, before Mace points out that in June, a heavily armed 26-year-old man was detained near Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh's house allegedly told authorities he wanted to kill the conservative jurist and then himself.



PREMO Member
Witness Tuesday’s utter humiliation of Harvard Law School’s Alejandra Caraballo by Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC). Caraballo, a radical transgender-rights activist and legal instructor, was appearing at the House Committee on Oversight and Reform’s hearing on alleged threats to democracy, including — as Caraballo firmly warned — rhetoric calling for targeting of officials over doing their jobs.

Yet, as Mace then proved, Caraballo’s own tweets had called for just that.

In the wake of the Supreme Court ruling in Dobbs, she demanded on Twitter that the “6 justices who overturned Roe never know peace again,” and described it as a “civic duty” for people to accost them in public. She also called the court “not a legitimate court” and an “organ of the far right.”

Sounds pretty anti-democracy to us! The high court is constitutionally mandated to do its best to offer honest decisions, popular or not.



PREMO Member

Congress Wants To Know What The Biggest Game Companies Are Doing To 'Combat Extremism'

A group of seven lawmakers are sending a letter to the world’s biggest video game companies tomorrow, asking each of them what steps they’re taking to combat “harassment and extremism” in online video games.

As Axios reports, the seven Democratic representatives—including Lori Trahan (Massachusetts), Katie Porter (California) and Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon—have all co-signed a letter, which is looking to “better understand the processes you have in place to handle player reports of harassment and extremism encounters in your online games, and ask for consideration of safety measures pertaining to anti-harassment and anti-extremism.”


Hilariously, though, whoever put the list together of which companies to target has clearly just gone down a list of “most popular games,” not “biggest companies,” because among those titans of industry are Innersloth, the developers of Among Us.

Progressives favorite punching bag .... straight white males and their entertainment

Well I guess since Congress cannot solve inflation or high gas prices, they need to look busy doing SOMETHING
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Mostly settled in...
Ad Free Experience
^Have seen a lot of chatter that the Wizards of the Cost (current Dungeons and Dragons copyright holder) division of Hasbro has gone Woke, plus they are trying to heavily monetize the game.


PREMO Member

Mitch McConnell Was OK with Purple-Haired Crazy Lady Sitting at Omnibus Table But No House Republican Was Present

Via Breitbart:

On Thursday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s Mornings with Maria Rep. Kat Cammack (R-FL) noted that the agreement for the omnibus spending bill was only reached between Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT), Senate Appropriations Committee Vice Chairman Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL), and House Appropriations Committee Chair Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) and excluded the top Republican appropriator in the House, House Appropriations Committee Ranking Member Rep. Kay Granger (R-TX), who is set to become Chair of the Appropriations Committee when Republicans take the majority in the House in January.
Rep. Kat Cammack:“[M]y push has always been let’s answer the call that the American people have put out. They need us unified because our greatest weapon right now against Biden and Schumer and Pelosi is unity. So, McConnell needs to work with the Senators in the conservative block like Lee and Rand Paul and Kennedy. …I reiterate that Kay Granger, the Republican Appropriations Chair, she wasn’t a part of these negotiations at all. They excluded her. There were no four corners at the table. So, we have a lot of work to do. And the Senate needs to understand that we’re not playing around. There will be consequences if they ram this down our throats. The House will not comply with what the Senate Republicans are looking to do.”


Beloved Misanthrope


Well-Known Member
I have to be honest here. If there was any other viable party other than Democrat or Republican I would be leaving the Republican party so fast it would make your head spin.

18 Republicans slime voted for this bill which has 98% of the democrats earmarks in it.
A $1.73 Trillion dollars bill filled with pork.
Mitch McConnell the minority leader voted for it and of course the usual suspects in the Republican party. Any republican who voted for Mitch McConnell to be their leader does not deserve to be in the party.

What do I look for in the Republican led House this year---------------------Nothing.


PREMO Member

Congress Wants To Know What The Biggest Game Companies Are Doing To 'Combat Extremism'

A group of seven lawmakers are sending a letter to the world’s biggest video game companies tomorrow, asking each of them what steps they’re taking to combat “harassment and extremism” in online video games.

As Axios reports, the seven Democratic representatives—including Lori Trahan (Massachusetts), Katie Porter (California) and Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon—have all co-signed a letter, which is looking to “better understand the processes you have in place to handle player reports of harassment and extremism encounters in your online games, and ask for consideration of safety measures pertaining to anti-harassment and anti-extremism.”

Democrat Sen. Ron Wyden Spends Winter Break with Communist Leaders in Cuba

The announcement of Wyden’s visit to Cuba occurred less than three weeks after a delegation of three Democrat congressmen traveled to Havana to meet with members of Cuba’s communist regime between December 9-11.

“I received United States Senator Ron Wyden, to whom I ratified the willingness to work together to improve bilateral relations for the benefit of our peoples,” Díaz-Canel posted on Twitter. “I explained to him the impact that the extreme measures of the US government have had on the Cuban population.”


PREMO Member

Dems in Total Disarray As They Fumble Miserably Against IRS Whistleblowers

The cross-examination has been unsuccessful because the two men were credible and highlighted potential felonies. They can’t be discredited, and the Democrats’ line of questioning, like this from Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL), fell apart like warm bread – it was largely irrelevant. Democrats appeared to have misread or confused the timelines concerning this investigation, and it’s hard to cast these two men as not being solid with their facts when they were in the room when some of the alleged malfeasance was occurring.

Jonathan Turley, a George Washington University Law School professor, observed in a lengthy Twitter thread that the Democrats were a holy mess against the whistleblowers, incapable of debunking or marginalizing any of the allegations brought forward. All they had was repeated attempts to change the subject, with Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) pressing Mr. Shapley about whether he knows who leaked details of this investigation to the press:

Two credible and respected federal agents have alleged interference in their work by a politicized Department of Justice run by Joe Biden to protect his son from prosecution on tax matters. The attorney general seems caught up in this circus, seemingly willing to lie to Congress about his prosecuting attorneys’ legal power in this investigation. The overwhelming evidence of wrongdoing cannot be ignored or wiped away through the usual media-DOJ pipelines that have been used to disseminate the Justice Department’s spin on subjects that they don’t want to talk about or want to keep in the news, the latter of which they did for years with the Russian collusion hoax. These two men aren’t Republican operatives, nor do they stand to gain anything here. They’re good guys, and they come off that way. And when Hunter’s lawyers resort to character assassination because that’s all they have left, you know something is up.

The Biden White House, the Department of Justice, and the attorney general have tried to kill this story in vain. It was already heating up when it looked like Garland committed perjury about this probe. Now, with Shapley and Ziegler’s testimony, there are more grounds for inquiry into the exploits of the Biden Crime Family.