Congressional Actions and Hubris


PREMO Member

According to Twitchy's own Aaron Walker, and legal expert:

… right now under the civil rights act of 1964, if you are motivated by the belief that Jews killed Christ and this has something to do with Jews who live today, that is anti-Semitism with or without this amendment and if you act on it, you are likely to face liability in your company.

While it is definitely true that the 'Christ-killer' slur has been used by antisemites to attack Jews, it's also not unreasonable for Christians to be concerned that the right combination of lawyer and left-leaning judge could interpret a completely innocent action to be discrimination under Title VI because a person stated basic Christian teaching publicly at some point.

This is, frankly, a specific instance of the larger problem of 'hate crime' legislation. It puts the state in the position of mind-reading rather than punishing acts.

Again, either of these statements can be used (and are) in an antisemitic manner (think, 'CHRIST IS KING, JEW!!!'), but they are innocent enough outside that context.

So how did we get here and whose 'fault' is it?

The bill is H.R.6090 - Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023. Yes, 2023. This has been in the works for some time.

What the bill actually does is make the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Working Definition of Antisemitism the definition of antisemitism used when evaluating Title VI cases. The 'contemporary examples of antisemitism' listed in this definition include the exact text that has caused such an uproar:

Using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism (e.g., claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel or Israelis.

This is not a new definition. It is the definition from 2016 that has been used for this purpose by the Department of Education since 2018. This bill seeks to make it the legal definition for investigating Title VI violations, across the board.

This definition, however, has already been used for this purpose because President Trump decreed it to be so with Executive Order 13899 (Combating Anti-Semitism). The text of President Trump's Executive Order is very similar to the text of H.R. 6090, including the reference to the 'contemporary examples of antisemitism'.

So, who let this happen to us? President Trump and Congress, and there's no reason to believe either intended to criminalize Christianity. Both were attempting to address rising antisemitism and were largely opposed by leftist groups who often criticize Israel.

That's a lot of background, but what do we make of the bill? Well, opinions will vary, but clearly, many conservatives are concerned about the potential for abuse against people's First Amendment rights.



PREMO Member
The bill is H.R.6090 - Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023. Yes, 2023. This has been in the works for some time.

What the bill actually does is make the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Working Definition of Antisemitism the definition of antisemitism used when evaluating Title VI cases. The 'contemporary examples of antisemitism' listed in this definition include the exact text that has caused such an uproar:

🔥 Yesterday ABC ran a knee-jerk story headlined, “House passes GOP antisemitism bill amid college unrest.” Showing it can move fast when it wants to, yesterday Congress rushed through a poorly-considered antisemitism law to show support for Israel amidst a terrifying national outbreak of anti-Israel messaging and mostly peaceful protesting.

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The bill was led by Representative Mike Lawler (R-N.Y.), and 15 Democratic co-sponsors. Many Republicans and Democrats who voted against the bill said it infringed on free speech. The new law requires the Department of Education to use the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s working definition of ‘antisemitism’ when enforcing federal anti-discrimination laws.

Some complained that the IHRA defines antisemitism, in part, as “a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews.” That definition, relying as it does on subjective perceptions, seems too squishy to survive Constitutional scrutiny.

Other complained about the expansion of federal criminal laws, worrying that a law like this gives Biden’s DOJ more tools to arrest and over-charge actually peaceful protestors, as we’ve recently seen happen to Christians protesting abortion clinics.

Supporters of the bill expressed worry about legitimate fears experienced by ordinary Jewish folks who feel like all this mostly peaceful outrage and hatred is directed right at them.

Opposition to the bill was bipartisan. Several Democrats argued against the IHRA definition and some of the contemporary examples on antisemitism provided in the IHRA materials. Humpty-Dumpty-like Representative Jerry Nadler, who is Jewish, said he opposed the bill because it would put the "thumb on the scale" in favor of one definition of antisemitism and could "chill" constitutionally-protected free speech.

In March, Governor DeSantis controversially signed a bill with new protections for Jewish Floridians. He took a lot of heat for doing so. None of the students arrested this week on Florida campuses have, to my knowledge, been charged with any hate crimes under the new law.

Is it clear this federal bill was needed now, or is it a sloppy, knee-jerk response to the current crisis? What do you think? Please be understanding of different views in the comments.



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Rep. Banks Grills Biden’s Labor Sec On Claim That Apprentice Programs Are Racist, Sexist

Banks challenged Su again on the DOL document. “The recommendations also — say that registered apprenticeships have been ‘the domain of white able-bodied men.’ That’s a direct quote from the recommendation from the committee in your department,” Banks noted before asking “Do you agree with that comment?”

“Is having fewer white men in apprenticeships the goal of all of the DEI provisions in the proposed rule?” Banks went on to press, with Su responding, “Absolutely not.”


PREMO Member
🔥🔥 That’s not even close to all the good news! On Wednesday, in a story completely ignored by corporate media, Senator Ron Johnson published an announcement on his website headlined, “Sen. Johnson Leads Letter Demanding Biden Reject “Unacceptable” WHO Agreements.

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Johnson’s announcement referred to a highly-controversial set of proposed amendments to the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty, which are set for the final approval vote next month. Critics have claimed that in its horrible original drafts, the amendments would have put the WHO in charge of declaring pandemics and then mandating every country’s response, right down to lockdowns and vaccine mandates that arguably would even override national, state, and local laws.

It is hard to imagine a worse, more apocalyptic scenario.

But thanks to diligent independent efforts — no thanks to corporate media lapdogs, who’ve steadfastly refused to cover the story — the WHO’s proposed treaty amendment package has failed approval several times. The first time it failed by the thinnest of margins, rejected only by a couple small countries. But as people began learning and talking about the threat, it has been revised through several rounds and is much improved. But still dangerous.

Senator Johnson (R-Wi.), bless him, organized the entire Republican Senate, all 49 Senators, to sign a letter of objection addressed to Joe Biden. In the letter, the Senators argue the WHO’s treaty amendments would constitute a brand new treaty requiring ratification by two-thirds of the Senate, which the 49 Senators could easily block. The Biden Administration would surely argue the amendment package is not a new treaty at all, but is merely a minor adjustment to an existing treaty not requiring ratification.

Still, this is a significant development, signaling swift and difficult litigation looming if Biden does sign on to the amendment package. Here’s Johnson’s letter:

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This is the progress that people who’ve been decrying the horrible WHO amendment have been waiting for.



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Education Secretary Falls Apart When Asked Whether He Would Force His Daughter to Undress in Front of Men

Now, White House officials are in the hot seat, being forced to explain and defend this decision. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona recently gave testimony before the Senate. Sen. Burgess Owens (R-UT) grilled Cardona, asking him whether he would allow his daughter to be forced to deal with biological men in women’s space. Naturally, the secretary had trouble answering.

President Joe Biden’s administration released a finalized rule in April that extends Title IX protection to encompass “sexual orientation” and “gender identity,” but it does not address transgender athletes. Cardona refused to answer the questions from Republican Utah Rep. Burgess Owens, saying he would not comment on rules related to athletics that his department has not yet proposed.
“Would you force your daughter to undress in the bathroom with boys, who are also undressing?” Owens asked.
“I am not going to be commenting on athletics rules that we haven’t proposed,” Cardona answered.
Owens pressed Cardona for a “yes or no” answer but the secretary declined to provide one, saying he would “be happy” to discuss Title IX.
“If your daughter was reported, she felt uncomfortable in a boy’s presence in a bathroom or locker room, would that be considered by your administration to be discrimination or bigotry?” Owns followed up.
Cardona again declined to provide a “yes or no” answer as Owens pressed him.
“Girls have now entered in contact sports of boxing and wrestling. Would you allow your daughter to physically fight and get beat up by a boy who called himself a girl?” Owens asked. “Yes or no.”
“Be happy to, once we finalize our regulations on Title IX athletics, to come back and have a conversation with you,” Cardona said.


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'What Do You Say To That?': Chip Roy Presses AOC About Child Labor In Mining For EVs​



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🔥 “It’s going to take decades for the DOJ to fix itself.” The National Desk ran an encouraging, Trump Trial-related story yesterday headlined, “Trump trial now front and center in Congress.” The House Weaponization of Government Subcommittee interviewed Michael Cohen’s former lawyer, Robert Costello, and his testimony burst like a rhetorical hand grenade.

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CLIP: Matt Gaetz and attorney Costello (2:48).

Costello, a former attorney advisor to Cohen in the January 6th proceedings, told the committee that his former client, Cohen, was a Big Fat Liar:

I said, 'Michael, the way this works is if you have truthful information about Donald Trump, that’s clearly what they’re looking for, I can have all your legal problems solved by the end of the week.' His response? 'I swear to God, Bob, I don’t have anything on Donald Trump,'" Costello told the committee.

Make down G-d as one more person Cohen has lied to. At this point, he’s practically sprinting to Hell.

Well-regarded attorney Costello said he wouldn't be surprised if he's called as a witness for the defense. He virtually volunteered. “I’m always ready, telling the truth is easy, telling a lie is complicated. I don’t need any preparation," Costello told the National Desk.

Cohen, the prosecution’s last witness, will be facing withering cross-examination today when President Trump’s trial resumes.



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Watch This Legislative Issue Closely and Monitor the “UniParty” Voices​

May 18, 2024 | Sundance | 256 Comments

On the issue of crypto currency, watch the DC voices very closely.


From the perspective of DC, control over us is the upside; however, their CBDC aspiration comes with a downside – direct bribery and money laundering for political benefit becomes harder. So, what we know they will try to achieve is something like they just did with FISA 702 renewal. Whereby everyone outside DC will be banned from crypto ownership, but everyone inside DC is exempt from the rule. [Remember, under their very specific FISA- 702 extension, DHS is not permitted to use electronic surveillance on federal politicians (without knowledge), only the proles.]

With the crypto currency issue, the ideological communists in DC (both Republican and Democrats alike) will demand legislation to block, ban and regulate the crypto exchange. The UniParty will not want a competing process for the exchange of value that subverts the control mechanism of the federal government.

(Washington DC) – Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s anti-cryptocurrency crusade is facing pressure from her own party.

Dozens of Democrats, including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, have broken with her in recent days and supported an effort to undo SEC guidelines that critics say discourage banks from holding digital assets. The Democrats defied not only Warren, but also President Joe Biden, who is threatening to veto the rollback. The rift may grow further next week when the House takes up sweeping, industry-backed legislation to incorporate crypto trading into federal financial regulations.

[…] The party’s Capitol Hill clash over crypto policy comes as the issue is becoming more prominent in the 2024 campaign. Former President Donald Trump is courting crypto fans, though they may represent a small minority of the electorate, and signaling that he’d rein in the SEC’s crackdown on the industry. Crypto super PACs are poised to spend more than $80 million to influence control of Congress and secure friendlier policy. It’s leaving Democrats at odds over whether to follow Warren’s push to clamp down on crypto firms or to take a friendlier approach. (read more)

The communists who are organizing the financial control system want to use the justification of war, North Korea, and a variety of foreign adversary arguments as well as drugs, criminal and human trafficking, as the manufactured crisis (scary shiny thing) not to be wasted. I mean if you like BitCoin, DC will claim you are a deviant predator of children who abuses drugs and loves some Kim Jong-Un dontchaknow.

The five major banks, all of whom gain maximum benefit from the CBDC as transfer brokers, will join Jamie Dimon (JPMorgan) and decry crypto as the planet harming, energy intense, earth polluting system that is currently melting the ice caps. Meanwhile Greta Thunberg and Taylor Swift will assemble their perpetually depressed Gen-Z forces against BitCoin et al.

Just watch, the seeds of the nonsense are already planted.

The Yellow Zone is specifically constructed to begin using a dollar-based CBDC likely sometime after the 2024 election, with open tests in 2025 depending on the election outcome. Even if Trump wins the ’24 U.S election, the bankers who control the rest of the yellow zone will continue implementation of the Dollar-Based Central Bank Digital Currency (DBCBDC) without direct USA participation (they will wait out Trump’s term).


PREMO Member

Rand Paul Demands DOJ Investigate Top Fauci Aide for Allegedly Destroying COVID Origin Emails

Rand Paul Demands DOJ Investigate Top Fauci Aide for Allegedly Destroying COVID Origin Emails

Morens served as a top aide to Dr. Anthony Fauci at the NIH.

“I write to urge the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to open an investigation into the alleged improper concealment and intentional destruction of records by Dr. David Morens, Senior Advisor to the Director at the National Institutes of Health (NIH),” Paul wrote to AG Merrick Garland.

“Additionally, I request you investigate allegations that employees within NIH’s FOIA office may have conspired with Dr. Morens to evade public records retention laws.”

It’s a felony to destroy records. It’s a felony to destroy evidence. Without question, Morens has admitted in his emails that he was destroying evidence. David Morens is Anthony Fauci’s Michael Cohen, he’s the fixer.
— Rand Paul (@RandPaul) May 22, 2024

The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic revealed emails that point to Morens using his private email account to conduct government business, including asking the NIH FOIA office how to avoid requests.

The emails also show Morens admitted to deleting emails about the origins of COVID-19.

Avoid FOIA​

In February 2021, Morens worried about FOIA requests, promising he would be more careful thanks to the NIH FOIA office.

“I learned from our foia lady here how to make emails disappear after i am foia’d but before the search starts, so i think we are all safe,” Morens wrote. “Plus i deleted most of those earlier emails after sending them to gmail.”


Personal Email Addresses​

Morens stated in another email that he had access to Fauci’s personal email address and used it to conduct government business. Fauci also conducted business with the email address.

In April 2021, Morens told Dr. Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance that he shouldn’t worry about FOIAs.

“I can either send stuff to Tony on his private gmail or hand it to him at work or at his house,” continued Morens. “He is too smart to let colleagues send him stuff that could cause trouble.”

Yes, that Daszak, who Leslie has written about many times! He recently admitted that Americans funded fain-of-function virus experiments in Wuhan, China.

Back Channel​

In May 2021, Morens made it known they had a back channel.

“I suggested Arthur to interview Tony directly and connected him to our ‘secret’ back channel,” Morens wrote to colleagues. “He emailed Tony a few hours ago.”

Only Use Gmail Account​

It wasn’t until November he found out he should reveal information with his personal address.

Morens told one person, “I forgot to clarify in my email yesterday that BOTH my gmail and phone calls are now safe. Text is NOT, as it can be FOIA’s, as can my govt email.”

“So you and Peter and others should be able to email me on gmail only, with the caveat that no other govt. employee is copied at a govt address, as all govt emails are potentially FOIA’able,” he added.


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GOP Rep. Elise Stefanik Files Misconduct Complaint with New York State Unified Court System Related to “Random” Assignment of Judge Merchan

“I just filed an official misconduct complaint with the New York State Unified Court System related to the “random” assignment of Acting Manhattan Justice Juan Merchan, a Biden donor whose daughter is fundraising millions off his unprecedented work, to criminal cases against President Donald J. Trump, his companies, and his allies.” Elise Stefanik said.

Stefanik is not the only one raising questions about the “random” assignment of crooked Judge Juan Merchan as the judge to oversee the Trump Bragg case.

As Trump attorney Alina Habba recently complained, Merchan was also “randomly” chosen to oversee the Steve Bannon case, the Allen Weisselberg case and now the President Donald Trump case!

This just doesn’t happen by accident!

The judge’s daughter, Loren Merchan, is a far-left political operative who worked for the Biden-Harris campaign. The media has infantilized 34-year-old Loren Merchan in an effort to attack Trump’s First Amendment-protected speech with a gag order.

Loren Merchan’s firm, Authentic Campaigns, Inc., has received tens of millions of dollars from Democrats who want to take down Trump.

According to The New York Post, Loren Merchan helped Democrats raise $93 million off of her father’s case.


PREMO Member

Trump Hush Money Prosecutor ORDERED To Testify Before Congress After Guilty Verdict​



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Lindsey Graham Says Biden Could Face Criminal Charges Over Laken Riley’s Murder By Illegal Alien (VIDEO)

Riley, a 22-year-old nursing student at the University of Georgia, was brutally killed while out running by Jose Antonio Ibarra, a 26-year-old illegal alien from Venezuela who was allowed into the country by the Biden regime.

In an interview with Fox News, Graham suggested that Biden could face criminal prosecution if the Supreme Court does not rule there is presidential immunity.

Graham explained:

The border is beyond broken. You have wars in Ukraine. You have the Mideast on fire. When it comes to enforcing the law, Joe Biden has been beyond reckless. He’s taken a parole statute that’s limited in nature and has given a million people parole when, on average, the Trump and [Obama] administrations gave 5,600 people parole. Laken Riley’s murderer was paroled because they had lack of capacity in El Paso.
On and on and on, all these women who have been raped and murdered have one thing in common, the people that killed them raped them, and murdered them were in our custody and let go, I think illegally. So Joe Biden better hope and pray there’s presidential immunity because when he allowed the killer of Laken Riley to be released on parole because of lack of capacity, I think he’s subject not only to a lawsuit but criminal prosecution if there’s not presidential immunity.


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BASED Republican MOVES TO ARREST Merrick Garland For REFUSING To Turn Over Biden DOJ Audio Tapes!​
