Congressional Investigations


Well-Known Member
I gottta say, everyone is itching for them to happen ----

BUT DOES *ANYTHING* ever come from them? About the best I've ever seen in the years since Watergate is, they always manage to screw some poor sap in a process crime and nothing happens. Yeah, they were able to PROVE Clinton was getting BJ's in the Oval Office - but he got away with hiding evidence, coercing witnesses - he got away with all of it.

Joe Biden is CLEARLY a crook who has sold out the United States for money, laundered through his son, brother and others.

NOTHING will happen.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
It's the same as the kid at the McDonalds counter who's like, "Oh, I'm in the middle of a text with my friend. I'll get to those customers when I'm done."

Congresstards are WAY too busy with their bullshit "investigations" to do any real work. In a normal world it would take a small committee maybe a week to compile evidence and come to a conclusion. In the political world it takes forever because they have to decide on a special prosecutor and go through all that, then the SP has to talk to everyone in DC before they get started, then every Congresstard has to give numerous speeches, then go on all the talk shows to plead their case, then blah, then blah blah, then more blah blah blah.

And if you ask WTF these people are actually doing at their job that we pay them for, they'll be all, "Oh, we're WAY too busy defending democracy! Don't you want us to defend democracy??"

If We the People weren't so ****ing retarded we'd have better representation. As it stands, the lazy corrupt ****tards in the House and Senate are perfect reps for us.

You'll notice that when they really want to do something - such as impeach Trump - it only takes a couple weeks start to finish.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
This sounds vaguely familiar :rolleyes:

That's because you're a not very bright zero-sum gamer who doesn't read before he responds.

In a normal world it would take a small committee maybe a week to compile evidence and come to a conclusion.

^^Key statement right there ^^

It doesn't take all of Congress, including those on the Basketweaving Oversight Committee, to look into malfeasance - or any of Congress. That's what the DoJ is for.
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Well-Known Member
Tut tut. :nono: There's that lack of reading thing again.
One of us does have an issue and it's NOT with reading. It is with lack of continuity regarding your opinions. Pretty easy to grasp with the quotes I provided. In an earlier thread you mention that you find it "completely appropriate" to go after previous administrations with prosecutions (which includes investigations last I recall) and punishments. In today's thread, you call it all "bullshit." Maybe if you stuck with the same opinion from day to day then it wouldn't be so hard to grasp (or defend)


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

I gottta say, everyone is itching for them to happen ----

BUT DOES *ANYTHING* ever come from them? About the best I've ever seen in the years since Watergate is, they always manage to screw some poor sap in a process crime and nothing happens. Yeah, they were able to PROVE Clinton was getting BJ's in the Oval Office - but he got away with hiding evidence, coercing witnesses - he got away with all of it.

Joe Biden is CLEARLY a crook who has sold out the United States for money, laundered through his son, brother and others.

NOTHING will happen.
It is all theater for us serfs. To give the impression of some sort of accountability. Oh, and to feed the news cycles.


Well-Known Member
You'll notice that when they really want to do something - such as impeach Trump - it only takes a couple weeks start to finish.
And in the case of the second impeachment - whose purpose still eludes me, since the purpose of a conviction is to remove a man from office and he was leaving it - they don't even need to waste time compiling evidence, gathering testimony, witnesses or deposing anybody.
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Ok - in the case of Hunter Biden - and to be real, this IS about the President, and whether he sold influence using others as a proxy -

HOW DO YOU PROSECUTE THEM? It seems that outside of impeachment hearings, no one has the stomach to put them in JAIL should the process take longer than he is in office. As in - Joe's looking guilty, decides not to run and - well - he's not running so let's just drop it all. It's as though catching a criminal and sending him to jail isn't even part of the equation.


Well-Known Member
Define "bullshit" investigations. You mean like Russian collusion or the upcoming Biden crime family?
With Russian collusion, it was known BEFORE IT BEGAN that it was all bullchit, made up over nothing, and stitched together with crap. It was ALWAYS going to be crap. And you know, it probably explains the whole attitude of Mueller at the end, beautifully. You remember, at the end, he demonstrated this "I don't give a crap, you guys dragged my ass out of retirement for your stupid politics - I don't care, because it has ALWAYS been bullchit since the dossier".

I remember thinking he was grossly incompetent. No - he just knew it was a colossal waste of his time.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
With Russian collusion, it was known BEFORE IT BEGAN that it was all bullchit, made up over nothing, and stitched together with crap. It was ALWAYS going to be crap.

Which is why only Democrats could ever believe it.


Well-Known Member
Back to the original poster - oh, that would be ME - is there a point to congressional investigations? Besides political theater?
Is there ANY chance someone is getting their ass handed to them?