Congresswoman Scuffles With Policeman


Dancing Up A Storm
Rep. Cynthia McKinney Smacks Policeman

Rep. Cynthia McKinney and a police officer scuffled Wednesday after the Georgia Democrat entered a House office building unrecognized and refused to stop when asked, according to U.S. Capitol Police.

"On a day when the Democrats unveil their national security agenda, it's probably not a good idea to allegedly strike a police officer," said Ron Bonjean, spokesman for House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill.

Nothing like a good demonstration of the new Democrats Security Plan! :lmao:


Well-Known Member
I have personally dealt with this biatch on more than one occasion. All I can say is I wish he had slammed her to the ground and cuffed her. All she has to do is wear the Gole Darn lapel pin! But that's beneath her dignity. "Every one on Capitol Hill should know who I am! I am somebody! Jesse told me so!" I'll censor it myself this time:

one of my Cub Scout parent's and her boyfriend are both Capitol Police. Oh the stories they have told me.


I bowl overhand
Members of Congress do not have to walk through metal detectors as they enter buildings on the Capitol complex. They wear lapel pins identifying them as members.

These are some of the biggest crooks in the country, and some would sell their mothers for a nickel if they could.. and they get to bypass security.. BULL CHIT!!

They are elected citizens, and shouldn't be above the law, and definetely not above security provisions..

now I'm going to find me one of those pins..


Dancing Up A Storm
itsbob said:
Members of Congress do not have to walk through metal detectors as they enter buildings on the Capitol complex. They wear lapel pins identifying them as members.

These are some of the biggest crooks in the country, and some would sell their mothers for a nickel if they could.. and they get to bypass security.. BULL CHIT!!

They are elected citizens, and shouldn't be above the law, and definetely not above security provisions..

now I'm going to find me one of those pins..

Someone on here suggested a few weeks back, that we fire every last one of them, and start over with a whole new bunch.

That's sounding better and better all the time.


Dancing Up A Storm
I just saw Howard Fineman on the Chris Matthews Show:

He(Fineman) says he heard the policeman who was shoved by Rep. McKinney is going to file suit against her.

Now that ought to prove interesting. :cool:


I'm so surprised eclark hasn't decided to enlighten us as to how and why this really went down.... :rolleyes:


donbarzini said:
I have personally dealt with this biatch on more than one occasion. All I can say is I wish he had slammed her to the ground and cuffed her. All she has to do is wear the Gole Darn lapel pin! But that's beneath her dignity. "Every one on Capitol Hill should know who I am! I am somebody! Jesse told me so!" I'll censor it myself this time:


I too have dealt with her. It's amazing the attitude most of the Members have. I have been told to get off an elevator that Eleanor Holmes was on. We need to clean the "House"


Dancing Up A Storm
Fox News stated, just now, that Ms. McKinney will hold a press conference tomorrow, along with her lawyer.........

Stay tuned!


New Member
Penn said:
I just saw Howard Fineman on the Chris Matthews Show:
He(Fineman) says he heard the policeman who was shoved by Rep. McKinney is going to file suit against her.
Now that ought to prove interesting. :cool:

That's what this country needs on Court TV, some Swine-on-Swine action...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
This is just rich:

Her lawyer, James W. Myart Jr., said, "Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, like thousands of average Americans across this country, is, too, a victim of the excessive use of force by law enforcement officials because of how she looks and the color of her skin."

"Ms. McKinney is just a victim of being in Congress while black," Myart said. "Congresswoman McKinney will be exonerated."


"Congresswoman McKinney, in a hurry, was essentially chased and grabbed by the officer," Myart said. "She reacted instinctively in an effort to defend herself."

THIS is why there is animosity toward blacks in this country. And a US Representative, no less! She looks like a hooker and her lawyer looks like a pimp. What the hell is wrong with Atlanta?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Now some NAACP spokesperson is on TV screaming that McKinney was a victim of racism!!!!

They played her press conference from earlier and she looks like a total loon.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Now some NAACP spokesperson is on TV screaming that McKinney was a victim of racism!!!!

They played her press conference from earlier and she looks like a total loon.
I suspect that the intensity of her claim of being wronged and being the "real victim" is due to the fact that she did in fact assault the officer that was just doing his job, that she knows it and that she is looking for an out.


Lem Putt
I just saw it on the news. Danny Glover and Harry Belafonte were there to back her up. I'll never watch anything with Glover in it again.

This is so damn stupid. If someone got through security and got near her, you know she'd be the first one to biatch.


Dancing Up A Storm
Rep. McKinney: Race, makeover led to Capitol scuffle

“Let me be clear. This whole incident was instigated by the inappropriate touching and stopping of me, a female black congresswoman,” McKinney said. “I deeply regret that this incident occurred.”

I'm disgusted, and at the same time amazed how easy she blatantly throws the "race card" into the mix.

McKinney and her attorney must feel if they use that tired old ruse, slam it out there hard, the security personnel will back off.

So true Vrai: "THIS is why there is animosity toward blacks in this country." :yay:


I bowl overhand
I don't understand why, when she swung/ resisted, she wasn't taken to the floor like you see them do to miscreants all the time on Cops. Tazered her butt right then and there.

Of course they used a take on a famous racial quote..

she's a victim of being in Congress while black.
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