Congresswoman Scuffles With Policeman


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
BuddyLee said:
The uninformed.
I doubt they're uninformed - they just think like she does and she truly represents them. I like to wander over to the DU when stuff like this happens, just to get the opposite take. Many (if not most) over there are saying that McKinney did nothing wrong, that the cop should have recognized her and he was a racist who assaulted her because she was black.


I bowl overhand
McKinney has a strong record of hating America. During the recent U.N. World Conference Against Racism, she joined the Arab world . . . and Third World republics in attacking the U.S. While there (and overseas--the conference was in Africa), in pushing for slavery reparations, McKinney said the White House is "just full of latent racists."
Bill Clinton was in the White House then, FYI.

THis is what scares me.. why are congressman allowed to bypass security? Granted maybe they should have priviledge to not go through the public screeners, but they should still be made to go through screening, metal detectors, EVERYthing everyone else has to do.. they are not special, they are NOT supposed to be above the law, and because they convinced a bunch of idiots to vote for them they are supposed to be above breaking the law?? Oh yeah, that's been proven a few thousand times hasn't it?

What a great ploy for the Al Queada.. get an "agent" to take up residency in GA, and get elected to Congress.. walk in with a bomb strapped to his chest, and take out half of our Government.. (OH, and maybe not in this country, but something VERY similar was already done successfully in another country.)


Well-Known Member
Let's not forget that incident in NYC, where the city councilman(?) was allowed to wave a constituent around the security process. As soon as he passed around the detector, he promptly pulled out a gun and shot the council member and several others.


Super Genius
itsbob said:
THis is what scares me.. why are congressman allowed to bypass security? Granted maybe they should have priviledge to not go through the public screeners, but they should still be made to go through screening, metal detectors, EVERYthing everyone else has to do.. they are not special, they are NOT supposed to be above the law, and because they convinced a bunch of idiots to vote for them they are supposed to be above breaking the law?? Oh yeah, that's been proven a few thousand times hasn't it?

What a great ploy for the Al Queada.. get an "agent" to take up residency in GA, and get elected to Congress.. walk in with a bomb strapped to his chest, and take out half of our Government.. (OH, and maybe not in this country, but something VERY similar was already done successfully in another country.)
:yeahthat: It surprised me that they didn't have to go through security. Even easier scenario...get somebody made up to look like a member of Congress.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
ylexot said:
Even easier scenario...get somebody made up to look like a member of Congress.
Stuff like that sounds far-fetched, but if you read Vince Flynn, Tom Clancy or Nelson DeMille, it would occur to you that if THEY can come up with these plots, certainly some terrorist group could.

In one of the Flynn books (Transfer of Power?) a terrorist impersonates an Arab prince, cozies up to a Congressman, and gets waltzed past security in order to take over the White House.

Everyone #####es and complains about "violating our civil rights" but I feel we don't take security nearly as seriously in this country as we should. I mean, the cops take it VERY seriously, but then you have people like Cynthia McKinney, backed up by the MSM, and it becomes a free-for-all.


I bowl overhand
vraiblonde said:
Stuff like that sounds far-fetched, but if you read Vince Flynn, Tom Clancy or Nelson DeMille, it would occur to you that if THEY can come up with these plots, certainly some terrorist group could.

In one of the Flynn books (Transfer of Power?) a terrorist impersonates an Arab prince, cozies up to a Congressman, and gets waltzed past security in order to take over the White House.

Everyone #####es and complains about "violating our civil rights" but I feel we don't take security nearly as seriously in this country as we should. I mean, the cops take it VERY seriously, but then you have people like Cynthia McKinney, backed up by the MSM, and it becomes a free-for-all.
Not far fetched at all.. North Korea sent a VERY young agent into Suth Korea with only one purpose in his life, grow up, and get into governemnt service, and he made it where he was either an aide or in the presidential security detail. ( I don't remember which) and in turn saw his mission through completion, assasinating the South Korean president.


vraiblonde said:
Stuff like that sounds far-fetched, but if you read Vince Flynn, Tom Clancy or Nelson DeMille, it would occur to you that if THEY can come up with these plots, certainly some terrorist group could.

In one of the Flynn books (Transfer of Power?) a terrorist impersonates an Arab prince, cozies up to a Congressman, and gets waltzed past security in order to take over the White House.

Everyone #####es and complains about "violating our civil rights" but I feel we don't take security nearly as seriously in this country as we should. I mean, the cops take it VERY seriously, but then you have people like Cynthia McKinney, backed up by the MSM, and it becomes a free-for-all.
It seems to me the MSM is having a good time kicking her in the big stupid melon every night. I have seen nearly every news outlet just massacre her and her lawyers. Other than a half assed effort last night by Alan Combs, I have not seen one outlet be nicey nice to her. I do believe the MSM is bias but this incident has caused a new revelation, the MSM is a bunch of phirrana and they will eat their own. What I suspect happened with regard to the MSM is that they kind of sat back and waited to see who would stick up for McKinney. When none of the Dem darlings stuck up for her they began feeding on her carcass. I would not doubt for one second a call from Bella Pelosi's office wasn't made to certain MSM outlets with instructions to "Eat her alive".


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
Everyone #####es and complains about "violating our civil rights" but I feel we don't take security nearly as seriously in this country as we should. I mean, the cops take it VERY seriously, but then you have people like Cynthia McKinney, backed up by the MSM, and it becomes a free-for-all.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Pete said:
What I suspect happened with regard to the MSM is that they kind of sat back and waited to see who would stick up for McKinney.
I'll bet you that's exactly what happened.

They're ripping Pelosi to shreds over at the DU for not sticking up for Cynthia. That stuff amazes me - Pelosi has always been their darling and hero, yet the minute she distances herself from one of the more loony members of the party, the DU crowd eviscerates her and calls her a "right-wing whore".


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
I'll bet you that's exactly what happened.

They're ripping Pelosi to shreds over at the DU for not sticking up for Cynthia. That stuff amazes me - Pelosi has always been their darling and hero, yet the minute she distances herself from one of the more loony members of the party, the DU crowd eviscerates her and calls her a "right-wing whore".
You keep visiting those dogs in DU, you're going to get rabies.


vraiblonde said:
I'll bet you that's exactly what happened.

They're ripping Pelosi to shreds over at the DU for not sticking up for Cynthia. That stuff amazes me - Pelosi has always been their darling and hero, yet the minute she distances herself from one of the more loony members of the party, the DU crowd eviscerates her and calls her a "right-wing whore".
If you read some of the older coverage you will see McKinney and Bella Pelosi have had a pizzing contest going on for a while. McKinney was in congress for a few years and got booted, then 2 years later got re-elected. When she showed up to resume her throne with 10 years congressional seniority expecting her place in line for choice committee assignments way up front Bella Pelosi told her "Welcome back freshman you get squat. How about you report to the House Select Committee on Chicken Shiat, oh and you can be the ranking member" I can imagine Her Royal Highness Queen Cynthia was enraged a congresswoman with 10 years seniority was given absolute crap for a power position. Funny :confused: HRH Queen Racist was shiat upon by Bella Pelosi, a white, wealthy female yet she didn't scream racism then now did she? Hmmmm


vraiblonde said:
I'll bet you that's exactly what happened.

They're ripping Pelosi to shreds over at the DU for not sticking up for Cynthia. That stuff amazes me - Pelosi has always been their darling and hero, yet the minute she distances herself from one of the more loony members of the party, the DU crowd eviscerates her and calls her a "right-wing whore".
Calling Bella Pelosi a "right-wing whore" is like calling Reagan a liberal pussy. :killingme


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
itsbob said:
THis is what scares me.. why are congressman allowed to bypass security? Granted maybe they should have priviledge to not go through the public screeners, but they should still be made to go through screening, metal detectors, EVERYthing everyone else has to do.. they are not special, they are NOT supposed to be above the law, and because they convinced a bunch of idiots to vote for them they are supposed to be above breaking the law?? Oh yeah, that's been proven a few thousand times hasn't it?
Actually, I don't have a problem with this, as long as they have legitimate badges. And that's only because we have the same thing at my workplace - visitors and contractors have to go through security, badged employees don't.

This is also because you have to have a badged vehicle to get into the complex to begin with, coupled with the fact that nothing we work on is of grave consequence to national security. To get even further into the complex into Naval Intelligence, you have to be checked again, but I don't think they require everyone to go through a metal detector.

Occasionally we have have a$$holes here who think they don't need temporary badges when they forget theirs, because they think "the guard should KNOW them by now". He "knows" no such thing, and shouldn't. He's not being paid to make judgment calls. Had such a guard been in place in my former job, I might have used the opportunity to get in and *TRASH* the place, having been - as I felt - very unjustly canned. His only job is to enforce the rules, and arrogant people deserve to be treated like anyone else who flouts the rules.

Being arrogant is not justification for breaking security rules. Are we really supposed to believe that even IF THE GUY was *racist*, it's ok to simply sock him? How typical of extreme liberals - the "you're so beneath me you don't merit decent behavior" defense. She's an embarassment.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
I'll bet you that's exactly what happened.

They're ripping Pelosi to shreds over at the DU for not sticking up for Cynthia. That stuff amazes me - Pelosi has always been their darling and hero, yet the minute she distances herself from one of the more loony members of the party, the DU crowd eviscerates her and calls her a "right-wing whore".
Waiting on the Congressional Black Caucus.

(crickets chirping)


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A caller on Fred Grandy's morning show said what cinched it for him was making a public statement alongside Danny Glover and that uber-patriot Harry Belafonte.

Kind of the "if it walks like a duck" logic.


I bowl overhand
SamSpade said:
This is also because you have to have a badged vehicle to get into the complex to begin with, coupled with the fact that nothing we work on is of grave consequence to national security. To get even further into the complex into Naval Intelligence, you have to be checked again, but I don't think they require everyone to go through a metal detector.

But this is congress, the US Capitol Builiding, the White House.. how much more "National Security" could it be?? I mean, make them ALL pass through metal detectors, but give them their own to pass through, with their own "special" guards. They're elected officials, most of them don't even qualify for security clearances, yet they have free access to the heart of our government.


Well-Known Member
SamSpade said:
Actually, I don't have a problem with this, as long as they have legitimate badges.

Actually, I do. At one time we didn't require employees to submit to the entry inspection process. Because the employee unions b*tched and moaned about "respect". Well; one day we had a young male employee whose girlfriend(who also worked there) broke up with him. He decide to "show her".
He brought a Colt 357 to work sat down in a rest room stall and blew his brains all over the porcelain wall. Just thankful that he didn't decide to take her and others with him. The next week employees were subject to entrance inspection. No exceptions.


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donbarzini said:
Actually, I do. At one time we didn't require employees to submit to the entry inspection process.
Maybe I should qualify this - I don't object to this *here*, where I work, because it's not important to national security. As far as I know, everyone who goes to the court house in any jurisdiction has to go through a metal detector, which makes sense.

Question - do pilots and airline personnel have to go through metal detectors, to board a plane?


I bowl overhand
donbarzini said:
Actually, I do. At one time we didn't require employees to submit to the entry inspection process. Because the employee unions b*tched and moaned about "respect". Well; one day we had a young male employee whose girlfriend(who also worked there) broke up with him. He decide to "show her".
He brought a Colt 357 to work sat down in a rest room stall and blew his brains all over the porcelain wall. Just thankful that he didn't decide to take her and others with him. The next week employees were subject to entrance inspection. No exceptions.
That's like having security set up at a Post Office and saying the employees are exempt..