Ponytail said:
When YOU were in college, there were no such thing as on-line forums. You did all of your "unloading" with friends or family, or maybe you didn't need to. That's fine too.
Janey is young, but quite normal. Give her a friggin' break for making an effort. For cryin out loud, she's gotten this far in life in this area without getting knocked up or locked up, which is quite rare around here if you haven't noticed. She might be lacking slightly with direction now, but it is quite normal. There's folks here twice her age with the same problem, but ya'll think that THEY'RE funny!?
I've NEVER beaten up on her, as a matter of fact if you read back to my FIRST post in this thread it was aimed at helping her consolidate her loans, as she SHOULD be worried about loan payments after she graduates..
Loan payments of 2 3 or $400 dollars a month can be brutal at a normal starting wage, when you can consolidate and bring it down to $100 - 150.
SHE brought WORRYING about the graduation party, to which I replied before she worried about a party, that was going to happen with or without her worrying, worry about finding employment.
As far as enjoying college, no I didn't live in the dorms, I went to a school that was local that I could commute to (40 miles each way) and still work full time, now when you have a family of six and trying to graduate, yes I would say I had bigger things to worry about then a party..
And no forums when I went to college?? I just graduated 2.5 years ago.. I THINK the internet was here, matter of fact i am POSITIVE Al Gore made sure my college campus was wired with the internet before I got there.. and I kept people on the forums taht I chat(ted) in up to date on what was going on, where I was, when I was planning on graduating, but not once did I ever say WOE is me.. my life is soooo hard.. but what did happen was several adults in the forum going back to school because of my bringing up my experiences as an adult student.
I think Janey is doing fine, but she has to understand how lucky she really is. She CAN go to college when she's young, before she has other commitments, before a family. She has no mortgage to pay, or electric bill..... Some of us didn't have that opportunity to go to school when we were 18 or 19, I think I would have loved to have had that opportunity so I COULD have experienced college they way an 18 or 19 year old does.
In short, I think maybe just once we would like to see her say "thank god, thank my parents, for getting me this far" Lets see her be thankful and appreciative for what she is getting and not constantly whine about every little thing she thinks is wrong with her life.