constant headaches



I have had headaches for the last 2 weeks. I can't seem to get rid of them sometimes they aren't as bad as others. I know sweets sets me off and makes me spend time in the bathroom throwing up so I have given up on them for now. I also been married to tylenol extra strength but trying not to take too much of it as I don't want to damage my stomach so I been just dealing with the headaches with no meds until its so bad that i can't take it anymore. I have had several people say it could be migraines well I don't know what to think it could be and I don't have a family doctor right now as the doctors office I want to go to isn't taking new patients until after january 1.


I am not a doctor but I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express once back in 2005. My suggestion is to stop reading Andy Tardquis/Beaver Cleaver posts and the constant headaches should go away.

Also watch your Tylenol intake, it damages the liver.


I have had headaches for the last 2 weeks. I can't seem to get rid of them sometimes they aren't as bad as others. I know sweets sets me off and makes me spend time in the bathroom throwing up so I have given up on them for now. I also been married to tylenol extra strength but trying not to take too much of it as I don't want to damage my stomach so I been just dealing with the headaches with no meds until its so bad that i can't take it anymore. I have had several people say it could be migraines well I don't know what to think it could be and I don't have a family doctor right now as the doctors office I want to go to isn't taking new patients until after january 1.

maybe you're allergic to cats and dogs :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Sugar can give me a headache also. Are you drinking plenty of water? Dehydration can also cause headaches.


I only take 3 a day if that. I try not to take anything til they are so bad I can't take it anymore. I try to sleep them off sometimes if I can it depends on what is going on and if I can or not and that sometimes doesnt even work.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Try going to an Urgent Care facility since you can't see the doctor you want. (Unless you'd rather suffer then biatch and moan about your pain.)


maybe you're allergic to cats and dogs :shrug:

I take allergy meds to that keeps it at bay. I know I am allergic to cats but I have had them all my life and grown immune to them. The dog I have never had issues with.

Cowgirl. This sugar thing just started 2 weeks ago I never had any issues with sweets before and now all of a suddenly I do so I am going to avoid them for now and see how things go.


New Member
Diet soda was the cause of my migraines, stopped drinking it and mine went away and I suffered from bad ones and was on meds for them.


New Member
I have had headaches for the last 2 weeks. I can't seem to get rid of them sometimes they aren't as bad as others. I know sweets sets me off and makes me spend time in the bathroom throwing up so I have given up on them for now. I also been married to tylenol extra strength but trying not to take too much of it as I don't want to damage my stomach so I been just dealing with the headaches with no meds until its so bad that i can't take it anymore. I have had several people say it could be migraines well I don't know what to think it could be and I don't have a family doctor right now as the doctors office I want to go to isn't taking new patients until after january 1.

Cripes I have heard of everything now :whistle::killingme


Bob I take them as I am also allergic to things like dust and stuff that is outside I have year round allergies.


Love Me or Hate Me
My husband Has the same problem we saw the doctor and they are tension headaches.... do they start off in the back of your neck by chance?? Try a muscle relaxer


I have had headaches for the last 2 weeks. I can't seem to get rid of them sometimes they aren't as bad as others. I know sweets sets me off and makes me spend time in the bathroom throwing up so I have given up on them for now. I also been married to tylenol extra strength but trying not to take too much of it as I don't want to damage my stomach so I been just dealing with the headaches with no meds until its so bad that i can't take it anymore. I have had several people say it could be migraines well I don't know what to think it could be and I don't have a family doctor right now as the doctors office I want to go to isn't taking new patients until after january 1.

I have had a headache since right after Thanksgiving....


ken no i haven't been to the doctors yet but dont think its a sinus infection as I have no other tell tale signs other than it hurting behing my eyes. no the headaches start behind my eyes then it makes my head hurt sometimes it works its way down my back of my neck but not always and eating sugar and some other foods makes it worse.


New Member
ken no i haven't been to the doctors yet but dont think its a sinus infection as I have no other tell tale signs other than it hurting behing my eyes. no the headaches start behind my eyes then it makes my head hurt sometimes it works its way down my back of my neck but not always and eating sugar and some other foods makes it worse.

Then don't eat the foods and sugar that make it worse. News flash.