constant headaches


Going back to the stars
I have had headaches for the last 2 weeks. I can't seem to get rid of them sometimes they aren't as bad as others. I know sweets sets me off and makes me spend time in the bathroom throwing up so I have given up on them for now. I also been married to tylenol extra strength but trying not to take too much of it as I don't want to damage my stomach so I been just dealing with the headaches with no meds until its so bad that i can't take it anymore. I have had several people say it could be migraines well I don't know what to think it could be and I don't have a family doctor right now as the doctors office I want to go to isn't taking new patients until after january 1.

I get headaches all the time ranging from stress induced to severe migraines. The over the counter thing that works wonders for me is aleve. My dr also told me that if you drink a coke, take 2 aleve and a muscle relaxer that is equal to the prescription meds used for migraines. Hope you get some relief soon!


Equestrian :)
I also have migraines all the time. I would take alieve or other various pain killers daily just to deal with the pain. When I went to my doctors they told me I was getting rebound headaches from the pain killers and that I was pretty much addicted to them. Like you sweets set me off to but sometimes I get sugar or caffeine withdrawls and then I have to drink a soda and normal they go away. Stress really seems to be the trigger so I try to relax as much as possible. I go to a Doctor just above mechanicsville named Dr. Charles Reel. I really like the place and they've really helped. We've experimented with many drugs and now have the perfect combo. PM if you want his number


Are you sure? I know a few people who have medicare and go to Brenton Medical Group. Urgent Care is part of the Brenton Medical Group, but it is a small emergency room for anyone even the ones who doesn't have insurance.

It doesn't make sense.

well that is what the lady that answered the phone told me on the urgent care side. Maybe she was having a bad day and didn't want any patients to come in i don't know what her problem was but that is what she told me on teh phone and when i told her what my problem was she said go see your regular doctor. so i got an appointment in february with dr.lee. I am calling tomorrow to get put on there cancellation list so if anyone cancels i might get in earlier