Controling ex-wife


You're a LOON :)
It is suppossed to be every weekend , but it ends up once a month.

Do you go to her house every weekend to pick your daughter up? Or does she tell you that you can't have her so you just don't go?

It seems like if this has been going on long enough you would be able to really have a case in court.


Having Fun!
No call the Police with her there to see it.

I commend you for considering the feelings of your child first. However, there is a possibility that this refusal to contact the police might backfire on you. If this goes on for a prolonged period of time without you taking such an action, the court could look upon it as an indication that the issue is not important to you. Is there a way to contact the police on an informal basis to get information about exactly what would happen and would your daughter have to see the police in action? Don't just assume that a SWAT team goes in and freaks out your child. Get some information.

Did a preliminary Google search and found a couple of websites that might be of assistance to you:

Fathers Rights: Visitation Issues
Child Custody Law and Visitation Law

(Any public library can give you more references and information if you need it.)

Also sounds like you might need to get a new lawyer or maybe do what he/she's telling you to do. There is no magic instant fix for this one - it will take time and walking a very fine line between doing what's best for your child and enforcing your rights as a parent.

Good luck to you!


I have been told that the Master would never take a child from the Mother.I have been thinking about it though.

That right there is BS, if you have proof & she's doing what you say they will take it all into consideration.


New Member
I commend you for considering the feelings of your child first. However, there is a possibility that this refusal to contact the police might backfire on you. If this goes on for a prolonged period of time without you taking such an action, the court could look upon it as an indication that the issue is not important to you. Is there a way to contact the police on an informal basis to get information about exactly what would happen and would your daughter have to see the police in action? Don't just assume that a SWAT team goes in and freaks out your child. Get some information.

Did a preliminary Google search and found a couple of websites that might be of assistance to you:

Fathers Rights: Visitation Issues
Child Custody Law and Visitation Law

(Any public library can give you more references and information if you need it.)

Also sounds like you might need to get a new lawyer or maybe do what he/she's telling you to do. There is no magic instant fix for this one - it will take time and walking a very fine line between doing what's best for your child and enforcing your rights as a parent.

Good luck to you!

Thank you for the links.


Well-Known Member
JEX, by the time you get around to exercising your parental rights, she'll be 18. WTF are you waiting on?

6 years???? You can't be for real. More to this story......... I think I'll sit back and :snacks: until the rest of the story unfolds.

In the mean time, start documenting each and every phone call, contact, e-mail, conversation you have with the ex. Every time she denies you visitation, document, document, document. Get a real lawyer and fire whoever the hell hasn't been doing their job for the last 6 years. It's time to get serious now, before your daughter is too old to ever WANT a relationship with you.


OK, to reopen the divorce to argue for a change of custody what you need to do is prove to the court that there has been a "significant change of circumstance" and consistent negative influence and contempt of court can be considered a "significant change of circumstance."

1. Courts don't give a crap about hurt feelings and emotion so check it at the door.

2. Courts deal in facts, be concise, factual and have proof.

3. Courts like details. If you have not already start a journal and include every detail regardless how silly you think it is. Include times, dates, exact quotes, people who witness or heard statements, copies of any contact, email, voice mail.

4. Before you forget write down everything that is not already documented.

5. Get all your information in order in a factual, concise, chronological presentation and present it to a lawyer and tell them you want a hearing to re-open to readdress custody.

6. Take control of the matter and divulge NOTHING to your ex. Make her pay for her own attorney and give her NO information. If she asks tell her to contact your lawyer or hers.

7. Be deliberate and not emotional. Make no threats, make no statements to her. Tell your child you feel you are being treated poorly and it is not her fault but you think you need a judge to listen and decide. Tell your child nothing about what is going to happen, what you are mad about, what you are going to do, what the mother is going to do or be negative or divulge details. It is her mother and she still has allegiance to her mom, as she should, and will spill your plans, info or statements when the guilt trip starts. Keep them separate to any and all details.

8. If the court agrees there is a reason to readdress custody you have won 90% of the fight. Go into the custody hearing totally prepared and not emotional. Figure that they can and will ask you ANY question so have an answer.

9. Do not let people tell you you cannot get custody or that mothers never lose custody.

10. Be prepared to write a big check. Also do research. Look for child custody decisions and laws off the internet including State supreme Court decisions, appellate court decisions and it does not have to be in Maryland.

11. Take no prisoners, it is your child too. This does not mean become an a-hole. courts act as "a wise and concerned parent" and you should too. Courts also despise whackjobs who shriek, push illogical and juvenile arguments or ignore their orders.

I am not a lawyer but I won custody of my then infant son 11 years ago. This is what I did and it worked and I did a ton of research and planned my attack myself complete with court precidents and cases to cite. I used the lawyer simply as a tool (ironic because he was a tool) to navigate the court.
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I would hope so, but who knows.

I'm speaking from experience. My b/f case never made it to court because at the last second the mother of his child settled out of court & he now has full custody of his 6 year old daughter. I know each & every case is different but the law does not require the child to live with the mother.


New Member
OK, to reopen the divorce to argue for a change of custody what you need to do is prove to the court that there has been a "significant change of circumstance" and consistent negative influence and contempt of court can be considered a "significant change of circumstance."

1. Courts don't give a crap about hurt feelings and emotion so check it at the door.

2. Courts deal in facts, be concise, factual and have proof.

3. Courts like details. If you have not already start a journal and include every detail regardless how silly you think it is. Include times, dates, exact quotes, people who witness or heard statements, copies of any contact, email, voice mail.

4. Before you forget write down everything that is not already documented.

5. Get all your information in order in a factual, concise, chronological presentation and present it to a lawyer and tell them you want a hearing to re-open to readdress custody.

6. Take control of the matter and divulge NOTHING to your ex. Make her pay for her own attorney and give her NO information. If she asks tell her to contact your lawyer or hers.

7. Be deliberate and not emotional. Make no threats, make no statements to her. Tell your child you feel you are being treated poorly and it is not her fault but you think you need a judge to listen and decide. Tell your child nothing about what is going to happen, what you are mad about, what you are going to do, what the mother is going to do or be negative or divulge details. It is her mother and she still has allegiance to her mom, as she should, and will spill your plans, info or statements when the guilt trip starts. Keep them separate to any and all details.

8. If the court agrees there is a reason to readdress custody you have won 90% of the fight. Go into the custody hearing totally prepared and not emotional. Figure that they can and will ask you ANY question so have an answer.

9. Do not let people tell you you cannot get custody or that mothers never lose custody.

10. Be prepared to write a big check. Also do research. Look for child custody decisions and laws off the internet including State supreme Court decisions, appellate court decisions and it does not have to be in Maryland.

11. Take no prisoners, it is your child too. This does not mean become an a-hole. courts act as "a wise and concerned parent" and you should too. Courts also despise whackjobs who shriek, push illogical and juvenile arguments or ignore their orders.

I am not a lawyer but I won custody of my then infant son 11 years ago. This is what I did and it worked and I did a ton of research and planned my attack myself complete with court precidents and cases to cite. I used the lawyer simply as a tool (ironic because he was a tool) to navigate the court.



I have been told that the Master would never take a child from the Mother.I have been thinking about it though.

The Master will most definitely take a child from her mother! That psychaitric report is enough. She's yours if you want her.