Convention is on... Who is up for the play by play conversation tonight?


Enjoying life!
The RNC coverage keeps referring to him as "the Mayor during the 9/11 attacks". Even on Fox. As if it were a deferrence to Giuliani because of the Convention being in NYC.

Giuliani is IMHO the guy we need running things in this country. Thoughts?

Very focused; very unbiased; not too 'entrenched'; I don't know. I'm sitting here trying to qualify him. Why am I doing that? The guy is a natural...


Enjoying life!
Maybe not a natural, but goddamn it, I trust Giuliani. Kerry/Bush, who cares. Giuliani is the real deal, just like he was 3 years ago. I still like him...


Enjoying life!
Don King routing for Bush; imagine that. Just happened on Fox. "Four more years of Bush..." Although I would challenge him to spell 'four'...who knows...


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Steve said:
Giuliani has won his own race, after that speech. THAT'S A PRESIDENTIAL candidate.
As Brit Hume stated... Guiliani showed great range...

He was funny, serious, bipartisan, partisan, inspirational, attacking, rehearsed, off the cuff...
Outstanding speech. I'd love to see him run in '08!


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Steve said:
Don King routing for Bush; imagine that. Just happened on Fox. "Four more years of Bush..." Although I would challenge him to spell 'four'...who knows...
Just saw that...
Not exactly who I'd want stumping for Bush...
but it could help Bush get some of the African-American vote.


I liked McCains speach. I was floored that Michael Moore was there. I suppose since he does "Documentaries" he is considered press?


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Pete said:
I liked McCains speach. I was floored that Michael Moore was there. I suppose since he does "Documentaries" he is considered press?
I thought McCains speech was excellent.
Fox News pundits were critical though... saying it did more for McCain than it did for Bush.


Dancing Up A Storm
sleuth said:
I thought McCains speech was excellent.
Fox News pundits were critical though... saying it did more for McCain than it did for Bush.
:yay: Of the two men's speeches, I had to give the bigger thumbs up to Rudy Guiliani's effort. He managed to bring us back to 9/11 and give us a feel for what he saw and felt. It was almost, like one journalist said, as if he was in your living room talking to you personally.
I also liked his points on who is best to have in the Oval Office: a man who will stay focused on what needs to be done, or one who shifts his position with each daily poll, or his own whim.
McCain gave a very passionate speech, I thought, but didn't reach out to me as personal as Rudy.

I think if Shrillary decides to run for the presidency in '08, she is going to have some very stiff competition from this man. JMHO


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
penncam said:
:yay: Of the two men's speeches, I had to give the bigger thumbs up to Rudy Guiliani's effort. He managed to bring us back to 9/11 and give us a feel for what he saw and felt. It was almost, like one journalist said, as if he was in your living room talking to you personally.
I also liked his points on who is best to have in the Oval Office: a man who will stay focused on what needs to be done, or one who shifts his position with each daily poll, or his own whim.
McCain gave a very passionate speech, I thought, but didn't reach out to me as personal as Rudy.

I think if Shrillary decides to run for the presidency in '08, she is going to have some very stiff competition from this man. JMHO
I love the stories Rudi told... the bearhug from the construction worker was one... and he threw in a couple more, too.

It was almost like you were sitting there drinkin' a beer with him. :cheers:

And I hope he runs. I have heard nothing that would indicate he has an interest in it. :frown:


sleuth said:
I love the stories Rudi told... the bearhug from the construction worker was one... and he threw in a couple more, too.

It was almost like you were sitting there drinkin' a beer with him. :cheers:

And I hope he runs. I have heard nothing that would indicate he has an interest in it. :frown:
He ran against Hillary for the Senate seat but dropped out due to prostate cancer and a little matter of an ugly divorce/mistress.


Asperger's Poster Child
Christy said:
Darn good speach by McCain. :yay:

I voted for McCain when the GOP opened their 2000 primary to independent voters. I hope he runs again in 2008.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Pete said:
He ran against Hillary for the Senate seat but dropped out due to prostate cancer and a little matter of an ugly divorce/mistress.
Really? That was before I really started following politics, so I didn't know that.
I was thinking more along the lines of... since 9/11, Giuliani hasn't seemed to express (publically) any interest in the White House. At least none that I've heard.

There was a rumor a few months back that Giuliani would take Cheney's place on the Republican ticket, but nothing ever came of it.


I know speaking ability is not a top ocncern but GD I wish the Rebubs had some one who could rip off a good speech. I liked McCains speach but he needed a little mor enthusiasm. He didn't sound passionate until the very end. Lord knows W isn't going to rattle the roof. I wonder if they could get W to fake laryngitis and get Allan Keys to do it for him?


Well-Known Member
Pete said:
I liked McCains speach. I was floored that Michael Moore was there. I suppose since he does "Documentaries" he is considered press?

Last I heard, he was covering the RNC for USA Today. The newspaper decided they wanted to do something *different* regarding coverage, putting Michael Moore in charge of covering the RNC, and Ann Coulter in charge of the DNC. It was supposed to be a day by day column, but they yanked Ann's FIRST column and didn't let her do it.

So much for "fair and balanced" (yeah I know it's USA Today and not FOX, but Ann's column that was never printed popped up in her column - it was vintage Ann, but nothing to get upset over, except that it was about as kind to Dems as Moore is likely to the Repubs).


Dancing Up A Storm
SamSpade said:
Last I heard, he was covering the RNC for USA Today. The newspaper decided they wanted to do something *different* regarding coverage, putting Michael Moore in charge of covering the RNC, and Ann Coulter in charge of the DNC. It was supposed to be a day by day column, but they yanked Ann's FIRST column and didn't let her do it.

So much for "fair and balanced" (yeah I know it's USA Today and not FOX, but Ann's column that was never printed popped up in her column - it was vintage Ann, but nothing to get upset over, except that it was about as kind to Dems as Moore is likely to the Repubs).
Yep, that was about a week ago or so, that the USA Today passed on publishing Coulter's piece, and yet they send Michael Moore to cover the RNC?

If that's not hypocracy, I'd like to know what is! Like he's going to give us shining comments about what he heard and saw at the event last night?

Only if he flip-flops. :getdown:


Super Genius
There are a couple points that I had real issues with:
Most (Republicans)...think assault weapons should be banned.
I doubt that.
Though they may personally oppose abortion, they usually don't think the government has the right to tell a women what to do with her body.
The difference of opinion is whether or not the fetus is it's own entity (and deserving of protection) or a part of the woman's body (can be aborted). Nobody is going to be against abortion, but against the government banning it (well, unless they are a moron).
So why do they use the same label as those who back a status quo of women earning 75 cents to every dollar a man earns
I don't even know where he comes up with that one. Does it say in the party platform that women should be paid less?