Convention is on... Who is up for the play by play conversation tonight?


Enjoying life!
Bill O'Reilly's opening remarks on his radio show today were all about Rudy Giuliani. According to Bill, Giuliani is planning a presidential run in 2008.


Nothing to see here
A lib that gets it

Speech of Ron Silver last night at RNC convention -

I want to thank the President and the Republican Party for holding this event in my hometown, my father's hometown, my grandfather's and great grandfather's birthplace. Just over 1,000 days ago, 2,605 of my neighbors were murdered at the World Trade Center - men, women and children - as they began their day on a brilliantly clear New York autumn morning, less than four miles from where I am now standing.

We will never forgive. Never forget. Never excuse!

At the end of World War II, General Douglas MacArthur, Supreme Allied Commander of the South Pacific, said:

"It is my earnest hope - indeed the hope of all mankind - that from this solemn occasion a better world shall emerge out of the blood and carnage of the past, a world found upon faith and understanding, a world dedicated to the dignity of man and the fulfillment of his most cherished wish for freedom, tolerance and justice."

The hope he expressed then remains relevant today.

We are again engaged in a war that will define the future of humankind. Responding to attacks on our soil, America has led a coalition of countries against extremists who want to destroy our way of life and our values.

This is a war we did not seek.

This is a war waged against us.

This is a war to which we had to respond.

History shows that we are not imperialists, but we are fighters for freedom and democracy.

Even though I am a well-recognized liberal on many issues confronting our society today, I find it ironic that many human rights advocates and outspoken members of my own entertainment community are often on the front lines to protest repression, for which I applaud them, but they are usually the first ones to oppose any use of force to take care of these horrors that they catalogue repeatedly.

Under the unwavering leadership of President Bush, the cause of freedom and democracy is being advanced by the courageous men and women serving in our armed services.

The president is doing exactly the right thing. That is why we need this president at this time!

I am grateful for the chance to speak tonight to express my support for our commander-in-chief, for our brave troops, and for the vital cause which they have undertaken.

General Dwight Eisenhower's statement of 60 years ago is true today: "United in this determination and with unshakable faith in the cause for which we fight, we will, with God's help, go forward to our greatest victory."

Thank you.


Nothing to see here
A bit off topic

swiped from FR, a rehash of Katie/Mooron interview this AM.

In perhaps the most stunning morning news show interview I've ever seen, Katie Couric just got through thoroughly trashing Michael Moore.

She began by criticizing the scenes in Fahrenheit 911 depicting a pre-war Iraq of children peacefully playing and weddings taking place. "Wasn't that misleading?" Moore claimed he only used the footage to show the kinds of people killed by US bombing, not to suggest Saddam's Iraq was a "utopia."

Next, Katie said that "many people say the Dems don't want you to be the face of the party."

"Who said that?" demanded Moore. "Well, Tim Russert for one," answered Katie.

She added: "let's face it, many people think you're a jerk."

An obviously hurt Moore responded: "but you don't think I'm a jerk, do you Katie?"

Katie refused to come to his aid: "well, my views aren't important, it's the views of the Dem party."

"But come on, Katie, you know me."

"I really don't know you very well."

"But, come one, from talking after the shows, etc. You don't think I'm a jerk, do you?"

"I really don't know you well enough to say that."

Finally, in a scene so amazing I could hardly believe my eyes and ears, Moore virtually asked Katie out on a date, and was shot down with a classic co-ed line.

Katie asked Moore if he'd be going back to the convention and Moore said he would, probably tonight and tomorrow. Then Moore added: "will you come with me, Katie?"

A shocked Katie replied: "No," then, incredibly, added: "I HAVE TO RE-ARRANGE MY SOCK DRAWER."

Yes, she actually said it. Katie made it clear that she loathes Moore and fears that as the prominent face of the party, he is dragging down her boy Kerry.

An absolutely stunning TV moment. Catch a replay if you can.


Dancing Up A Storm
otter said:
swiped from FR, a rehash of Katie/Mooron interview this AM.

In perhaps the most stunning morning news show interview I've ever seen, Katie Couric just got through thoroughly trashing Michael Moore.

She began by criticizing the scenes in Fahrenheit 911 depicting a pre-war Iraq of children peacefully playing and weddings taking place. "Wasn't that misleading?" Moore claimed he only used the footage to show the kinds of people killed by US bombing, not to suggest Saddam's Iraq was a "utopia."

Next, Katie said that "many people say the Dems don't want you to be the face of the party."

"Who said that?" demanded Moore. "Well, Tim Russert for one," answered Katie.

She added: "let's face it, many people think you're a jerk."

An obviously hurt Moore responded: "but you don't think I'm a jerk, do you Katie?"

Katie refused to come to his aid: "well, my views aren't important, it's the views of the Dem party."

"But come on, Katie, you know me."

"I really don't know you very well."

"But, come one, from talking after the shows, etc. You don't think I'm a jerk, do you?"

"I really don't know you well enough to say that."

Finally, in a scene so amazing I could hardly believe my eyes and ears, Moore virtually asked Katie out on a date, and was shot down with a classic co-ed line.

Katie asked Moore if he'd be going back to the convention and Moore said he would, probably tonight and tomorrow. Then Moore added: "will you come with me, Katie?"

A shocked Katie replied: "No," then, incredibly, added: "I HAVE TO RE-ARRANGE MY SOCK DRAWER."

Yes, she actually said it. Katie made it clear that she loathes Moore and fears that as the prominent face of the party, he is dragging down her boy Kerry.

An absolutely stunning TV moment. Catch a replay if you can.
:howdy: Oh man, I wish I had known he was going to be on her show! That had to be a classic interview!
Maybe the conservatives will get some mileage out of this. Katie Couric trashing, and then dumping on Moore like that! Awesome!

She might be the first democratic supporter to actually do so. I wonder if her turndown for a date with him, put even the smallest of dents in his humongous ego? :duh:


Nothing to see here
penncam said:
:howdy: Oh man, I wish I had known he was going to be on her show! That had to be a classic interview!
Maybe the conservatives will get some mileage out of this. Katie Couric trashing, and then dumping on Moore like that! Awesome!

She might be the first democratic supporter to actually do so. I wonder if her turndown for a date with him, put even the smallest of dents in his humongous ego? :duh:

If you liked that, you will really enjoy this!!! Check it out


Super Genius
otter said:
swiped from FR, a rehash of Katie/Mooron interview this AM.
Finally, in a scene so amazing I could hardly believe my eyes and ears, Moore virtually asked Katie out on a date, and was shot down with a classic co-ed line.

Katie asked Moore if he'd be going back to the convention and Moore said he would, probably tonight and tomorrow. Then Moore added: "will you come with me, Katie?"

A shocked Katie replied: "No," then, incredibly, added: "I HAVE TO RE-ARRANGE MY SOCK DRAWER."
Isn't he married?


Dancing Up A Storm
otter said:
If you liked that, you will really enjoy this!!! Check it out
:otter: OK, so now you want to play "hardball", huh?
You really know how to build up somebody's spirits, and then bring them crashing down to earth, don't you?


But DO NOT be surprised when a "certain unnamed team" gets trashed on the field this fall/winter, and someone brings it to your attention!:killingme


I've seen a huge difference between Hollywood Dems and Republicans. I doubt you'll ever hear Tom Selleck, Bo Derek, Bruce Willis, or too many other Republicans coming on TV calling Democrats names, accusing them of all types of inane behavior, etc. Hollywood Dems, like Goldberg, Garafolo, Moore, and Steisand waste no time in attacking Republicans, often through the use of vulgar language and false accusations. When the Republicans are on getting interviewed they are usually only speaking in positives, or talking about what they personally believe is best for the country, or (in Willis's case) how much they support the troops. If the Hollywood Democrats showed such a level of class and decorum, they wouldn't be vilified.

I thought the Michael Moore appearance was a good example of the differences between Liberals and Conservatives. USAToday stunt hired him to cover the convention and write a week's worth of reports about what he experienced. They also stunt hired Ann Coulter to cover the Democratic convention for the same reason. The difference was that Ann quit after the first day because USAToday insisted on editing selected comments out of her pieces, and I'm sure they did the same to Moore's writings. But Ann isn't such a publicity whore that she was willing to sacrifice her integrity. Moore on the other hand would bash his own mom if it got him time in the spotlight. What a low life.


Asperger's Poster Child
Bruzilla said:
The difference was that Ann quit after the first day because USAToday insisted on editing selected comments out of her pieces, and I'm sure they did the same to Moore's writings.

When Ann quit, USA Today replaced her with Jonah Goldberg. Anybody familiar with him?


Dancing Up A Storm
ylexot said:
Isn't he married?
I'm not sure if Moore is married or not; I can't recall ever seeing him with any female companionship. The guy is too d@mn fat and ugly.

You know, some guys can wear a three or four day old beard, and it looks ok on them. It doe not on Michael Moron.

Anyway, given what you've read, heard and seen about him, do you think being married would stop him? :lol:


Dancing Up A Storm
More Michael Moore

ABC and NBC Tout Michael Moore

On NBC, Katie Couric began: "No matter where you go around this convention here in Boston, you're likely to bump into Fahrenheit 9/11 director Michael Moore. He's apparently a big hit here with the Democrats."

MRC's Megan McCormack took down Carl Quintanilla's soft- peddling of Moore's inflammatory role: "Michael Moore is not a delegate here at the convention. He's not a speaker. He's a guest of the Congressional Black Caucus, and Democrats can't seem to get enough of him. Forget the flags, forget the balloons, the one thing you can't avoid at this convention sits under a green Michigan state baseball cap. Michael Moore is everywhere. Addressing the Congressional Black Caucus, mobbed by reporters, interviewed by Ron Reagan."

Quintanilla noticed: "Moore talks about politics, too, and it's not the kind of positive talk the Democratic Party is looking for this week." In a soundbite, Moore said "They're not patriots, they're hate-riots. And they believe in the politics of hate-riotism." But still, Quintanilla used no labels as he explained "Democrats seem to crave his fiery style."


He concluded: "Today, Moore says he'll show his film on the side of a barn in Crawford, Texas, where the president is spending the week on his ranch, and he's invited Mr. Bush with a formal letter saying, ‘Thank you for considering this invitation, and enjoy your vacation, for however long it may last.'"

If Mikey ever got within 5 miles of Pres. Bush's ranch in Crawford, and tried to show his movie on the side of a barn, I'd have to vote for Kerry. :duh:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Tonio said:
When Ann quit, USA Today replaced her with Jonah Goldberg. Anybody familiar with him?
Editor of National Review Online. He's the one that dropped Ann Coulter's column when she wrote the piece about "invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity". He then tried to pretend that it wasn't her verbiage that got her canned, it was that she was such a sloppy writer. Coulter fans know this isn't true and Goldberg was just in CYA mode after all the angry letters he got responding to this stupid decision.


Enjoying life!
I'm not a big fan of Ann, but she was set up from the beginning in this USAToday fiasco. Of course they would edit her words! No surprise there. But Moore gets the free pass, as expected.

I liked USAToday when it was shiny and new, about 20 years ago. But it has rusted just like all the rest of 'em. Very good kindling, though! With colored flames no less!!


Dancing Up A Storm
Steve said:
I'm not a big fan of Ann, but she was set up from the beginning in this USAToday fiasco. Of course they would edit her words! No surprise there. But Moore gets the free pass, as expected.

I liked USAToday when it was shiny and new, about 20 years ago. But it has rusted just like all the rest of 'em. Very good kindling, though! With colored flames no less!!
And that tells you something about the USA TODAY: They've gone from an independent, or neutrally driven political newspaper to a somewhat neutral, but more often than not, liberal view.
I've noticed it more and more, in the last 10 to 12 years, mostly in their editorial pages, in the back of section 1.
I basically disregard the first section and enjoy their sports, life and tech/computer sections.