Cori Bush Hot Takes


PREMO Member

Dem Cori Bush Hates White People, Claims 'They Are Taking Over the U.S.'

Earlier this year, Bush released spoke at a House Judiciary Committee Hearing on the “dangers of leaving Black voter suppression unaddressed.”

According to Bush, “white fear” and “white power” is a “crisis” that would disembark the fundamental and constitutional right to vote.

Calling white people “pathetic” the squad member said that “white folks who have yet to welcome love and welcome anti-racism into your hearts,” are afraid that Black people will “dismantle the comfy white supremacy that many benefit from.”


PREMO Member

‘I Don’t Want To Answer That’: Cori Bush Ends Interview After Being Asked If Biden Should Run Again

“Do you want to see Joe Biden run for a second term?” Maxwell asked Bush directly, after which one of the congresswoman’s aides immediately interrupted, saying, “She’s got to go.”

“I … you know …” Bush waffled.

“It’s an easy question,” Maxwell pressed. “You know, it’s not going to take long. Do you want to see Joe Biden run …”

“I don’t want to answer that question because we have not — that’s not — yeah, I don’t want to answer that question,” Bush repeated, shaking her head.

“Okay,” Maxwell replied.

“I mean, he’s the president, he has the right to run for a second term, absolutely,” Bush continued, adding, “But I don’t — I don’t wanna — I’d rather you not do that, answer the question.”

The aide interrupted again, reminding Bush that she had two minutes to get in the car to head to another event.

“I gotta get to the other thing,” she said, effectively ending the interview.


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Cori Bush’s Highest Paid Security Guard Believes He’s ‘109 Trillion’ Years Old And Can ‘Summon Tornadoes’: Report

As detailed in Kerr’s report, Davis is also known as Aha Sen Piankhy — a spiritual guru in St. Louis, Missouri, “who teaches classes on how to read minds, summon mythical beings, and maintain urban gardens—to avoid having to buy food from the Jews.”

Davis also reportedly believes himself to be “intergalactic master of psychic self-defense” who is “109 trillion” years old and claims to have the ability to “summon tornadoes at will, cause earthquakes with his hate, and conduct blood rituals to bring ruin upon his enemies.”

“I’m a teacher,” Davis says in a video shared by WFB, before declaring that he was “not Martin [Luther King Jr.],” adding, “I’m not peaceful at all. You mess with me, I’m messing with you. I’m doing you ten times worse than what you did me.”


Well-Known Member

Dem Cori Bush Hates White People, Claims 'They Are Taking Over the U.S.'

Earlier this year, Bush released spoke at a House Judiciary Committee Hearing on the “dangers of leaving Black voter suppression unaddressed.”

According to Bush, “white fear” and “white power” is a “crisis” that would disembark the fundamental and constitutional right to vote.

Calling white people “pathetic” the squad member said that “white folks who have yet to welcome love and welcome anti-racism into your hearts,” are afraid that Black people will “dismantle the comfy white supremacy that many benefit from.”

Black voters suppressed= Negro's are just to lazy to vote that is the bottom line


Well-Known Member

Dem Cori Bush Hates White People, Claims 'They Are Taking Over the U.S.'

Earlier this year, Bush released spoke at a House Judiciary Committee Hearing on the “dangers of leaving Black voter suppression unaddressed.”

According to Bush, “white fear” and “white power” is a “crisis” that would disembark the fundamental and constitutional right to vote.

Calling white people “pathetic” the squad member said that “white folks who have yet to welcome love and welcome anti-racism into your hearts,” are afraid that Black people will “dismantle the comfy white supremacy that many benefit from.”

White power far out numbers black privilege


Well-Known Member
There are more whites than blacks and we are better armed, and we know hos to use our arms.
If white people hated blacks like this idiot appears to believe we would annihilate them.
Instead half of whites are busy sucking up to blacks and suffering from white guilt.

Shecaims whites are taking over the U.S.
Hell: How stupid is that. Whites had the country sewed up , whites had the country by the balls until we fought in a war to turn her ancestors loose .
Whites ruled for years until we gave it up to blacks, queers , trannies , and illegals.
Whites aren't taking over the US just the opposite ,whites are voting for idiots that are giving the US to illegals and the above mentioned.


Well-Known Member
There are more whites than blacks and we are better armed, and we know hos to use our arms.
If white people hated blacks like this idiot appears to believe we would annihilate them.
Instead half of whites are busy sucking up to blacks and suffering from white guilt.

Shecaims whites are taking over the U.S.
Hell: How stupid is that. Whites had the country sewed up , whites had the country by the balls until we fought in a war to turn her ancestors loose .
Whites ruled for years until we gave it up to blacks, queers , trannies , and illegals.
Whites aren't taking over the US just the opposite ,whites are voting for idiots that are giving the US to illegals and the above mentioned.
Lincoln and his war f*&cked AMERICA up and HiJinx you are 100% correct! only a fool would think otherwise
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Former President Barack Obama’s Department of Justice (DOJ) concluded that there was no credible evidence to disprove Missouri Police Officer Darren Wilson’s story that he shot Brown after Brown attacked him while he was seated in his police vehicle. The encounter happened after Wilson was called to the area to respond to Brown reportedly stealing from a store and attacking a store clerk.

“Brown’s DNA inside the SUV and on Wilson’s shirt collar and the bullet trajectory and close-range gunshot wound to Brown’s hand, establish that Brown’s arms and/or torso were inside the SUV,” the report said. Brown was 6’5” and weighed nearly 300 pounds.

“As detailed throughout this report, several witnesses stated that Brown appeared to pose a physical threat to Wilson as he moved toward Wilson,” the report added. “According to these witnesses, who are corroborated by blood evidence in the roadway, as Brown continued to move toward Wilson, Wilson fired at Brown in what appeared to be self-defense and stopped firing once Brown fell to the ground.”



PREMO Member

‘Squad’ member Rep. Cori Bush made $15K teaching course on reparations

The Missouri congresswoman — and longtime champion of offering cash payments to black Americans as compensation for slavery — earned the dough from George Mason University for co-teaching the class “The Public Pedagogy of Truth and Reparations.”

The course is expected to focus on “truth telling processes” as well as “state sponsored violence against African Americans and other targeted groups,” the school said in a news release.

Bush is a member of the Squad — a loose alignment of far left House members led by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-Queens). During her time in Congress, Bush has emerged as a champion of reparations, long a fringe issue even among her Democratic colleagues.

In May, Bush introduced a budget-busting $14 trillion reparations proposal — about seven times the amount the United States spent on the war in Afghanistan.