Anyway - my original point is that remakes are never better than the original. And often they’re much worse.
I'm going to might want to sit down for this....
I think some talented director should remake The Godfather.
Hear me out:
The book is one of my favorites and the movie just doesn't do it justice. Coppola's female characters are terrible, but in the book they bring something to the table. The dialogue was stilted and lacking, and it just didn't have the heart it should have.
That said, it's still one of my favorite movies and I've seen like a zillion times. But it could be better.
I think the remake of Ocean's Eleven was better than the original. And I love the True Grit remake because it's exactly like the book. Also A Star is Born - Gaga really surprised me. And the one with Judy Garland is a remake. Also Cape Fear with DeNiro is better than the original.