Couple charged for children's repeated tardine

Is it right to charge parents for truancy.

  • Yes

    Votes: 33 89.2%
  • No

    Votes: 4 10.8%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I did, and I still stand by my initial assessment. :razz:

It is ridiculous to bog down our court system with stupid stuff like this when the school should just grow a set and put the hammer down themselves. :shrug: How hard is it to make it more miserable than it is worth to bring your kid in late?

I guess school, learning responsibility and accountability for actions, passing on to your off-spawn, etc., is stupid stuff?

Sounds very OWS to me.

I doubt that this problem is confined to just one family, but they seem to be at the tip of the spear on this issue. If they get away with it, it just opens the door for precedent being set.

It's on the parents. Unfortunately, kids do often pay for their parents mistakes or ignorance.
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b*tch rocket
I like your train of thought and it's not a solution I would have thrown around in my head. However, I feel that this is punishing the child (who is a minor and may not have the means to get ready themselves, and transport themselves) vs the parent who should be responsible for their children. Now, if there is a student in HS that drives daily to and from school on their own, I can see then where you would put the blame on the child. But in this instance, I don't think it's fair.

Life is hard. :shrug: Kids suffer the consequences for things their parents do all the time. Maybe the parents might feel a bit crappy and change their ways if it was their darling child that suffered the consequences of their inability to get moving a little bit earlier. As it stands, they're lawyers correct? Probably make a good bit of money and probably don't mind that much getting a couple fines.


b*tch rocket
This would be considered an academic punishment for a behavioral issue, which is generally not allowed. even if a student is suspended, you must give them the opportunity to make up the work that they missed. In some cases, teachers are even expected to put together the work and send it home so the student can complete it while suspended (not that they ever do)

This is so absurd. Schools are ridiculously touchy feely these days. To the detriment of the child in my humble opinion. Unfortunately the real world does not make these silly distinctions and many kids these days are ill equipped to be able to adjust when they enter the working world.


b*tch rocket
Your solution is more suited for high school aged kids. The article is talking about elementary school aged kids. It's not right to punish a kid at that age because their parents are messed up.

By the time they get to high school it's too late. :ohwell:


Active Member
What the heck are you going to do when your kid hits middle school and the bus schedule is closer to 6-6:30 for pickup? You'll have to adjust YOUR schedule in order, right? Get up earlier and you'll have time to dress yourself and the babies in order to meet the schedule. Glad I could help. :huggy:

at the time my "babies" were 4 mos and 21 mos, since they are not getting on the bus I saw no reason to wake and dress them everyday just encase we had bus issues.