Covid Hysteria 2023 / 2024


PREMO Member
💉💉 It’s finally happened: the dam of jab omertà has broken wide open. While you read this morning’s update, remember that one of the New York Times’ primary functions is to referee the liberal Overton Window — what is acceptable for progressives to think about and to talk about. And yesterday, the New York ran this astonishing non-paywalled, long-form, magazine-style article:

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Safe and effective! Prepare to experience a scorching flash of outrage. “Even the best vaccines,” the New York Times somberly informed its readers, “produce rare but serious side effects.” Now they tell us. Following the classic journalistic formula, the article began with a human interest anecdote, a vaccine-injured scientist, Michelle Zimmerman:

Within minutes of getting the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine, Michelle Zimmerman felt pain racing from her left arm up to her ear and down to her fingertips. Within days, she was unbearably sensitive to light and struggled to remember simple facts.

She was 37, with a Ph.D. in neuroscience, and until then could ride her bicycle 20 miles, teach a dance class and give a lecture on artificial intelligence, all in the same day. Now, more than three years later, she lives with her parents. Eventually diagnosed with brain damage, she cannot work, drive or even stand for long periods of time.

“When I let myself think about the devastation of what this has done to my life, and how much I’ve lost, sometimes it feels even too hard to comprehend,” said Dr. Zimmerman, who believes her injury is due to a contaminated vaccine batch.

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The story immediately shifted to the pathetic, problematic PREP Act, the federal law immunizing vaccine manufacturers and providing a fig leaf of a “compensation” process for vaccine-injured people, people who trusted the government and whose previously normal lives now lie in devastated biological wreckage. I happen to know a lot about the PREP Act, more on that in a moment. Here’s how the Times accurately described PREP’s woeful failure:

As of April, just over 13,000 vaccine-injury compensation claims have been filed with the federal government — but to little avail. Only 19 percent have been reviewed. Only 47 of those were deemed eligible for compensation, and only 12 have been paid out, at an average of about $3,600.

The Times’ first expert, a Yale immunologist, admitted what we all know to be true but which corporate media has so far steadfastly ignored, if not outright denied: that vaccine injuries are “just completely ignored and dismissed and gaslighted.” But ignored by whom? And, who is doing the gaslighting? The Times avoided naming anyone in particular.

Rather, the Times went to great effort to highlight the good intentions of public health officials. It quoted former FDA Commissioner Janet Woodcock, safely retired as of February, who mused she wished she’d done more for vaccine injured people:

“I feel bad for those people,” said Dr. Woodcock, who became the F.D.A.’s acting commissioner in January 2021 as the vaccines were rolling out. “I believe their suffering should be acknowledged, that they have real problems, and they should be taken seriously.”

“I’m disappointed in myself,” she added. “I did a lot of things I feel very good about, but this is one of the few things I feel I just didn’t bring it home.”

This is a promising start, but what about the dead? Never mind! Here we find the first serious gap in the article’s coverage. The Times avoided this difficult issue, only briefly referring to possible deaths. But maybe it was too much to expect in this cautious, tentative first step toward officially acknowledging that Houston, we may have a problem.

My goodness! How could all this anti-progressive gaslighting and illiberal lack of sympathy have possibly happened? How can the Times reconcile this long period of denial and deception? Because it’s just so darn difficult to track vaccine injuries, and because we need even bigger government, that’s how:

The nation’s fragmented health care system complicates detection of very rare side effects, a process that depends on an analysis of huge amounts of data. That’s a difficult task when a patient may be tested for Covid at Walgreens, get vaccinated at CVS, go to a local clinic for minor ailments and seek care at a hospital for serious conditions. Each place may rely on different health record systems.

There is no central repository of vaccine recipients, nor of medical records, and no easy to way to pool these data. Reports to the largest federal database of so-called adverse events can be made by anyone, about anything. It’s not even clear what officials should be looking for.

I could give them some ideas of what to look for. It’s not really that hard. But I digress.

You see, covid vaccine injuries are brand new types of injuries, so what can you expect from busy, hardworking scientists? Dr. Woodcock explained, “I mean, you’re not going to find ‘brain fog’ in the medical record or claims data, because it doesn’t have a good research definition.” The former FDA Commissioner insisted, “It isn’t, like, malevolence on their part.”

It’s not like malevolence. It is malevolence. It’s like deliberate institutional neglect. But they meant well. “Federal officials,” the Times explained, “worry that even a whisper of possible side effects feeds into misinformation spread by a vitriolic anti-vaccine movement.” But health agencies’ duty is to pursue the truth, even when it's complex or inconvenient, not to curate a simplified narrative for their perverse perception of an infantilized general public.

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The Times rounded up a large group of pro-jab medical professionals, who are now vaccine injured, which the Times insisted it has been following for over a year now:

Similar sentiments were echoed in interviews, conducted over more than a year, with 30 people who said they had been harmed by Covid shots. They described a variety of symptoms following vaccination, some neurological, some autoimmune, some cardiovascular.

All said they had been turned away by physicians, told their symptoms were psychosomatic, or labeled anti-vaccine by family and friends — despite the fact that they supported vaccines.

One standout example is Dr. Gregory Poland, 68, the editor in chief of the journal Vaccine, who can’t shake a continuous loud whooshing sound in his ears from the moments after his first shot. He’s getting no help from the medical establishment. In despair that he might “never hear silence again,” Dr. Poland has “sought solace in meditation and his religious faith.”

Why have we never heard from Dr. Poland before? For Heaven’s sake, he runs the most prominent vaccine-related journal in the world.

If even Dr. Poland, surely one of the world’s chief vaccine advocates, feel stifled, dismissed, and suppressed, what hope can regular folks have to be heard? Even Dr. Poland stands alone on Gaslighting Island. As the Times accurately reported, the CDC admits only four serious “but rare” side effects, and two of those are related to the now-recalled Johnson & Johnson jab.

Not accidentally, the Times painted a narrative picture of complete systemic failure of the public health institutions.

It wasn’t just Dr. Poland either. Among others, the article also mentioned Dr. Ilka Warshawsky, a 58-year-old pathologist, who said she lost all hearing in her right ear after a Covid booster shot. It sounded worse than unilateral hearing loss. One of her therapists recently told her she might never be able to live independently again. But hearing loss is not any recognized side effect of Covid vaccination. Dr. Warshawsky remains ineligible for compensation under the CDC’s list of recognized injuries. Just like Dr. Poland.

The article was packed with pro-jab points. Virus-related injuries are worse. And it’s just a tiny number of people with each type of vaccine injury. But … what about the cumulative effect of all these ‘rare’ injuries? When you start to add up all these various rare adverse events, the overall picture starts to look a lot more concerning. If there are a wide range of potential side effects, each affecting a small slice of the population, the aggregate number of impacted individuals could be quite significant. And not rare.

But nobody’s looking at that. I’ve never seen that question raised in any official forum. Nor did the Times ask in its story. Still, the article points that way.



PREMO Member
💉 Last week we looked at the PREP Act’s useless CICP claims process in the U.S. Yesterday, a new article described how the United Kingdom handles the same problem. While the UK Daily Mail’s story was light on the details, the few nuggets that did tumble out suggest theirs is a better program, and therefore is also a rapidly growing problem. Here’s the headline:


The particular UK program referenced in the article provides a one-time payment for only the most severe vaccine injuries. The Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme (VDPS) pays victims a lump sum of £120,000 pounds sterling if they develop a permanently disabling vaccine injury reducing their ability to live independently by at least 60%.

The £120,000 payout has not increased since 2007, which is one of the issues needing reform, said the Mail. That’s not enough even to fund a lawsuit against the vaccine manufacturers, which unlike the CICP, is still allowed in Great Britain.

It’s possible to qualify for the award, but it’s not easy. Victims must submit extensive confirmatory medical records, there’s an independent review panel process, and VDPS medical experts must rule out any possible alternative cause for the victim’s injury than one of the scheduled vaccines. There’s also a very strict time limit.

As the headline said, VDPS claims are unexpectedly soaring. Surprise! The safest and most effective vaccine in the world is overwhelming not the hospitals, but the injury compensation system. Just three years ago in 2021-22, the VDPS’s budget was £600,000. In the current budget year, it has tsunamied to £16.1 million.

In 2019, the year before the pandemic, there were 27 total VDPS claims for all vaccines combined. In 2020, claims even dropped down to 26 for all vaccines. But by 2022, it spiked to 480 — twenty times the previous year’s claims. Last year in 2023, claims multiplied again, about ten times to 4,008. And so far this year — in just the first four months — the Daily Mail reported the VDPS has received over eleven thousand claims.

That astonishing figure projects to around 44,000 claims for 2024; scaled to the U.S. population, that figure is the equivalent of +220,000 thousand new claims this year, more than the population of my home town. (Great Britain’s population is around 67 million, or about a fifth of the United States.)

The claims trend is obviously going the wrong way. Not only is the trend a horrifying signal in itself, but it’s happening at a time when vaccine uptake is plunging downwards; and after all the mandates have fallen by the wayside. Sure, there could be some conceivable reason for rising claims other than increasing injuries from the covid vaccines, but we can agree that whatever is happening, it isn’t good news.

💉💉 Claims in the UK might be soaring, but sales are plunging. Last Thursday, Bloomberg ran another story signaling more problems for the jabs:

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Sales of Moderna’s mRNA ‘vaccine’ fell a whopping 91% in the first quarter compared to last year. Sales to Moderna’s government customers have now fallen from $1.9 billion last year to only $167 million for the current fiscal year. And although its CEO claimed Moderna is no one-trick pony, it currently has no other shipping products; it just has a bunch of in-trial products in the regulatory pipeline.

One standout is its RSV shot, for which it expects FDA approval this Fall, the company assured its investors last week.

Oddly, Moderna’s stock shot up +12% on the news, prompting the “head-scratching” in the sub-headline. Maybe Moderna is a meme stock like Trump Media. But Moderna has a taste for easy government money now. It’s going to be much harder to go back to the old model of selling to nitpicky consumers, one jab at a time. Unlike government, consumers demand results.

If only Moderna could somehow dream up another national emergency! That would do the trick. I can’t imagine how that would work though.



Well-Known Member
Bottom line is this, if you were stupid enough to subject your body or your children to a vaccine brought to the market in less than one year to combat a cold virus with a mortality rate of less than 1% sorry to say you brought this on yourself. Don't blame the politicians, don't blame the manufacturers, don't blame the doctors, don't blame your family members or peers. YOU own this 100%!
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PREMO Member
🔥 More good news! The House Covid Committee has formally recommended that odious EcoHealth Alliance president Peter Daszak be debarred (disallowed from future government contracts) and criminally investigated.

💉💉 They sent it to him by certified mail, which makes it official. It couldn’t have happened to a better grifter, either. Finally, Peter Daszak and his spooky EcoHealth Alliance have been recommended for a permanent ban from future government largesse:

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The most enteraining line was, “You lack the present responsibility to participate in the federal procurement and nonprocurement process.” No kidding. In other words, Peter, you’re out.

Don’t worry, I’m sure Peter will land on his claws somewhere. Next, we should look harder at that weasel Ralph Baric.

🪳🪳 Speaking of Peter Daszak, the Covid Select Committee is slowly but inexorably closing in on that human cockroach, Fauci. This week saw new revelations of Fauci’s staff discussing their “secret”, illegal, off-the-books communications channels used to confound annoying public records requests.

Dr. David Morens was Fauci’s Senior Advisor. David probably needed someone advising him. He has a big mouth. In this email to Peter Daszak, for example, David mentioned “our secret back channel.” Oops.

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The emails uncovered by the Committee suggested the existence of an even larger conspiracy in the NIH’s offices to defeat FOIA. In this email, Morens explained he was “taught” by “Marg Moore” in the NIH FOIA Office the “tricks” of how to scrub his emails:

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David really isn’t too bright. Here he is in an official government email account bragging about how he learned to make emails disappear after getting a FOIA request but before complying with the search:

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In this one, David labeled his gmail account “safe,” and encouraged a Boston University researcher and Peter Daszak to use his “safe” gmail account instead of his government email:

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In this hilarious exchange with Daszak, right after another grant for EcoHealth was approved, David fantastically inquired whether he’d get a kick-back since “there too much f—ing money!!”

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Daszak, who may have been joking, replied “of course there’s a kick-back,” but then, not joking, said he hoped it all doesn’t end in a prison sentence:

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But we hope it does end in a prison sentence.

If you follow this story closely, here’s the House Oversight Committee’s full Memo on David Moren’s Misdeeds.
