Covid Hysteria 2023 / 2024


PREMO Member
🔥 Goodbye, Eris variant, we hardly knew ye. Hello, Pirola! The New York Post ran the story yesterday headlined, “New ‘Pirola’ variant of COVID is spreading fast, has experts concerned.”

Experts concerned! What would we do without experts? I mean, seriously. And, of course, the media is blanketing the airwaves with Pirola nonsense. Here are just a few:

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The terrifying new Omicron variant appears to be named after a giant asteroid, 1082 Pirola. It’s going to slam right into us! Panic!

Or, the name is a combination of the Greek letters Pi and Rho, as officially claimed. Which technically would be “PiRho,” but whatever, we’re dealing with experts here, so you have to cut them some slack.

Anyway, the latest horrifying scariant inconveniently evolved from the “BA” line of covid, and has the official designation BA.2.86. The story breathlessly reported it has “more than 30 mutations” in its spike protein, as if the fact viruses evolve were supposed to be significant somehow.

Wait, I get it. Pirola is a giant mutated asteroid! That’s even worse than a Kraken. It’s like a flying Kraken, if the Kraken were 42 miles across. Kraknado.

The fearsome new variant’s genetic lineage is significant because the highly-touted new and improved booster shots, announced only this week, projected to be available later this month, are already obsolete. They were developed to target the Omicron subvariant XBB.1.5, which doesn’t have the 30 mutations.

In other words, the brand new boosters or jabs or whatever target a completely different strain from the Pirola variant. Great job experts.

The Post’s cherry-picked expert said the vaccines will probably still work, maybe, but perhaps not quite as well as intended. “My guess is that it will also offer an added layer of protection from infection, but it won’t be one hundred percent,” Dr. Roberts says.

It’s not a hundred percent. It’s a layer. And, he was just guessing. Science!

Suppose I offered to sell you a bulletproof vest. But in the fine print, the receipt said protection is not one hundred percent, and we guess it will add a layer of protection. Your first layer was your t-shirt.

It’s like wearing two t-shirts! Now, how many vests would you like?

Anyway, here’s how the Post fear-mongered the new variant despite knowing almost nothing about it. It’s the ‘scary questions’ technique:

Is the new COVID variant worse?
The three biggest questions facing medical experts are: How transmissible is Pirola? Will it bypass existing immune defenses? How lethal will it be for those unlucky enough to get infected by it?
Nobody knows right now, but studies are ongoing,” Roberts said.

Nobody knows! In other words, they don’t know anything. They don’t even know whether Payola, sorry, Pirola, will catch on or not, at all. “The big question is if BA.2.86 will have the same exponential growth that Omicron did—in terms of case numbers—or if it will die out, which is certainly what everyone hopes,” Dr. Roberts explained.

Well, ‘exponential growth or dying out’ safely covers the entire spectrum of options. If it is exponential growth, it’s a shame all the vaccines people already took won’t protect them from Pirola. A dang shame.

Omicron is the least dangerous of all the covid variant lines. But never let the facts get in the way of a good covid scare story.



PREMO Member
💉 In related disaster news, the Wall Street Journal ran an op-ed yesterday by courageous Johns Hopkins covid doc Marty Makary, headlined “Biden Waves Through Another Covid Booster.” The sub-headline asked, “He’s certain that it ‘works,’ but there’s no data. Is this how we approve drugs now?”

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After disgustedly pointing out the last round of boosters was approved after only a “study” of eight mice, Dr. Makary noted this time there is even less safety and efficacy data. That obvious point was already nice to see in print somewhere, but then Makary dropped a hammer on jab risks, citing a study showing serious adverse events in 1 in 556 doses:

Advocates of the new Covid boosters point out that the annual flu shot gets approved without a randomized trial. But flu shots use a traditional vaccine platform that has withstood the test of time, and Covid vaccines have higher complication rates. The latter have a rate of serious adverse events as high as 1 in 556 doses, according to a study published last year in the journal Vaccine. They have also been found to cause myocarditis in young people at a rate six to 28 times the incidence after infection, according to a 2022 JAMA Cardiology study.

Needless to say, the risk of serious complications from catching covid is nowhere near 1 in 556 infections. What on Earth kind of risk/reward analysis are these experts calculating? I realize math isn’t their strong suit, but still.

I was especially pleased to see Dr. Makary work the word “mockery” into his conclusion:

The novel Covid booster shot may be warranted for some high-risk patients. But pushing it hard for young and old alike without human-outcomes data makes a mockery of the scientific method and our regulatory process.

But … Dr. Makary: It’s Science! Shut up!

The drip of truthful jab information is becoming a steady trickle. This must be what happens after the government’s money hose gets turned off.

Honestly, who is taking boosters at this point?



Well-Known Member
💉 In related disaster news, the Wall Street Journal ran an op-ed yesterday by courageous Johns Hopkins covid doc Marty Makary, headlined “Biden Waves Through Another Covid Booster.” The sub-headline asked, “He’s certain that it ‘works,’ but there’s no data. Is this how we approve drugs now?”

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After disgustedly pointing out the last round of boosters was approved after only a “study” of eight mice, Dr. Makary noted this time there is even less safety and efficacy data. That obvious point was already nice to see in print somewhere, but then Makary dropped a hammer on jab risks, citing a study showing serious adverse events in 1 in 556 doses:

Needless to say, the risk of serious complications from catching covid is nowhere near 1 in 556 infections. What on Earth kind of risk/reward analysis are these experts calculating? I realize math isn’t their strong suit, but still.

I was especially pleased to see Dr. Makary work the word “mockery” into his conclusion:

But … Dr. Makary: It’s Science! Shut up!

The drip of truthful jab information is becoming a steady trickle. This must be what happens after the government’s money hose gets turned off.

Honestly, who is taking boosters at this point?

Every democrat is taking boosters or the brainwashed who believe if they don't they wind up in a hospital to die.


PREMO Member
🔥 Yesterday, National Review ran a story headlined, “J.D. Vance Introduces Bill to Ban Federal Mask Mandates for Schools, Public Transit.

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On Tuesday, Senator J.D. Vance (R-Oh.) introduced a new bill to ban the federal government from nationally mandating face masks for airline passengers and students until December 31st, 2024. Vance explained, “Democrats say they’re not going to bring back mask mandates – we’re going to hold them to their word.”

It seems more likely that President Peters would confess he’s being paid by China and Ukraine than it would be for the democrat-controlled Senate to pass Vance’s anti-mask bill, but I suppose it’s some progress. Not so long ago, legislators wet their britches at the prospect of even questioning “the science” of masks, much less introducing bills to stop them, even if only for a year.

The final bit of good news in this story was that it listed only three institutions to bring back mask mandates, so far, the three we already know about. So the Pirola variant isn’t as stiff as it needs to be, if we’re to see a national re-masking movement. Just saying.



Well-Known Member
So the White House has been pushing for civil service to stop teleworking and return to offices because the worst of COVID has passed. Will they be changing their mind if they decide masks and boosters and mail-in ballots are required once again?


Well-Known Member
We have an election coming up. Covid and a crooked election put Biden in the White House.
Now we have more Covid, and Trump spending his time in court against bull sht charges.
Biden has the mentality of a lying 9 year old and Harris isn't much better.

However Stevie wonder can see what is happening.


PREMO Member

Atlanta College Confirms Temporary COVID Mask Mandate Has Ended

The Atlanta college that reinstated its mask mandate in August confirmed that it has ended the rule after two weeks.

Morris Brown College, described as a historically black liberal arts college, stated in mid-August that it would reimpose mask mandates amid what it said was a rise in COVID-19 cases on campuses near where it’s located. That rule was scheduled to end on Sept. 3.

In a statement to Newsweek, college President Kevin James confirmed that the rule had ended. However, the school will still “have several safety protocols in place,” he said.

Parties and large events will still be banned from the campus, the official said in a letter, according to the outlet. The letter states that employees and students will have to undergo temperature checks before coming to the campus and maintain physical distancing, while people who test positive for COVID-19 have to isolate for five days.


PREMO Member
They had a ball last time. Yes, it damaged a generation of children, cost the country trillions of dollars (the repayment of which we’ll bequeath to those damaged children), sparked a lawlessness that still endures, elected a mean, stupid, senile, bribe-taker to the presidency, and spawned inflation that has diminished real earnings and will take years to drain from the system. But who cares about those things?

Well, I do. So do most other Americans.

I care about something else, too. As a matter of principle, I care that these selfish petty tyrants lied and cheated to impose their destructive will on Americans. I care that they owned us and our country for a couple of years and in that time laid great cities to ruins for vagrants, something like the Vandals sacking Rome to inaugurate the Dark Ages.

I care that they humiliated me, my family, and my culture. I care, and I remember.



PREMO Member
💉 The UK Daily Mail ran a surprising story yesterday headlined, “FDA vaccine adviser Dr Paul Offit says healthy young people don't need another Covid booster - despite new BA.2.86 variant pushing virus rates up.” Whoops! This won’t be good for business!

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Pro-jab pediatric vaccine specialist Dr. Paul Offit, who advises the FDA on a range of shots for infectious diseases, and sits on the FDA’s vaccine approval committee, advised the Mail that middle-aged and younger Americans without chronic diseases already have strong enough immunity to prevent severe covid illness this winter.

Offit explained, “Understanding that the goal of the vaccine is to prevent severe disease … Boosting otherwise healthy young people is a low-risk, low-reward strategy.”

Yesterday, someone connected to my office, who has an an autoimmune disease, got a call from her doctor the day before she was scheduled to get her covid booster shot. They cancelled — not rescheduled — her booster appointment explaining, “they don’t work.”

The ‘consensus’ is crumbling.



PREMO Member
Former White House chief medical adviser Anthony Fauci said Sunday that it's likely that no federal mandates will be implemented for masks, but he suggested that recommendations may be given.

"I can see that if we get a significant uptick in cases that you may see the recommendation that masks be used under certain circumstances and indoor crowded settings, but I don't see there'd be certainly not federal mandates," he told ABC News on Sunday morning, adding he would be "extremely surprised."

"There may be local organizations that may require masks, but I think what we're gonna see mostly are, if the cases go up that there might be recommendations, not mandates. There's a big difference there," Dr. Fauci continued.



PREMO Member

The Endless Booster Craze Is Back, As The Biden Administration Loses Major COVID-Related Ruling

Just a few days ago, a hospital system in Ottawa announced they’d be returning to masks. This is not because of any actual surge of infections, hospitalizations or deaths, but simply because it’s respiratory virus season. And those rules will be kept in place for the entirety of respiratory virus season. Simply because they want them.

Activists continue their unchecked reign of misinformation, fear mongering about new variants that may be more transmissible, but show no sign of increased severity. The media continues just "asking questions" about the return of masks, tacitly or openly advocating for their favorite virtue signaling opportunity to come back in full force.

But that's not all.


The Government Violated The First Amendment To Censor Accurate COVID Information That Disproved Preferred Narratives

The Biden Administration and many of its allies in the federal government likely violated the First Amendment, according to the 5th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals.

The court ruled on Friday in Missouri v. Biden, brought to address government coercion directed towards social media and tech companies. And with Friday’s decision, they found that Biden administration officials, the FBI, and health agencies were inappropriately directing companies to censor dissenting views.

The court found that the government “coerced the platforms to make their moderation decisions by way of intimidating messages and threats of adverse consequences.”

Efforts were so extreme that they “significantly encouraged the platforms’ decisions by commandeering their decision-making processes, both in violation of the First Amendment.”

Further details included an extensive takedown of the government’s thorough, exhaustive choices to threaten social media companies for not complying with their demands.

The Plantiff’s case, according to the ruling, showed that there was “extensive evidence that social-media platforms have engaged in censorship of certain viewpoints on key issues and that the government has engaged in a years-long pressure campaign designed to ensure that the censorship aligned with the government’s preferred viewpoints.”

It’s doesn’t get any more dystopian than that.

Biden Administration Claims To Defend Democracy While Subverting It

The side with the political ideology that relentlessly claims that our democracy is in danger and that those on the political right are modern fascists, have now been repeatedly shown to be the violators of the key tenant of a democracy: free speech.

For several years, independent observers on social media pointed out that the Biden administration’s COVID mandates and policies were nonsensical and directly defied scientific evidence and observable reality. As a result, social media and tech companies were pressured by the Surgeon General’s office and administration officials to remove information that made the administration look bad.

Even as further information emerged showing that masks and lockdowns were completely ineffective, the administration, and many local jurisdictions as well, worked to silence those who pointed out the obvious.


PREMO Member

My first thought when I heard about this was "Where's the science?" My next thought was "Who the hell does she think she is pretending to be someone's doctor and definitively stating that prior COVID vaccinations won't work against the new variants?"

For starters, the only science I read from the CDC related to the updated COVID vaccines and the protection levels they offered was this:

The virus that causes COVID-19 is always changing, and protection from COVID-19 vaccines declines over time. Receiving an updated COVID-19 vaccine can restore protection and provide enhanced protection against the variants currently responsible for most infections and hospitalizations in the United States.

I get that there are certain vaccinations that wane over time. For instance, I understand that the flu shot I got three years ago won't necessarily protect me from a serious case of a new flu strain in 2023, which is why they update the flu vaccine every year.

As far as the new COVID variants go, it makes sense to me to hear a public health official say the updated vaccines would offer "enhanced" protection to someone who had previously gotten the vaccine and/or had battled COVID.



PREMO Member

Trust The $cience: FDA declares war on popular over-the-counter drugs, one day after rubber stamping eighth dose of mRNA shots

On Tuesday, the Pharma-captured bureaucrats at the FDA voted to declare that the active ingredient in several major brand name decongestants don’t work, one day after ruling that it’s time for another mRNA dose for the Wuhan sniffles.

Phenylephrine, the active compound in over-the-counter drugs like Dayquil, Sudafed, and other popular brands isn’t effective, the FDA said, opening up the possibility that they will soon be pulled from shelves.

It’s obviously quite strange that the FDA has suddenly discovered the supposed truth about a compound discovered 100 years ago, which was approved by the FDA in the 1970s and later proliferated within every drug store in America.

Pehnylephrine replaced pseudoephedrine as the active ingredient for many over-the-counter decongestants in 2006, because the latter compound can reportedly be used for the production of methamphetamine. This transition moved pseudoephedrine behind the counter as part of the Bush Administration’s War on Drugs, via The Combat Methamphetamine Epidemic Act of 2005.

Anyway, speaking of ineffective…

The “good news” is that the FDA has determined this is definitely NOT the case with Covid shots.

On Monday, the FDA approved Pfizer and Moderna’s latest mRNA concoctions, which were designed for the expiring, non-dominant XBB. 1.5 variant.


PREMO Member
🔥 The Fresno Bee ran a story yesterday headlined, “Congressional Panel on Chinese Influence subpoenas materials on clandestine Reedley lab.”

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Remember that weird, semi-abandoned warehouse in California that turned out to be a Chinese bioweapons lab masquerading as a covid test-making operation? The unlicensed, hidden-in-plain-sight lab was discovered by a scooter-equipped low-level Reedly official, after a nosy neighbor filed a report with codes enforcement because lab workers used an outside garden hose on the wrong day.

Yes, that’s apparently a crime in California.

That triggered a whole slew of agencies who invaded the lab in a series of investigatorial waves, starting with the local agencies and rapidly escalating to the CDC and the FBI. They found vials of blood, incubators, scientific freezers, dangerous chemicals, hundreds of frisky lab mice, viruses and bacteria including covid and even more exotic bugs like malaria, Hepatitis B and C, chlamydia, herpes and rubella Z — among others — and NONE of which are used in the production of covid test kits, which it turned out the State of California was paying the shady outfit to make.

One’s mind boggles with the possibilities. What was actually going into those covid tests? In my view, this story is yet another reason not to use them.

Somehow, during all that expensive and frenetic investigating, not one person associated with the lab was ever arrested, detained, questioned, had their statement taken, or even required to sign a hose violation notice. Apparently it was an unaccountable fly-by-night operation with an unlisted phone number ringing to a random live-eel wet market stall in Wuhan or something. “Herro?”

With no clear answers anywhere, the Republican House Committee on the CCP decided to get involved, and subpoena’d town officials.

This will shock you, but Politico, citing an unnamed source, said that a review of materials Reedley turned over in response to the House committee’s subpoena “has identified troubling gaps in safeguards that allowed the clandestine facility to operate with impunity, as well as serious deficiencies in the federal government’s response.”

Serious deficiencies? How could that happen. Inconceivable! By which I mean totally 100% conceivable.

In another not-so-shocking development, Committee Republicans have now established that the sketchy medical device companies that ran the clandestine facility, Universal Meditech Inc. and Prestige Biotech Inc., are tied to problematic Chinese companies and Chinese nationals. Believe it or not, these same organizations and their named officers are also implicated in major fraud investigations and other misconduct in multiple countries.

All of which somehow completely escaped notice of the State of California, which was paying the lab, handsomely, for making extremely questionable covid test kits with zero oversight. Not one visit. California never even tried the phone number. Thanks, Governor Newsom!

And, isn’t it too bad that you missed the test-kit bonanza? Had you known how little was required, maybe you could’ve gotten in on the covid test kit gold rush like all these Chinese terrorists did.
