Covid Response Fallout


PREMO Member

Government Reports Now Acknowledge The Lack Of Evidence Behind COVID Mandates

Scottish Report Details Predictable, Infuriating Failures Of Governments To Accurately Examine Evidence

The Scottish government, one of the worst offenders of COVID extremism during the pandemic, commissioned a report from an independent “public health physician and medical epidemiologist,” Dr. Ashley Croft.

Before examining the evidence base of COVID interventions, Dr. Croft addressed some of the measures used to “prevent” COVID-19 by the UK and other governments. Those included vaccination, masks, and lockdowns. He also pointed out an extremely obvious reality with regards to the severity of COVID; more specifically the lack there of.

Even in 2020, according to Croft, the “case-fatality rate,” meaning the rate of mortality among detected cases, was “effectively "zero” among healthy children under the age of 18.

The case-fatality rate (CFR) of COVID-19 for different age cohorts in England during 2020 is shown in the table (the Scottish counts are lower than the English counts, but the rates are likely to be broadly similar); of note, the CFR for those aged under 18 was 0.0003% (i.e. effectively zero, in respect of otherwise healthy children), and for those aged 18 to 49 it was 0.006% – only in the case of people aged ≥ 85 did it rise to 1.9%:146

For those aged 18-49 it was an infinitesimal 0.006%. Also effectively zero.

And remember, this is the “case” fatality rate, not the “infection” fatality rate. That number would be significantly lower, if even possible.

That’s the “risk” from COVID, in 2020, posed to young people. The “risk” that led governments to impose universal mask mandates, school closures, lockdowns and other absurdist policies.

Remember curfews and 25% capacity limits? All to protect the vast majority of the population from a nonexistent risk?

Croft also pointed out that by late 2021 the mRNA vaccinations proved to be almost entirely ineffective at preventing infection or transmission, an obvious truth that governments, including Scotland’s, ignored when mandating vaccine passports for any number of every day activities.

Even more concerning, he explained that there were nearly 2,400 “spontaneous reports suggesting a fatal outcome” after COVID-19 vaccination in the UK.

A two-year analysis of Yellow Card reports (i.e. spontaneously-reported vaccine adverse events), published in December 2022 by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), documented 2,362 spontaneous reports suggesting a fatal outcome following COVID-19 vaccination; while of concern, the association does not prove causality

As he has stated, that does not prove causality, but the high number is concerning when compared to the short term protection that rapidly wanes to near zero. Especially considering the already almost-nonexistent risk for those under 50.


PREMO Member

A New Study Confirms COVID Was Never as Dangerous as 'Experts' Claimed

The Numbers​

The review begins with a statement of fact that was almost entirely ignored by lockdown “experts” throughout the pandemic, but especially when restrictions, lockdowns and mandates were at their peak early on.

The infection fatality rate (IFR) of COVID-19 among non-elderly people in the absence of vaccination or prior infection is important to estimate accurately, since 94% of the global population is younger than 70 years and 86% is younger than 60 years.

Emphasis added.

94% of the global population is younger than 70 years old.

6% of is older than 70 years old.

86% is younger than 60 years old.

This is relevant because restrictions overwhelmingly impacted the 86-94% of people who are younger than 60 or 70 years old.

Ioannidis and his co-writers reviewed 40 national seroprevalence studies that covered 38 countries to come to determine their estimates of infection fatality rate for the overwhelming majority of people.

Importantly, those seroprevalence studies were conducted before the vaccines were released, meaning the IFR’s were calculated before whatever impact vaccines had on younger age groups.

So what did they find?

The median infection fatality rate for those aged 0-59 was 0.035%.

This represents 86% of the global population and the survival rate for those who were infected with COVID pre-vaccination was 99.965%.

For those aged 0-69, which covers 94% of the global population, the fatality rate was 0.095%, meaning the survival rate for nearly 7.3 billion people was 99.905%.

Those survival rates are obviously staggeringly high, which already creates frustration that restrictions were imposed on all age groups, when focused protection for those over 70 or at significantly elevated risk would have been a much more preferable course of action.

But it gets worse.

The researchers broke down the demographics into smaller buckets, showing the increase in risk amongst older populations, and conversely, how infinitesimal the risk was amongst younger age groups.

  • Ages 60-69, fatality rate 0.501%, survival rate 99.499%
  • Ages 50-59, fatality rate 0.129%, survival rate 99.871%
  • Ages 40-49, fatality rate 0.035% survival rate 99.965%
  • Ages 30-39, fatality rate 0.011%, survival rate 99.989%
  • Ages 20-29, fatality rate 0.003%, survival rate 99.997%
  • Ages 0-19, fatality rate 0.0003%, survival rate 99.9997%
They added that “Including data from another 9 countries with imputed age distribution of COVID-19 deaths yielded median IFR of 0.025-0.032% for 0-59 years and 0.063-0.082% for 0-69 years.”

These numbers are astounding and reassuringly low, across the board.

But they’re almost nonexistent for children.

Yet as late as fall 2021, Fauci was still fear mongering about the risks of COVID to children in order to increase vaccination uptake, saying in an interview that it was not a “benign situation:”

It’s nearly impossible for any illness to be less of a risk, or more “benign” than a 0.0003% risk of death.

Even in October 2021, during that same interview with NPR, Fauci said that masks should continue on children as an “extra step” to protect them, even after vaccination:

And when you have that type of viral dynamic, even when you have kids vaccinated, you certainly - when you are in an indoor setting, you want to make sure you go the extra step to protect them. So I can't give you an exact number of what that would be in the dynamics of virus in the community, but hopefully we will get there within a reasonable period of time. You know, masks often now - as we say, they're not forever. And hopefully we'll get to a point where we can remove the masks in schools and in other places. But I don't believe that that time is right now.

Nothing better highlights the incompetence and misinformation from Dr. Fauci than ignoring that pre-vaccination, children were at vanishingly small risks from COVID, that vaccination uptake amongst kids was entirely irrelevant since they do not prevent infection or transmission, and that mask usage is completely ineffective at protecting anyone. Especially for those who didn’t need protection in the first place.

The CDC, “expert” community, World Health Organization, media figures — all endlessly spread terror that the virus was a mass killer while conflating detected case fatality rates with infection fatality rates.

Yet now we have another piece of evidence suggesting that the initial WHO estimates were off by 99% for 94% of the world’s population.

Just for some perspective, here’s the difference visually portrayed between what the WHO claimed and what Ioannidis found:


Even if the lockdowns, mask mandates, capacity limits and shuttered playgrounds worked, the dangers of the virus were so minuscule that the collateral damage instantly and immediately outweighed any potential benefit.


PREMO Member

They got away with it. Now what?

I’m sorry to break it to the True Believer useful idiots who still triple mask or whatever, but Covid isn’t coming back. Your co-religionists have largely moved on to whatever the next Current Thing is.

Despite that, the bad guys of the Covid hysteria era never faced any consequences for the human rights atrocities they committed since 2019. And in all likelihood, they probably never will.

They have never been held remotely accountable for being wrong and especially for behaving with complete disregard for the unalienable rights of the 8 billion human beings who populate our world. Therefore, this very ruling class faction, with its insatiable appetite for power, will never stop attempting to have their way with our civilization. They’re currently throwing bumper sticker narratives at the dart board and seeing what sticks. And with the Slava Slush Fund became increasingly unpopular, they have yet to find a new long term winning ticket, for now at least.

The battle to hold these forces legally accountable appears to be going about as well as the attempted Ukrainian “counteroffensive” against Russia. The aforementioned list makes that quite clear.

On the positive side of things, however, it’s worth remembering that coronavirus hysteria didn’t end because a virus suddenly got weaker.

Coronavirus hysteria ended because enough human beings became educated to the reality that the “response” to the “pandemic” was wildly overblown and they were no longer worried about acquiring the sniffles. It’s the same reason why Pfizer and Moderna stock is crashing. The signal has arrived. The game is up.

The problem occurred because it took too many people way too long to realize that humanity had been bamboozled by power hungry tyrants.

One of the main lessons of the corona hysteria era is that we need to be much quicker on the draw in providing the counter narrative [the true signal] to the propaganda being deployed by the global ruling classes.

This is no easy task, but it’s so enormously important to the cause of preserving some semblance of human freedom, and pushing back against those who wish to transform the entire world into their own local versions of China’s Social Credit Score system.

Education is paramount. And through platforms like Substack, the promise held by the social media app formerly known as Twitter, Rumble, and elsewhere, the forces for humanity still have a shot to win the messaging battle. When the next big power grab arrives, we should hope for much more courage and bravery than last time around.


Well-Known Member
NIH has just been exposed as funding the gain-of-function efforts in Wuhan... (GAO books have finally been accessed)
Fauci adamantly denied it...lying under oath.
Rand Paul is pursuing charges. (Noon today)


Well-Known Member

They got away with it. Now what?

I’m sorry to break it to the True Believer useful idiots who still triple mask or whatever, but Covid isn’t coming back. Your co-religionists have largely moved on to whatever the next Current Thing is.

Despite that, the bad guys of the Covid hysteria era never faced any consequences for the human rights atrocities they committed since 2019. And in all likelihood, they probably never will.

They have never been held remotely accountable for being wrong and especially for behaving with complete disregard for the unalienable rights of the 8 billion human beings who populate our world. Therefore, this very ruling class faction, with its insatiable appetite for power, will never stop attempting to have their way with our civilization. They’re currently throwing bumper sticker narratives at the dart board and seeing what sticks. And with the Slava Slush Fund became increasingly unpopular, they have yet to find a new long term winning ticket, for now at least.

The battle to hold these forces legally accountable appears to be going about as well as the attempted Ukrainian “counteroffensive” against Russia. The aforementioned list makes that quite clear.

On the positive side of things, however, it’s worth remembering that coronavirus hysteria didn’t end because a virus suddenly got weaker.

Coronavirus hysteria ended because enough human beings became educated to the reality that the “response” to the “pandemic” was wildly overblown and they were no longer worried about acquiring the sniffles. It’s the same reason why Pfizer and Moderna stock is crashing. The signal has arrived. The game is up.

The problem occurred because it took too many people way too long to realize that humanity had been bamboozled by power hungry tyrants.

One of the main lessons of the corona hysteria era is that we need to be much quicker on the draw in providing the counter narrative [the true signal] to the propaganda being deployed by the global ruling classes.

This is no easy task, but it’s so enormously important to the cause of preserving some semblance of human freedom, and pushing back against those who wish to transform the entire world into their own local versions of China’s Social Credit Score system.

Education is paramount. And through platforms like Substack, the promise held by the social media app formerly known as Twitter, Rumble, and elsewhere, the forces for humanity still have a shot to win the messaging battle. When the next big power grab arrives, we should hope for much more courage and bravery than last time around.

There's already a new variant being talked about, but only in China, the UK, the US & Canada.


PREMO Member

COVID Victims’ Families Sue NY-Based EcoHealth for ‘Funding, Releasing’ Virus

Family members of people who died from COVID-19 have sued a New York-based nonprofit organization that collaborated with and helped fund the Chinese laboratory that was exploring how to make coronaviruses more transmissible and infectious.

The suit names EcoHealth Alliance and Peter Daszak, its president, as defendants, alleging they researched, funded, and created the COVID-19 virus and released it intentionally or accidentally.

Jenny Golden and other U.S. residents brought the lawsuit in New York over the deaths of their loved ones, which they say could have been prevented.

The defendants engaged in conduct that presented foreseeable risks of harm to others, including “deliberately engaging in the creation and genetic modification of dangerous coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2, for the purpose of enhancing their virulence, transmissibility and lethality for human beings, knowing that as modified the coronaviruses would be even more harmful to humans and capable of causing a pandemic,” the suit states.


PREMO Member
🔥 It is, perhaps, a sign of the times that the Epoch Times published a wildly conspiratorial op-ed by intellectual, prolific writer, and Brownstone Institute director Jeffrey Tucker, headlined “The Great Pandemic Walkback.


The piece began innocently enough, and regular readers will find nothing new in Jeffrey’s recital of recent narrative-bending events. It began by listing the tardy recognition of vaccine harms by former CDC Director Redfield and former CNN anchor Chris Cuomo, former Governor Andrew Cuomo hilariously insistence all his pandemic orders were purely voluntary, and the startling recent Congressional testimony of former NIH Director Francis Collins who, when pressed, admitted that he knew of no science supporting covid’s laughable six-foot-distancing rule.

Jeffrey’s point was that these former officials, having fled official offices and now innocently garbed in civilian clothing, comprise the undercover scouting party for what the author called The Great Pandemic Walkback. Having decamped from their high offices and infiltrated We the People, it’s their job to map out the mental battlefield for winning a glorious new war to restore trust in the so-called institutions that chucked us into the woodchipper at the first sign of trouble.

I’m paraphrasing Jeffrey’s eloquent enumeration of notorious pandemic sins, but you get the idea. Three-quarters of the way through the article, it seemed like another poignant update on the slowly liquifying covid narrative, and then Jeffrey dropped his conspiracy bomb, a theory not quite described in this way anywhere before, a theory that elegantly connects a lot of dots and therefore becomes a fine candidate for a working hypothesis.

Jeffrey Tucker — prominently featured by Epoch — thinks the whole pandemic was a deadly, unimaginably expensive, wasteful, ill-considered put-up job. The government’s desperate goal was to lock us down, mask us up, and keep us separated to “flatten the curve” for one reason and one reason only: to keep us from catching covid and developing antibodies long enough that the mRNA vaccine technologies would have fresh immune systems to do their work on:

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He even squeezed mail-in ballots in there. In other words, Jeffery argued that the government’s goal was the reverse opposite of what it claimed. It wanted to stop herd immunity, to interrupt nature and give pharma a chance.

I might be overselling it, but this delightful op-ed seemed to show the covid conversation has moved to a new, more honest level. True, it’s in Epoch, not the New York Times, but Jeffrey’s screed included everything they tried to suppress for years. And he’s still alive. At minimum, the op-ed shows we can at least talk about it now.

At the end of the day, who knows how much of the pandemic disaster was malevolence rather than arrogant incompetence, but it’s a conversation we must have. I can’t wait to see what comes next.



PREMO Member
💉💉 Uh-oh! Doctors are baffled again. Down under in heavily-jabbed Australia, the Daily Mail ran this disguised vaccine advertisement under the alarming headline:

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I’ll save you some time. Of course, the article never actually explained “why everyone in Australia is getting sick at the moment.”

Despite widespread availability of safe and effective vaccines (never mind that little AstraZeneca-clotting speed bump), the numbers of flu, rsv, and covid are rising in the world’s Kangaroo capital. And flu season is getting fatter. According to the Mail, and I am not making this up, not getting the flu is what is making everyone get the flu:

The number of flu cases fell during the pandemic because of lockdowns and measures such as the widespread use of facemasks.​

But this has led to lower immunity and increased susceptibility to the flu.​

Traditionally, flu season has run from April to October with a peak in August. However, since 2022, the flu season started earlier in March and peaked in June. Up until April 30, there were 35,580 flu notifications. This is well up from the same period in 2023, which had 32,480 notifications.​

If you believe it, you may now chalk Australia’s triple-demic up as another catastrophic public health failure.

Scientists are also anguished because, for some reason about which they prefer not to speculate, vaccine uptake has taken a down turn:

Despite being eligible for a free vaccine, the uptake among over 65s has been slow so far this flu season. Usually around 65 percent are vaccinated. But so far this year, only around 35 percent of over-65s have received their flu vaccine.​

'Reports indicate that from March 1 to April 28, 16 percent fewer people were vaccinated against the flu compared with the same period last year. While we're still relatively early in the 2024 flu season, only seven percent of children under five have received their flu shot this year so far,' Dr. Seale said.​

It’s free and people still don’t want it. What does that tell you?

But of course, flu panic is as seasonal as, well, flu itself. Headline from Sky News, 2022:

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Recycled headline from CNN, 2023:

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Back in 2020 and 2021, I regularly reported seasonal flu-panic headlines from 2018 and earlier. Now, it’s impossible to tell whether Australia is suffering from any actual increase or it’s just the annual media template of vaccine adverts.

I won’t mention the possibility of immune suppression, since that’s just a conspiracy theory. Take it away in the comments.



PREMO Member

A Federal ‘Clawback Clause’ Would Ensure We Never Get Another Fauci, Collins, Or Walensky

Dr. Francis Collins, former director of the National Institutes of Health, reprised his parodied musical act for a second time to serenade Yale School of Medicine graduates, reciting a version of Simon and Garfunkel’s “Sound of Silence” with pandemic-themed lyrics. While the act garnered laughs from the crowd, it further codified the lack of seriousness and responsibility public health officials have expressed while toying with the American public, through unfounded and baseless Covid-19 policy decisions.

While these unelected policy officials go unchecked, one way to hold people like Collins accountable is through implementing “clawback” clauses in employment contracts. By  definition,  the clauses are “a contractual provision whereby money already paid to an employee must be returned to an employer or benefactor, sometimes with a penalty, [due to] misconduct, scandals, poor performance, or a drop in company profits.” Following the 2008 financial crisis, private companies, especially banks, incorporated clawbacks in employment contracts for senior executives to help “restore the confidence and faith of investors and the public.” In the post-Covid-19 era, we must implement a similar structure to hold public officials accountable for the harm caused by their actions. 

Thanks to the unrelenting efforts of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, the American public learned this month that Collins finally  admitted in  a congressional testimony that there was no scientific evidence and data to support the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s six-foot social-distance guideline. Collins’ admission came several months after his former pal at NIH, Anthony Fauci,  conceded  in his testimony to the same House subcommittee that the six-foot social-distance rule “sort of just appeared” without scientific input. Plenty has been written about Fauci’s disgraceful role during the Covid-19 pandemic (see  here,  here, and  here). However,  not enough spotlight was shone on Collins until recently.  

Dr. Vinay Prasad  is a hematologist-oncologist and professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of California San Francisco. He has been an outspoken critic of the U.S. government’s Covid-19 response early on. In a recent  video on  his YouTube channel, Prasad reminded the public that in August 2020, Collins produced his first music video rendition of himself playing the guitar and singing to the tune of “Puff, the Magic Dragon” with lyrics including, “No one can travel or leave their houses, schools are closed, and all kids must know to avoid the danger zones. We all must do our part to protect the ones we love. So if you meet at least six feet, handle doors with gloves.”

Diane Baker, the woman who played the red dragon in Collins’ music video, did not wear a  mask or keep a six-foot social distance from Collins. One profound lesson the public learned from the pandemic was that the ruling class always exempts themselves from the horrendous and ludicrous rules they demanded the public follow.

Collins’ video is still on the NIH’s YouTube channel. Prasad commented about it incredulously, “This is what the NIH director was doing. When he was at the center of policies that would affect the generation in unprecedented ways … Instead of studying the evidence … having a debate and dialogue, he was busy writing a godd-mn stupid song” to promote the disinformation of the six-foot social-distancing rule. The American public should be as outraged as Prasad. 


PREMO Member
💉💉 Remember, they did it all for your benefit. Yesterday, the New York Post ran a startling but ultimately unsurprising jab story headlined, “NIH scientists made $710M in royalties from drug makers — a fact they tried to hide.” The so-called scientists allegedly slaving away for taxpayers’ public health were actually enriching themselves helping big pharma hawk its novel injections.

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It’s taken multiple FOIA lawsuits, but new newly disclosed NIH data shows the agency and its scientists collected an eye-watering $710 million in royalties, just during the pandemic, between late 2021 and the end of 2023. Up till now, the NIH refused to say how much in royalties its taxpayer-compensated scientists have earned, insisting there’s no law requiring them to disclose that, and citing public servants’ privacy (even though you had to disclose your jab status to buy a cheeseburger).

So, the very same people pushing jabs, lauding their safety and efficacy, and helping justify vaccine mandates, passports, and databases were raking it in the whole time, laughing all the way to the bank, earning multiples of their government-approved salaries in covid shot royalties.


In this case, we are not required to assume good faith on the part of greedy NIH scientists. It’s their job to avoid even the appearance of an ethical conflict. Having failed to do that, especially because they weren’t transparent about it, they appropriately deserve society’s sanction and harsh criticism.

No wonder they tried to bury it. The burden of proof has now shifted. The NIH must now convincingly demonstrate that it was not acting improperly, and did not let its financial incentives influence its scientific judgments and public health policies.

If NIH can’t prove that, it deserves the harshest possible sanction, especially given the life-and-death stakes.

But the scandal also raises essential questions about whether NIH scientists should receive royalties in the first place. I mean, what are we paying these people to do? If a scientist worked for a private boss, guess who gets the royalties for whatever the employee scientist invents? The boss does. That’s why he hired the scientist in the first place. Duh.

So why are NIH scientists entitled to royalties? Why aren’t NIH royalties paid back to the public treasury, since the taxpayers are the boss in this scenario?

Or, if not that, why are the inventions created using public funds not flowing into the public domain? Why should inventions be licensed to private pharma companies, with benefits flowing to government scientists? Why should the public pay on both ends - first to support the research and then again in the form of high prices and limited access for new drugs?

The NIH and its poachers-turned-game-wardens have a few good little earners there. Remind me again of the difference between big government and big pharma.

The disclosure of nearly a billion dollars in jab royalties shared by a couple hundred well-connected NIH government scientists exposes an unholy symbiosis between a captured agency and the industry it regulates, a shadow system tirelessly working behind a public façade, extracting wealth and freedom from duped citizens. The pandemic response, with its dire combination of corporate profiteering, administrative overreach, and the suppression of dissent, has exposed the workings of this infernal machine in stark detail.

Bless him, Senator Rand Paul is trying to fix the problem. His recently sponsored Royalty Transparency Act unanimously sailed through a bipartisan committee and will hopefully receive a prompt and favorable floor vote. In a burst of common sense, it would require government employees to disclose any royalties they receive.

Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

But even more than new laws and stricter ethics rules, what we need most is a renewal of the ethic of public service — the idea that government employment is a sacred trust, not a self-dealing hunting license. We need uncorrupted public officials who would never dream of trading on their offices for private enrichment, who understand the basic, timeworn notion that even the appearance of impropriety is a stain on their personal honor and on the integrity of the public institutions they steward.

Still, the disclosure of these rotten regulators and Senator Paul’s transparency bill are progress, even if long-overdue, and even if only in fits and starts.
