Covid Response Fallout


Well-Known Member
In preparation for my annual Medicare "wellness exam," my doctor's office asked me if I'd had any COVID vaccinations.

I restrained myself by merely saying "no," when I really wanted to say, "hell no, f*ck no, sh*t no, not if it was the only thing between me and a dirt nap."


Well-Known Member
Yes, My Doctor asked also. Do you wonder why?
Are they trying to protect themselves from Covid, or are they thinking that maybe your reason for going to the Doctor was caused by the jab?
Indeed your reason for needing an appointment could be because of the jab.


Just sneakin' around....
Yes, My Doctor asked also. Do you wonder why?
Are they trying to protect themselves from Covid, or are they thinking that maybe your reason for going to the Doctor was caused by the jab?
Indeed your reason for needing an appointment could be because of the jab.
In BOP's case it was an annual Medicare wellness checkup. Once you turn 65 you start getting them, so it's not like you made an appt with the doc because you were ill, it's just an annual thing.

But I was thinking that maybe they are now aware of the potential issues caused by the jab, and are gathering information, correlating those how had jabs vs those who are now having some symptoms.
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Well-Known Member
though not as serious as this pharmacist, I am convinced my wife went blind in one eye because of the covid "vaccine" she was mandated to take by her employer. It would be difficult to prove so it is just something we have to live with now.
I feel very fortunate that my employer accepted my 'I found religion' bs and I was given a waiver from the jab. I can think of 5 different people among my small group of friends/family that has had multiple weird experiences, healthwise, since getting the jab. And all of the 5 were completely healthy, and lived a far healthier life than I prior to the jab.


the poor dad
I feel very fortunate that my employer accepted my 'I found religion' bs and I was given a waiver from the jab. I can think of 5 different people among my small group of friends/family that has had multiple weird experiences, healthwise, since getting the jab. And all of the 5 were completely healthy, and lived a far healthier life than I prior to the jab.
I told my wife to find religion or quit, but she likes to go along to get along. I think after what she had seen me go thru months earlier with my favorite doctor, she didn’t want anymore trouble.


PREMO Member
💉 Bloomberg reported another baffling scientific mystery Friday in a story headlined, “Yes, Everyone Really Is Sick a Lot More Often After Covid.” Another conspiracy theory is almost now confirmed as conspiracy fact. The article included the strongest hints yet at the truth. The truth is out there.

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Bloomberg’s story began, of course, with a personal interest anecdote. It described the poor Xiang family, who live in jab-happy Taiwan (94%+ vaccinated). The small, Taiwanese, bug-battered family has, just since February, been dealing with one damned thing after another: whooping cough, rhinovirus, parainfluenza, covid-19, pneumonia, and shingles. Bloomberg’s gloomy prognosis: it’s real.

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Well, not everywhere. Bloomberg’s research, compiled from over 60 organizations and public health agencies, revealed that 44 countries and territories have each reported at least one disease resurgence at least ten times worse than pre-pandemic baselines. The prosperous germs include viruses, bacteria, fungi, rare ones, common ones, across the whole spectrum of infection.

For only a few examples, flu in the U.S. is up +40%. Whooping cough has surged over 45 times in China, just in 2024’s first four months. In Australia, RSV cases have nearly doubled from last year. It’s a multi-pandemic worse than covid.

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Argentina is weathering its worst dengue outbreak ever. Japan is managing a mysterious surge of Strep A. Measles is making a comeback in twenty American states, in the UK, and in Europe. Globally, 7.5 million people were newly diagnosed with tuberculosis in 2022 — the worst year since the WHO began tracking TB in the mid-1990s.

Case after case, disease after disease, country after country, the numbers keep creeping up. And it’s a baffling mystery.

They got so close. Repeatedly, Bloomberg’s experts noticed that people’s immune systems seem somehow to be damaged. But in their vacuum of good ideas, the confused experts are chalking it up, maybe, partly, to lockdown-induced immunity debt. The “bubble boy” problem:

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Modern medicine is off the map, flailing, for once speechless and diagnosis-less. The WHO’s chief scientist, Jeremy Farrar, shrugged and said, “we are in a new territory here.” But intentionally or unintentionally, Bloomberg seeded the article with suggestive kernels of truth. For example, the perplexed experts noted that mysteriously spiking excess deaths are strangely, bafflingly clustered in the most highly jabbed countries, the ones that “did the best job” during the pandemic:

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Like the things going on, the article’s efforts to explain the trend were also complicated. It considered a long menu of possibilities, from immunity debt to climate change to racism to vaccine hesitancy. But none of those lackluster ideas were satisfactory. None could explain the full breadth of the increase, since even illnesses without vaccines (like fungal infections) are also rising fast.

Never did Bloomberg or its carefully selected experts consider the obvious possibility, that the covid vaccines with their IgG4 class switching and immunosuppressive effects could possibly be involved.

They used to say denial is a river in Egypt. These days, denial is a river of untreatable mind virus, IQ-lowering germs infecting the orthodox scientific establishment, which earns its daily bread from the selfsame government that created the problem in the first place.

But if anything, the Bloomberg article represents the leading edge of a wave of undeniability. It’s getting too obvious now. They are struggling to wave it all away, uselessly invoking a river of excuses that will inevitably fail because they aren’t right. The protective politicians will have scarpered, and will be long gone when we reach the point where reality collides with obfuscation. Then the orthodox scientists will be left standing alone, presented with the butcher’s bill for payment. It’s coming. And it’s coming faster now.



PREMO Member
💉💉 Another nail in the covid coffin appeared in a fascinating new preprint study published last week on MexRxIV, titled, “Broad-spectrum of non-serious adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination: A population-based cohort study in Seoul, South Korea.

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In the study, Korean researchers crunched several million medical database records, looking for adverse events after covid jabs, but with a twist. The twist was that, instead of looking for serious adverse events, they looked for non-serious adverse events.

Non-serious events can include things like minor aches and pains, or things that doctors call non-serious but victims might disagree. Specifically, the researchers took data from the first 90 days after a safe and effective jab, and looked for gynecological, hematological, dermatological, ophthalmological (vision), otological (hearing), and dental problems.

You can guess what they found. “Incidence rates” at three months post-jab were significantly higher in the vaccinated, for 13 out of 14 adverse event types. These included “minor” medical issues like tinnitus, alopecia, gum disease, glaucoma, warts, herpes infections, endometriosis, and menstrual problems.

All the events were individually ‘rare.’ But nobody toted up the combined risks of so many different enhanced risk categories. The mRNA jabs seem to have more possible side effects than any drugs in history. At this point, growing eyes in the back of your head seems like a real possibility.

While non-serious adverse events grab fewer headlines than do ‘serious’ adverse events like myocarditis, they are still nothing anybody would volunteer for, given the chance. Had people known about the risks of getting these conditions, many people might have spurned the shots.

Even if non-fatal, these “non-serious” AEs play a significant role in quality of life. People having these problems suffer. People who get these conditions might even disagree on whether they are “non-serious,” since they can make a huge difference in people’s lives.

If your hair starts falling out, it might not kill you, but the contours of your life will permanently change. Or tinnitus, which can literally drive people crazy.

And with each additional non-serious AE that people get, their lives can get exponentially worse, even though, conventionally, doctors would still classify these folks’ problems as “non-serious.”

They only studied the first 90 days following the jabs. Who knows how ‘rare’ each condition might be, if they looked at a full year.

Never forget: they promised everyone the only adverse effects were rare injection site pain or a couple days of flu symptoms. They never told us our hair and teeth might fall out. So it’s great news that somebody’s finally looking into these less medically-glamorous issues. The unsung victims also deserve a voice.

Tick, tock.
