Covid Response Fallout


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Congressional hearings are a waste of time. Too much bloviating by both sides and not enough questions. The lefts fellating of Fauci yesterday was maddening.
Raskin needs to get his Doorag back to wipe his chin.


PREMO Member

Fauci: No Science Behind COVID Masking or Social Distancing, Blames Unvaccinated for Hundreds of Thousands of Deaths

We recently learned that former Fauci aide Dr. David Morens admitted he destroyed emails regarding the origin of COVID.

Last year, emails showed Morens used personal email addresses to dodge FOIA requests and questions about COVID origins.

Fauci permitted Morens to talk to National Geographic about the origins. He figured he had to do it because Fauci didn’t “want his fingerprints on origin stories.”

Fauci Points the Finger at the CDC Regarding COVID Rules

Fauci said the COVID rules just “appeared” by pointing fingers at the CDC. He also admitted that the rules lacked any science behind them.

So those kids who lost schooling, addicts who lost support systems, businesses that went under…no science behind it.

What a jerk:

FAUCI: “It was a CDC decision and it was clear –”
JOYCE: “Were you dialoguing with the CDC?”
FAUCI: “Excuse me?”
JOYCE: “Were you in communication with the CDC.”
FAUCI: “CDC was part of the Coronavirus Response Team, yes.”
JOYCE: “And you didn’t feel an obligation to go to them and say, ‘Look, Americans aren’t going to trust us. We’re providing them with misinformation.’“
FAUCI: “We have discussions at the White House about that, we did, but the CDC’s decision, and it was their decision to make, and they made it.”

Fauci felt “it wasn’t right for him ‘to be publicly challenging’ the system.”

They forced masks on babies and toddlers, resulting in communication delays. Shaming people who refused to wear a mask.

None of it is based on science or reality.

The science behind masking, except the so-called scientists, had no studies:

“The CDC was responsible for those kinds of guidelines for schools, not me. So when I said that, it just appeared. It appeared. Was there any science behind it? What I meant by no science behind it is that there wasn’t a controlled trial. That said, compare six foot with three feet with ten feet. So there wasn’t that scientific evaluation of it. What I believe the CDC used for their reason to say six feet is that studies years ago showed that when you’re dealing with droplets, which at the time that the CDC made that recommendation, it was felt that the transmission was primarily through droplet, not aerosol, which is incorrect because we know now aerosol does play a role. That’s the reason why they did it. It had little to do with me since I didn’t make the recommendation.”

Fauci justified the lockdowns by shouting death numbers, even though we knew that if the person had COVID, they blamed the person’s death on COVID:

CLOUD: “I’m going to go through a list of Covid mitigation measures that you supported over the course of the pandemic and ask you to give me a yes or no as to whether you believe these measures were justified. Business closures?”
FAUCI: “When 5,000 people were dying a day, yes.”
CLOUD: “Church closures?”
FAUCI: “Same thing.”
CLOUD: “School closures?”
FAUCI: “Again, the –”
CLOUD: “Stay at home orders?”
FAUCI: “These were important when we were trying to stop the tsunami of deaths that were occurring early on.”
CLOUD: “Early on?”
FAUCI: “How long you kept them going is debatable.”
CLOUD: “Mask mandates for adults, mask mandates for children, mask mandates for children under five?”
FAUCI: “And going back to what I said before, all of that is in the context of at that time 4-5,000 people a day were dying.”

Once again, Fauci contradicts himself:

WENSTRUP: “Vaccines save millions of lives and I want to thank you for your support and engagement on that. However, despite statements to the contrary, it did not stop transmission of the virus. Did the Covid vaccine stop transmission of the virus?”
FAUCI: “That is a complicated issue because in the beginning, the first iteration of the vaccines did have an effect, not 100 percent, not a high effect, they did prevent infection and — and — and subsequently, obviously transmission. However, it’s important to point out something that we did not know early on that became evident as the months went by is that the durability of protection against infection, and hence transmission was relatively limited, whereas the duration of protection against severe disease, hospitalization, and deaths was more prolonged. We did not know that in the beginning. In the beginning it was felt that, in fact, it did prevent infection and thus transmission but that was proven as time went by to not be a durable effect.”


PREMO Member
💉💉 We must be entering a major new narrative phase. The UK Telegraph blew up the internet yesterday, as it surely knew it would, when it ran this unthinkable and long-overdue headline: “Covid vaccines may have helped fuel rise in excess deaths.” The sub-headline exposed the safe and effective lie: “Experts call for more research into side effects and possible links to mortality rates.”

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Before continuing, let’s pause and reflect on how badly many of our poor, deluded fellow citizens must be feeling now. Don’t overlook the narrative’s creeping timeline. One month ago, the New York Times ran its unthinkable long-form article about vaccine injuries, gloomily reciting deplorable reports about dozens of jab-injured medical professionals — including even the editor-in-chief of the Journal Vaccine.

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Around the same time, corporate media widely reported that Britain’s main covid vaccine was a healthcare disaster and was yanked from the market.

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And now, this. What must diehard jab defenders who took four or more shots be thinking now? They have been well-trained to dismiss the odd study here and there and fall back on the “ultra rare” theory of injury — all vaccines have SOME risk! — but the rising crescendo of criticism in corporate media is getting as hard to ignore as a bad case of mRNA tinnitus.

The Telegraph reported a new study published in the top-tier British Medical Journal, which finally admitted a couple of things we’ve been shouting about for at least the last two years. First, it admitted excess deaths are inexplicably off the charts. And finally it made the obvious temporal connection to the jabs. And worst of all — it’s not getting better:

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The article — quoting the study — highlighted the hypocrisy of the public health establishment, which during the pandemic pounded the table about the importance of every single life. But suddenly, public health officials are deafer than deaf adders, now that jab injuries are piling up like bodybags in a covid commercial:

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It’s right in the name: “excess deaths.” If every death matters, where is the international, all-of-government response to the mysterious excess deaths problem? Where is the W.H.O.? Is the real problem this time that no ‘vaccine’ can allegedly cure things and make all the well-connected folks even richer?

And, I hate to laugh because of the incredibly dark subject matter, but laughably, the safe and effective vaccine side effects are mounting up:

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That awful list of safe and effective side effects is getting longer and longer. It’s growing even though they’re still minimizing (e.g., they left off cancer). At some point, it will dawn on the dimmest bulbs among that, even if individual side effects are ‘rare,’ when you total up all the rare side effects, it starts to amount to something that is not rare.

The article concluded considering whether other pandemic measures, like deferred cancer screenings (now they talk cancer!), could be all or even part of the climbing excess death tragedy. Even if true — it’s an impoverished theory that fails to explain still increasing excess deaths — but even if true, it would still condemn the public health establishment. After all, public health officials caused the deferred cancer screenings in the first place, with their totally wrongheaded pandemic lockdowns and mandates.

What should we make of all this new fuel for vaccine hesitancy? About ten minutes ago, this BMJ study would never have been published. Even if published, it would have only appeared in some throwaway rag, like the “Caribbean Journal of Veterinary Allergy Studies.” Not in the BMJ. When you combine the New York Times’ jab injury article with AstraZeneca being thrown under the bus, and add these new admissions of excess deaths and vaccine questions, the walls of Vaccine Jericho are starting to tremble.

I’m not looking a gift needle in the plunger. The new study is a win. Revealing the excess deaths/jabs problem is critical, so experts are allowed to talk about it. But I suspect politics are involved. I sense a plan emerging, a new Big Narrative, that will probably become much clearer soon.

And let us not discount the mental injury winging toward people who went all-in on trusting the government and demanding mandates. It’s only going to hurt for a very long time.



PREMO Member
🔥🔥 In the same vein of major new pandemic revelations, consider this remarkable admission, which earned a Washington Post headline early this week:

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In other words, they made it all up. We already knew that. It’s not news. And Fauci’s weaselly explanation to Congress remains unsatisfying. But just think about what this ‘news’ is doing to WaPo’s readers’ brains, after they uncritically gobbled up this woeful pseudo-science snack.

They are only now admitting “it wasn’t based on data.” Back at the time, as I am sure you will never forget, they battered us with the constant refrain: follow the science:

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They never said, “There’s no data, but just trust us.”

But… what science? Science without data? COVID task force science head Fauci, who is a bigger human cockroach than the main character in Kafka’s The Metamorphosis, and who is perhaps the Nation’s most skilled bureaucratic blame-avoider, explained to Congress that nobody is responsible for the incredibly destructive six-foot rule. “It just sort of appeared,” Fauci testified, with a straight face:

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See! Don’t be judgy. Nobody is to blame. The six-foot rule invented itself. And then, after its glorious self-creation, the self-invented rule became official CDC policy, and then they crammed it down our throats faster than North Korean interrogators force-feeding political prisoners on a hunger strike.

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One time, at band camp

I’m not exaggerating all the weaselly blame-avoiding. Apparently, scientists do this whenever we follow their theories, but things turn out wrong. When asked, the CDC refused to say who was involved in the historically demonic decision, first blaming it on an anonymous “team” (spreading the blame around), and finally settling on the pathetic and unlikely excuse that the rule emerged de novo, like Venus on the half-shell, from an antique 1955 study:

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We tried to follow the science, but the science gave us the slip.



If I may ...
For your consideration ...

This spurious vaccine can only be administered to a patient/person with a prescription from a doctor. So how could anyone wearing an official looking medical cloak inject this poison into anyone driving up to the injection table or walking into their local pharmacy? Only a doctor knows a patient's medical history and should know if the person receiving the poison is in good enough health, or is in actual need for it.

Me thinks there should be lawsuits for those who administrated a prescription drug without a doctor's proper prescription for any person getting said poison.
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He Made $710 Million Dollars!!! Dr Fauci Gets DESTROYED for Lies & Scam Science He Made Up​



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A Minnesota jury found 5 of the 7 Somali defendants guilty of stealing millions of dollars in Covid funds intended to feed children.

70 members of the Somali community in Minnesota stole about $250 million in Covid funds. The seven defendants on trial related to the scheme were accused of stealing more than $40 million in taxpayer money.

Millions of dollars went overseas to Somalia. 80% of the stolen Covid money was never recovered.

“The verdict confirms what we’ve known all along, which is that defendants falsified documents, they lied and they fraudulently claimed to be feeding millions of meals to children in Minnesota during COVID,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Joseph Thompson said. “The defendants took advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic to defraud the state of Minnesota and to steal tens of millions of dollars.”

The guilty verdict comes after a juror was offered a bag of cash to vote to acquit. A Somali woman showed up at one of the juror’s homes with $120,000 in cash. The juror was ultimately dismissed. The FBI is still investigating the bribe.
