Covid Response Fallout


PREMO Member
💉💉 Yesterday, I reported on Steven Crowder’s hidden-camera exposé about the sick pervert who ran New York City’s covid response. The story made the New York Times. Here’s the ridiculously watered-down headline:

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Partied? It sounds like he just went to a disco. Social Distancing? What about getting people fired for not taking the experimental jabs? Preaching? How about bragging how unbearable he made people’s lives for public health purposes?

It was the driest article I’ve ever seen from the Grey Lady, who is no stranger to controversy and scandal. The author’s tone was relentlessly neutral, verging on clinical, seething with barely restrained resentment at being forced to report it at all. While the article did refer, several times, to Varma’s orgies and his deviant, drug-addled sexcapades, it was only unemotionally and remotely, consistently applying the dry, uncreative label, “sex parties.”

This time, the Times’ journalistic thesaurus was not in evidence.

Although the Times rounded up several people to quote for the story, none directly criticized Dr. Vermin, I mean Dr. Varma, except for his hypocrisy in imposing mandates and lockdowns while breaking his own rules:

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Absent from the reporting was even a hint of moral concern over his ghastly conduct, his poor judgment, his pill-popping, or his swinging pediatrician wife, Melissa.

Nor did the Times report Varma’s gloating about how unbearable he made New Yorkers’ livers, to force them to get the shots.

The Times never mentioned vile Dr. Varma’s illegal drug use, not one single time. In a sane world, police would be investigating him right now. Astonishingly, the Times even edited out Varma’s own self-criticism, which would have made the story much more interesting, the admission his own behavior was “all this deviant sexual stuff.”

Again, in a sane world, verminous Varma would be permanently driven from polite society. The Times found nothing to condemn in Varma except his private inconsistency with his public policies. But the readers aren’t insane. You should see the article’s comments. Here’s one very telling example:

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Yep, that commenter was wrong.

But at the end of the day, they had to cover the story. They didn’t trot out the time-worn “Republicans pounce” trope. And even if they only covered despicable Dr. Varma as just another ‘pandemic hypocrisy’ story, and even if it never appears in print again, they were nonetheless forced to cover it as straight news.

Crowder’s independent hidden-camera journalism broke through.

Also remarkably, Varma’s vile story —or at least its hypocritical angle— was widely covered by corporate media. The Atlantic’s was the worst take of all:

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Relatable? Speak for yourself, Atlantic.



PREMO Member
💉💉 Yesterday, I reported on Steven Crowder’s hidden-camera exposé about the sick pervert who ran New York City’s covid response. The story made the New York Times. Here’s the ridiculously watered-down headline:

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🔥🔥 The glacier-like Covid Accountability Express continues chugging slowly down the tracks. It is painfully slow, but it does continue moving forward. Yesterday saw some terrific updates in the stomach-turning Dr. Jay Varma story. First of all, the Atlantic stealth-edited its hilarious sub-headline:

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The first subheadline, which I reported last week, called Dr. Varma’s sex-parties relatable: “Public Health Officials Should Have Been Talking About Their Sex Parties the Whole Time — At least it would have shown that they’re relatable.

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Relatable? To whom? Who else was spending their spare time during the pandemic attending perverted, Ecstasy-fueled orgies? Who had even thought of something like that, before conservative podcaster Steven Crowder broke his hidden-camera exposé of New York’s top covid scientist?

Unsurprisingly, folks on social media started mocking the degenerates at The Atlantic who said they “related” to Dr. Varma. The mocking apparently worked. The edited sub-headline now reads, “An absurd lesson in transparency and hypocrisy.”

It was absurd all right. The good news is shame still exists. It turns out that shame has been badly underrated.

But even better was yesterday’s New York Post headline: “Ex-NYC COVID czar fired from job after copping to drug-fueled sex parties during pandemic.” Boom!

After leaving his lucrative taxpayer-funded job wrecking New York City, Dr. Varma landed another lucrative job with a publicly traded pharmaceutical company, SIGA Technologies. Yesterday, SIGA unemotionally notified the Securities and Exchange Commission that it fired Dr. Varma.

“On September 23, 2024, the Board of Directors of SIGA Technologies (NASDAQ: SIGA) terminated Dr. Jay Varma, effective immediately, other than for cause, from his position as Executive Vice President and Chief Medical Officer of the Company,” the firm explained in its SEC filing.

The concupiscent covid expert’s pain isn’t over yet. Bipartisan outrage at the shameless scientist is building in New York. Yesterday, the Post reported that “enraged city business owners and parents joined lawmakers on the steps of City Hall” to protest slimy Dr. Varma.

“Varma boasted about harassing people into submission over the vaccine mandate and admitted to participating in illegal sex parties, all while he, former Health Commissioner Dr. David Chokshi, and then-Mayor Bill de Blasio imposed draconian measures that shut down the entire city,” City Councilman Bob Holden (D-Queens) complained, adding “the hypocrisy is outrageous.”

Holden called Dr. Varma’s sudden and unexpected firing “a good first step.”

City Councilwoman Inna Vernikov (R-Brooklyn) raged, “While grandmothers took their last breaths alone on cold hospital beds, Dr. Varma was fulfilling his sick fantasies with hundreds of sweaty strangers.”

Now, almost five years later, officials like Dr. Varma are still being brought to account. I get it, it should be jail, but there’s a bigger message being sent to all the other so-called covid and vaccine experts. They probably thought we would forget and move on, what with everything else going on around the world and here at home. But we haven’t forgotten, and these so-called men of science are still taking the online bait and getting set up to be taken down.

We haven’t forgotten, and we won’t forget. Never.

You have to admit, disgusting Dr. Varma’s firing is a little encouraging.



PREMO Member

Former NIH official accused of making emails 'disappear' pleads Fifth to COVID subcommittee

"Instead of using NIH’s FOIA office to provide the transparency and accountability that the American people deserve, it appears that ‘FOIA Lady’ Margaret Moore assisted efforts to evade federal recordkeeping laws," said Rep. Brad Wenstrup from Ohio, chairman of the subcommittee.

He added, "Her alleged scheme to help NIH officials delete COVID-19 records and use their personal emails to avoid FOIA is appalling and deserves a thorough investigation."

Moore's legal team has defended her right to abstain from testifying, claiming that the former NIH employee has been willing to aid the investigation via alternative means.

"Ms. Moore has cooperated with the Select Subcommittee through counsel to find an alternative to her sitting for an interview, including expediting her own FOIA request for her own documents, which she provided to the Select Subcommittee voluntarily," her legal team wrote.

Moore worked for NIAID for over three decades and at one point served as a special assistant to Dr. Anthony Fauci.

She is accused of teaching "tricks" to other members of NIAID to hide records and evade FOIA requests.

"I learned from our foia lady here how to make emails disappear after I am foia’d but before the search starts," Fauci senior advisor Dr. David Morens wrote in an email sent from his personal Gmail account in Feb. 2021. "Plus I deleted most of those earlier emails after sending them to gmail."


PREMO Member
💉💉 Fox News ran a fascinating story yesterday headlined, “Former NIH official accused of making emails 'disappear' pleads Fifth to COVID subcommittee.” Ironically, pandemic-era NIH emails obtained through FOIA described NIH public records employee Margaret Moore as “the lady who helps make emails disappear.” She was subpoenaed to testify to the House Pandemic Committee and decided (wisely) to plead her Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination.

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The NIH covid expert who mentioned Ms. Moore’s email disappearing skills, Dr. David Morens, later claimed he was just joking. Haha! Good one!

Like many pandemic-era officials, Margaret has now retired, so she can’t be compelled to testify in her official capacity, making it harder for the committee to get her to talk. But in order to successfully assert a Fifth Amendment defense, at some point the witness is required to identify what crime they believe they could be incriminated for. I can’t wait.
