

Does my butt look big?
I am in Pa where there are LOTS of coyotes ...they are fat and healthy that one is sick...shoot it...a coyote is a varmit and you can shoot them anytime..get rid of that one.


My husband shot that raccoon 5-6 would not ran after us, came right up on my porch..even looked in our front storm door at us..making a growling freaked us out so bad...
It was night and we had just gotten home from work. My husband heard it in the woods and told my son and I to run and get in the house NOW......I was shaking so bad I could not get the key in the door..when it finally came unlocked son and I fell in.....I was shaking so bad I could not get the key in the door, if you could have heard the sound that thing was making it was like from a horror show...


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
My husband shot that raccoon 5-6 would not ran after us, came right up on my porch..even looked in our front storm door at us..making a growling freaked us out so bad...
It was night and we had just gotten home from work. My husband heard it in the woods and told my son and I to run and get in the house NOW......I was shaking so bad I could not get the key in the door..when it finally came unlocked son and I fell in.....I was shaking so bad I could not get the key in the door, if you could have heard the sound that thing was making it was like from a horror show...

No typing whole paragraphs in MJ or KJo threads. :nono:
My husband shot that raccoon 5-6 would not ran after us, came right up on my porch..even looked in our front storm door at us..making a growling freaked us out so bad...
It was night and we had just gotten home from work. My husband heard it in the woods and told my son and I to run and get in the house NOW......I was shaking so bad I could not get the key in the door..when it finally came unlocked son and I fell in.....I was shaking so bad I could not get the key in the door, if you could have heard the sound that thing was making it was like from a horror show...

Oh! I saw that movie before! Cujo, right? :clap:


no, one of his hand guns.....he was trying not to shot it in the head..they use the head to test for the just would not die..freaky.....


New Member
What the hell was he shooting it with? Rubber bands?


:lol: Well, I saw it from behind and thought, "Wow, that's a really dark deer," and then I got closer and saw it was grey and thought, "Wow, I've never seen a grey deer," and then as I drove past it, I saw its little big face and I swear it was the sweetest little dead donkey you've ever seen. :frown: It reminded me of when we used to visit my grandma in the Arizona desert and she'd take us to Oatman and the poor burros would be lying around in the blazing sun, with their little tongues hanging out, gasping for breath. :bawl:


New Member
no, one of his hand guns.....he was trying not to shot it in the head..they use the head to test for the just would not die..freaky.....



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New Member
Does anyone else see a strong resemblance to mojo in that first pic of the skinny cat mj's afraid of?
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