CPU Fried?


Its more than id like to type here but for me its something ive done on all my systems. I Overclocked the already fast quad because im a tweaker and a gamer. I want the most from my system at all times.
just curious.....how do you overclock? isn't a quad core fast enough?
I'll stick with Vista for a bit to learn more, if it causes too many problems I'm going back to XP.
I read up on Vista's ReadyBoost capability by increasing your Memory using USB thumb drives. Has anyone tried it yet? I already have 3Gigs of RAM, would sticking in a 2GB USB Thumb drive make a difference?

Even if you could stick a thumb drive in and add it to the core memory allocation (which I have no clue that you can), the speed of the USB is 480Mb/s, MUCH slower than internal memory. Add the time it takes to do the read/write to the stick memory and you'd be slowing down the performance of the whole PC.

Of course, not having been exposed to that particular config, I could be blowing smoke here... Just my gut feeling.


Its more than id like to type here but for me its something ive done on all my systems. I Overclocked the already fast quad because im a tweaker and a gamer. I want the most from my system at all times.

yeah, I would try, but don't have the guts to touch a cpu anymore. when I make more money, I'll splurge on building a pc from scratch and try new things.
btw, did you get Call Of Duty 4? I hope my pc can handle it, might need a new graphics card.


Even if you could stick a thumb drive in and add it to the core memory allocation (which I have no clue that you can), the speed of the USB is 480Mb/s, MUCH slower than internal memory. Add the time it takes to do the read/write to the stick memory and you'd be slowing down the performance of the whole PC.

Of course, not having been exposed to that particular config, I could be blowing smoke here... Just my gut feeling.

here is a link I read about ReadyBoost for Vista:
Hacking Vista: Optimize Core OS Components: Using a USB storage device to add memory


yeah, I would try, but don't have the guts to touch a cpu anymore. when I make more money, I'll splurge on building a pc from scratch and try new things.
btw, did you get Call Of Duty 4? I hope my pc can handle it, might need a new graphics card.

Yea im going to be getting it. I know 100% that im going to max out the settings already.

Oh BTW I OCed my quad from 3250 to 3500 last night. nice... Going from 2.4 to 3.5 :)


Yea im going to be getting it. I know 100% that im going to max out the settings already.

Oh BTW I OCed my quad from 3250 to 3500 last night. nice... Going from 2.4 to 3.5 :)

just curious, how much is your pc worth? what kind of graphics card do you have?


Worth? Its probally better I dont know... Just the water cooling alone was about 350.

For graphics right now I have 2 8600GTS's but as soon as they get in stock im getting some 8800GT's


Worth? Its probally better I dont know... Just the water cooling alone was about 350.


For graphics right now I have 2 8600GTS's but as soon as they get in stock im getting some 8800GT's

what's the difference between GS, GT, and GTS?
I have an 8500 GT, seems to work fine for me....just don't know how well it will work with CoD4 when I buy it.
I'm screwed, my mobo doesn't have SLI I think, so I can't take advantage of having dual graphics cards (can't afford it anyway)
Well, if you no longer need those 8600 GTS, i'll take them off your hands


Yea water cooling is no joke. The rads were about 50 bucks a pop and the water blocks are about 30-70 a pop not to mention all the connectors and hose and special coolant and all.

Umm 8500GT's are basic cards. Nothing neat about them so im not sure if you are going to play COD4 at full settings.

It generally goes GT, GTS, GTX but the new 8800GTs are kicking some butt and are now the "best" card for a price/performance.

Sorry but once I get my new cards these GTS's are going into my backup AMD rig :)


Yea water cooling is no joke. The rads were about 50 bucks a pop and the water blocks are about 30-70 a pop not to mention all the connectors and hose and special coolant and all.

Umm 8500GT's are basic cards. Nothing neat about them so im not sure if you are going to play COD4 at full settings.

It generally goes GT, GTS, GTX but the new 8800GTs are kicking some butt and are now the "best" card for a price/performance.

Sorry but once I get my new cards these GTS's are going into my backup AMD rig :)

:razz: i guess I'll be buying CoD4 for the Xbox360


do you play multiplayer? I was playing CoD2 the other night and there were some guys that said CoD4 wasn't all that. It looked awesome in the IGN trailer.


COD4 kicks butt in so many ways. The people that said that are probally the same people playing quake still and loving the graphics HAHA

Patch Tuesday

I have....maybe had.....an AMD Athlon X2 4400+ CPU (in a HP Pavilion)
I was cleaning the dust out of my desktop because for some reason my computer kept freezing up, I know I don't have any viruses or spyware, so I assume my cpu was getting too hot. Anyway, I did find a lot of dust inside so I started cleaning it out. I took out the fan and heat sink that was on top of the cpu because there was a lot of dust built up inside. But for some reason when I took the fan and heat sink out, the cpu was still attached on the bottom. I've touched almost everything inside a pc before, but never messed around with the cpu. So I put the cpu back in and the heat sink and fan on top, and turned the pc on....nothing came up, no BIOS, just a black screen.
So took the stuff out again, and noticed I had bent a few pins on the cpu......I didn't know about the lever you need to put up before seating the cpu in. I'm not sure, but I might have put the cpu in the wrong way.
:doh: How did the cpu come out if the stupid lever was supposed to lock the cpu in place?!!!
So I carefully straightened the pins back into place with a tiny flat edge screw driver, put the cpu in the right way......and tried to turn on the pc, still nothing. I've tried numerous times, made sure pins are all straight, yet still nothing. Could I have killed it? :bawl:

Happens all the time...

They put sticky thermal grease between the fan/heatsink and the CPU. It practically cements the two together over time...

There's a dot on the corner of the CPU and a dot or marking on the motherboard CPU insert slot. Make sure they are aligned...
