Crabbing Restrictions


New Member
Pound nets don't catch crabs for commercial harvest, they catch fish.

I never heard of commercial crabbing a trot line. No wonder he's not making money.

Have you been out on our local waters? Crab pots cover the shallows all around us, not just on the eastern shore. They need to be stopped now before we lose a fabulous resource.

Who are you? Do you know Nothing??? pound nets will catch crabs but you are not allowed to keep them, thats what I am trying to say, there are dishonest watermen that take the crabs from the nets and sell them.

And yes you can commercial trotline.

I am going to assume that you live oon the potomac river where crab pots are allowed (Virginia allows them. They are not allowed in the Patuxent./


New Member
I agree - they shouldn't be allowed to take females.

This may have been brought up - I'm not going to read all the posts.

How many people do you know that won't eat a female?
When you make the choice to buy crabs do you chose males at more $$ or females at less?

I'm guessing that many will pay more. So what happens to all those females?
I'd be curious to know how many actually see a picnic table vs. being thrown out.
And if they're cheaper why would that cause crab prices to go up? I don't see how it could, it's a change that the crab supplier will use to say, "prices went up because you know we can't sell females now, not as many crabs". But is that a truth?


New Member
I agree - they shouldn't be allowed to take females.

This may have been brought up - I'm not going to read all the posts.

How many people do you know that won't eat a female?
When you make the choice to buy crabs do you chose males at more $$ or females at less?

I'm guessing that many will pay more. So what happens to all those females?
I'd be curious to know how many actually see a picnic table vs. being thrown out.
And if they're cheaper why would that cause crab prices to go up? I don't see how it could, it's a change that the crab supplier will use to say, "prices went up because you know we can't sell females now, not as many crabs". But is that a truth?

I don't eat female crabs, I personally never have, they aren't as appealing. And prices will go up for anything crab meat, the less you have of it, the higher the price.


Obama destroyed America
Who are you? Do you know Nothing??? pound nets will catch crabs but you are not allowed to keep them, thats what I am trying to say, there are dishonest watermen that take the crabs from the nets and sell them.

And yes you can commercial trotline.

I am going to assume that you live oon the potomac river where crab pots are allowed (Virginia allows them. They are not allowed in the Patuxent./
No watermans wife, I know nothing. :duh: 46 years living here and I'm almost as stoopid as you are. :duh:

I suggest your hubby get himself a REAL job and stop whining about the chicken neckers putting him out of business. :killingme


New Member
I don't eat female crabs, I personally never have, they aren't as appealing. And prices will go up for anything crab meat, the less you have of it, the higher the price.

I guess what I'm getting at is if nobody (majority) is eating them then how can their be less? Less waste maybe, but actually less crab meat?


New Member
I guess what I'm getting at is if nobody (majority) is eating them then how can their be less? Less waste maybe, but actually less crab meat?

Maybe answer to own question. Is packaged crab meat primarily female?
Any professional pickers on here?


New Member
Personally, I think they should put a moratorium on crabs for a few years like they did with the rockfish, you see what it did for them, best thing that ever happened, now there's too many of them LOL. How long has it been since anyone has seen a Chesapeake blue crab that had an 11" shell? I know I have not seen one in about 25 years!

Besides, the crabs you buy at the local seafood shacks are not from the Chesapeake anyway, but the word "Chesapeake" is what sells them, so, it's not like you won't be able to get them, but, the local crab houses base their prices on the local blue crabs prices even though they come from out of state... this is a known fact.

pretty interesting huh?

I say, ban crabbing, both commercial and recreational, for a few years and then in a few years we have some really good eatin', just like the old days. Just think about how much cheaper they would also... AND do the same thing with the oysters in the bay, but, over fishing is not totally the issue here either, but, moratoriums would be a great solution to a dying crustacean, we have already seen the government push out the areas tobacco heritage, do we want to lose the crabs and oysters too. Isn't it sad when you ask the younger generations, What is Southern Maryland known for? and they reply "WAL-MART"?

I guess it's getting to the point where the roadside tourist shops are no longer able to sell Maryland Crab shot glasses and mugs and towels and crab knockers, since we don't have crabs no more, what are we gonna sell to tourists? Won't be long now until the tourists say... What's a crab?

I know what we can sell, direction maps to get around all the subdivisions and housing complexes that used to be corn and tobacco fields.

My point is, do you really know why Maryland tobacco cigarettes cost so much now? Well, I'll tell you. Because farmers felt it was a good idea to grow less of it 'cause they could set back on their cans for a good 10 years and collect my, no, OUR, tax money free-o-charge, therefore creating more demand and driving up the cost due to lack of supply!!!!!!!!!!! So, the next time you hear a farmer complain about the government running them out of business, just tell them what they already know, the govt. set the trap and they bit the cheese, SNAP!

Why do Marylanders go to Virginia to get cigarettes? It's a simple as crab soup, they grow more, there is more, therefore it's cheaper, you know the old saying... I don't have to shop there just because I work there, well, here you go Maryland, this is why we go south... What do I mean and how does this relate to crabs? The crab houses buy them from out of state suppliers, they have more, there is more... wait didn't I already explain this... think about that.

Now, how much are those little tiny baby blue crabs, you know, the ones from out of state that you are so committed to buying? They being the same ones that the little Chinese guys at Point Lookout swear are legal! LMAO!

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Maybe answer to own question. Is packaged crab meat primarily female?
Any professional pickers on here?

Yes, over in Crisfield, MD all of the crab meat that is picked out is female. I know people that will not eat females, but when you buy the meat in the store 9 times out of 10 it is female meat.

Dead Eye
History tends to repeat itself over and over. In the Chesapeake bay area there is a cycle were either rockfish or bluefish reign supreme, it’s a very long cycle. During the great depression if one were to go fishing all that could be caught was a rockfish and the crabs were not that plentiful . In the 70’s all that could be caught were blue fish and crabs abound. Now we have spent years with the rockfish a plenty and crab population dwindling. There was a lot more bluefish caught last year than the year before as the cycle is again turning. Ever cut open the stomach of a rockfish and examine its contents? I can almost guarantee you that if there are any baby crabs around that is what there belly will be stuffed with. Draw your own conclusions .


New Member
History tends to repeat itself over and over. In the Chesapeake bay area there is a cycle were either rockfish or bluefish reign supreme, it’s a very long cycle. During the great depression if one were to go fishing all that could be caught was a rockfish and the crabs were not that plentiful . In the 70’s all that could be caught were blue fish and crabs abound. Now we have spent years with the rockfish a plenty and crab population dwindling. There was a lot more bluefish caught last year than the year before as the cycle is again turning. Ever cut open the stomach of a rockfish and examine its contents? I can almost guarantee you that if there are any baby crabs around that is what there belly will be stuffed with. Draw your own conclusions .

your exactly right. my dad told me alot of the times when you catch a rockfish you can cut it open and find baby crabs in it. But it seems to me that everyone is agreed that something needs to be done, regardless of what it is. Whether its the banning keeping female crabs or just a complete moratorioum(sp) on crabbing all together for a few years. Which I would hate to see the moratorium, but if it comes down to that, then it needs and should be done. I will give up a few years of crabbing for the crabs to come back strong like they used to be.


Active Member
It's coming around. Virginia finally getting on board w/ not dredging females in the winter. DNR finally putting restrictions on females commercial watermen can keep. No females for recreational crabbers, including trot line. A big problem is policing it and enforcing it. DNR cops can't watch everybody. And when times are hard, 95 percent of watermen are going to keep that little basket on the side with the small and mixed crabs, not to mention recreational folks who will keep anything.

But restrictions and limits don't guarantee anything. Bay grasses and pollution are a hurt, too. Grasses provide the cover for young crabs and softshells. The resurgence of the croaker also hurts young crabs as they are a known predator, just like rock. I think they should head towards a buyout for watermen at a certain age, kind of a retirement since a lot of them don't have one. They could pass on their license to someone in the family, who probably would hold the license but not use it full-time since it may not be enough income.