cracked ribs



what can you do for them? I think I cracked a few coughing a week ago and have to say its very painful. I don't wish this on my worst enemy.


ummm vince this pain sucks i don't want to be in it anymore than i already have been. its been a week today. sleepless nights suck :(

Libertytranny i will try what you said and see if it helps. I was taking ibuphrophin (sp) 800mg yesterday and this am. Thanks for your help :)

Desertrat i might just do that next week if the pain doesn't get any better as I can't really do anything due to it...i laugh it hurts i cray it hurts i take a deep breath or yawn or cough it hurts and sleepign is out of the picture as I can't sit or lay comfortably.


Methodically disorganized
i laugh it hurts i cray it hurts i take a deep breath or yawn or cough it hurts and sleepign is out of the picture as I can't sit or lay comfortably.
If you actually go to the doctor and do have a cracked rib, the only thing that will be different is you will have another bill to pay.

On another note... now I'm hungry for ribs. :yum:


ok i see you all are saying there is nothing they can do for cracked ribs. that sucks..i was hopign there was something they could give me for the pain so i can sleep at night and be able to function during the day :(
ummm vince this pain sucks i don't want to be in it anymore than i already have been. its been a week today. sleepless nights suck :(

Libertytranny i will try what you said and see if it helps. I was taking ibuphrophin (sp) 800mg yesterday and this am. Thanks for your help :)

Desertrat i might just do that next week if the pain doesn't get any better as I can't really do anything due to it...i laugh it hurts i cray it hurts i take a deep breath or yawn or cough it hurts and sleepign is out of the picture as I can't sit or lay comfortably.

I can relate. I had a couple broken and cracked. My buds thought it was great fun to get me to laugh.


Material Girl
PREMO Member
Is there any body part left on you that hasn't been broken or punctured? :popcorn:


Duct tape

:yeahthat: you can tape em up and get some pain meds...

I cracked mine in high school skiing.....don't fall with your pole planted in the ground.....or at least not into the pole...

anyway...Go to the Doc and get some pain meds...that will help alot more than some motrin....

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
:yeahthat: you can tape em up and get some pain meds...

I cracked mine in high school skiing.....don't fall with your pole planted in the ground.....or at least not into the pole...

anyway...Go to the Doc and get some pain meds...that will help alot more than some motrin....

I meant to tape her fingers together so she stops these idiotic, hypocondriac posts :lmao:


USMC 1983-1995
DO NOT TAPE or BIND YOUR RIBS. Go to the doc for a medical determination, get a good script for pain and a sling if you need it. You need to keep the arm on the side of 'fracture' as immobile as possible. It worked for me when I cracked mine.
It'll take a while before it heals - you just have to deal with it.


well they do suck...or should i say the tech that doesn't know what she is talking about sucked bigtime for telling me one thing and then the radiologist doing another and it taking them almost a week to get my doctor result. i will give them another try as this is the first problem i have had with them the other times they were good and pretty quick with getting info to my doctor.


Dream Stealer
Are we not reading that she thinks she cracked them coughing? more than likely its costochonritis..not cracked ribs. And pain meds likely WONT do more than advil is antiinfamatory and will treat the swelling of the surrounding tissue. Bones don't "feel" pain, it is the surrounding tissue that gets damaged and inflamed that hurts. 800 mg advil is the safest and best way to treat the costochondritis. I really don't think she cracked ribs coughing.


Are we not reading that she thinks she cracked them coughing? more than likely its costochonritis..not cracked ribs. And pain meds likely WONT do more than advil is antiinfamatory and will treat the swelling of the surrounding tissue. Bones don't "feel" pain, it is the surrounding tissue that gets damaged and inflamed that hurts. 800 mg advil is the safest and best way to treat the costochondritis. I really don't think she cracked ribs coughing.

i bet you are probably right with it being costochonritis (sp). i been popping ibuprophin(sp) that is what i got in the house right now


aka Mrs. Giant
I concur with Liberty. I've never heard of anybody cracking their ribs coughing.

Though having been severely sick before, I know that the pain for intense coughing is real. Yet, the doctor's are not going to prescribe pain pills for it. That's just idiotic.

However, if she is that sick, perhaps she should go to the doctor and make sure she doesn't have bronchitis or something else that she would need meds for. Those meds may be for a suppressant or inhaler or whatever, but they still will not be pain meds.
I concur with Liberty. I've never heard of anybody cracking their ribs coughing.

Though having been severely sick before, I know that the pain for intense coughing is real. Yet, the doctor's are not going to prescribe pain pills for it. That's just idiotic.

However, if she is that sick, perhaps she should go to the doctor and make sure she doesn't have bronchitis or something else that she would need meds for. Those meds may be for a suppressant or inhaler or whatever, but they still will not be pain meds.

But don't you think that to be on the safe side she should immobilize her arms until the pain goes away... work with me here... don't you thing that could help us all, but most importantly her?