But don't you think that to be on the safe side she should immobilize her arms until the pain goes away... work with me here... don't you thing that could help us all, but most importantly her?
Cough suppressant.
Just sayin'.....
I concur with Liberty. I've never heard of anybody cracking their ribs coughing.
Though having been severely sick before, I know that the pain for intense coughing is real. Yet, the doctor's are not going to prescribe pain pills for it. That's just idiotic.
However, if she is that sick, perhaps she should go to the doctor and make sure she doesn't have bronchitis or something else that she would need meds for. Those meds may be for a suppressant or inhaler or whatever, but they still will not be pain meds.
it makes me very tired and it makes me go all night without coughing from the time i take it til the time i wake in the am which is wonderful.
What about the laughing and crying?
But you aren't sleeping.
But you aren't sleeping.
i got the problem while i had bronchitis and am still coughing a little here and there not as bad as I was for the last month and the pain hit me last week when I had a bad coughing spell that is why i thought i might have cracked a rib. I am on a very strong cough med that I can only take at night as it has codein (sp) in it and it makes me very tired and it makes me go all night without coughing from the time i take it til the time i wake in the am which is wonderful.
I concur with Liberty. I've never heard of anybody cracking their ribs coughing.
I have. My coworker's cousin's ex-bf's sister knew someone who coughed so bad once she cracked a rib. Then it ended up puncturing her lung and she had to go to the hospital and they had to operate. At least that's what I heard.
I have. My coworker's cousin's ex-bf's sister knew someone who coughed so bad once she cracked a rib. Then it ended up puncturing her lung and she had to go to the hospital and they had to operate. At least that's what I heard.
i got the problem while i had bronchitis and am still coughing a little here and there not as bad as I was for the last month and the pain hit me last week when I had a bad coughing spell that is why i thought i might have cracked a rib. I am on a very strong cough med that I can only take at night as it has codein (sp) in it and it makes me very tired and it makes me go all night without coughing from the time i take it til the time i wake in the am which is wonderful.
Do you smoke?
no i don't smoke never have and never will either.
Do you have a boyfriend?
What about the laughing and crying?
Do you have a boyfriend?
And all this time you claimed to be happily married...
I was going to let her no that it could be a contagges disease.