Crazy prices for rent


New Member
Originally posted by Techno Kat
I hear you, terp03. I am assuming she went the "VISA" route and was turned down based on the fact that her and her husband are both currently employed and are showing great concern as to not having any credit established.

This is true, but I believe they will be able to find a Visa or Master Card credit card. I posted some suggestions on how this can be done with bad or no credit.


New Member
Originally posted by jazz lady
DING-DING-DING!!! That is the whole point. You have to discipline yourself and PAY IT OFF EVERY SINGLE MONTH. I first got a Fashion Bug charge and paid off the balance religiously every month. I then worked up to a regular credit card, doing the same thing. By the time I was ready to buy a car, I had established my credit-worthiness and had no problems securing the loan.

Agreed. The key is having that kind of discipline. If you can't trust yourself, I would do my best to avoid the store credit cards.


Enroll yourself in college.

Preapproved credit card offers will flood your mail box.

The first credit card i ever applied for was preapproved, and i sent in to get it, and they never replied. The bastards try to get me to get a card for years and then when i ask for one they never bother to reply. The only reasons why i have a credit card now at all is to build a credit history (though i have a pretty good one piggy backing on my mom's credit card through college) and to order things so when best buy tries to screw me i can just do a disputed charge and tell em to f themselves. I hate the idea of paying to use money. Screw interest. I'm putting off buying a new car just so i can pay in cash :)


New Member
trying to rent, trying to buy, no such luck :(

I am new here ... I've lived here in So MD for only about a year and half, my husband is original to this area. (grew up in Waldorf)

We are currently in a property mgmt rental, and have been working with a realtor the entire time, this is our 2nd realtor and hopefully will be more in tune with our needs. However, even though we aren't being very picky we can't find anything in our price range. We've been looking for something to buy, something to rent, something to rent with an option to buy .. anything. We've had contracts on homes that have underappraised, or have offered on homes and have been outbid by more than 20k over asking price. I am lost in the real estate here, same old stuff that stays up there for a reason, we are specifically looking to stay away from san souci / pax park / essex south because we didn't like the area too much. Other than that, we just want a 3 br in a nice neighborhood with a backyard.

Anyone selling for under 180? :dance: hehe

.. even .. Renting around 1200, with pet allowance? :bawl:


Re: trying to rent, trying to buy, no such luck :(

Originally posted by momof3
.. Renting around 1200, with pet allowance? :bawl:

try looking for one with a pet allowance and will approve a smoker - the pickn's get even slimmer then.