Credit Card Rant


Hot Flash
I should probably start a new thread but I feel this one is appropriate.

My bank wanted to charge me $10/month to "service" my accounts.

I have limited activity with my accounts and haven't set foot in the bank for years :cobwebs:

I called and asked to have $1 moved from my savings to my checking each month.

Problem solved.

Read your statements.

The banks have to make money but I don't want them having mine.


New Member
I should probably start a new thread but I feel this one is appropriate.

My bank wanted to charge me $10/month to "service" my accounts.

I have limited activity with my accounts and haven't set foot in the bank for years :cobwebs:

I called and asked to have $1 moved from my savings to my checking each month.

Problem solved.

Read your statements.

The banks have to make money but I don't want them having mine.

Yes. They will waive certain fees if you schedule a monthly transfer like that.. mine was from checking to savings

I finally bit the bullet and am in the process of switching to a credit union after being with BOA (it was Seafirst in WA before they merged a/o were bought out) since 96! I called the credit union last week to ask some questions, and all of my concerns were met by the answers that I was given as to what services can be done via local ATMs (they have no presence here) and by mail. You can also "deposit" a check by scanning it on your computer and uploading it via e-mail or some other method. They will soon have a photo app to do that same via cell. I had no idea all of these services were out there.

The banks have always had the means to make money without fees. Let them modernize and adjust just as every other business has to


the poor dad
When I opened my 1st store 6 years ago, the cost of the pin pad for debits was about $500. Equally high was the cost of one of the check verification machines that debits the checking account and spits to check back to return to the customer.

I dropped AMEX because their fees are so ridiculously high. I have not encountered one person that wanted to use AMEX that did not have another cc in their wallet. I have not encountered one customer that said they would not return because I do not have AMEX.

TPD, I can put you in touch with the company I switched to about 6 months ago that has the lowest fees around, sends monthly statements that explain all the charges and has been pleasant to deal with (as opposed to the other 2 processors that were impossible)

Agree on the AMEX. No Amex at my store and to my knowledge, I have not had anyone walk out without buying because I didn't accept it.

I found out the hard way. Like I said, I use my debit card all the time. I had something like 38 transactions in a month. Cost me the $38 bucks. Now everything is credit. Pisses me off when the retailer will only do debit, and I have to pay the fees! MY RANT.

Ahh - now you know my pain! Retailers prefer debit because then the cost of the transaction is bore by the consumer. But as we see here, when the consumer has to pay the fee, it becomes a big deal, but if business pays the fee - no problem, we are making plenty! :sarcasm: But as FF mentioned, the pin pad is not cheap.